文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China's dictatorship, which the virus cuts

2020年02月06日 23時39分51秒 | 全般

The following is from a column by Yoshiko Sakurai, published in the weekly Shincho released today, entitled 'China's dictatorship, which the virus cuts.'
Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai proves in this article that she is a 'national treasure.' as defined by Saichō.
Absolute man of power who reigns on 1.4 billion people, the reality of Xi Jinping president to become a life-long emperor of the 21st century, the new coronavirus is plucked out whether even this or even this.
This virus that occurred in Central China, Wuhan, may become the system of the dictatorship of the party of the Communist Party of China and trigger that prompt for Mr. Xi Jinping's exit.
Even if we don't go that far, the loosening of the base of the world's second-largest power will not help without significantly changing the dynamics of international politics.
The Xi administration's response to the virus has exposed the world that the CCP has not made any progress.
They have learned nothing from the experience of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 17 years ago.
Instead, it is retreating from that time.
At that time, the Chinese government was sharply criticized by the international community for 'hiding' information about SARS.
Nevertheless, President Hu Jintao at the time was evaluated as having made some effort in comparison with Xi's blunder.
The first case of SARS infection was confirmed in Guangdong Province in November 2002 and immediately spread to neighboring Hong Kong and the following March 2003 to Beijing.
A prominent virus researcher, Zhong Nanshan, revealed that the Chinese government had been hiding information following a Hong Kong media report.
By the way, Mr. Zhong released important information to the media that the new coronavirus, which was again hidden by the authorities, was 'infected from human to human.'
Mr. Hu was informed of the danger of SARS and shook up the mayor of Beijing and the Minister of Health, which were at the center of information hiding, and hastily disclosed the information.
Mr. Akio Yaita, Deputy Director of the Sankei Shimbun, explained the situation at the time.
"In the early stages of the SARS outbreak, the information was hidden, but Hu Jintao discarded the person in charge and decided to disclose the information. This time, the Chinese government should have had measures based on the experience of SARS. However, the Xi administration has basically taken no action. "
This draft continues.
