文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Today, there was an inspiration that contributes further to Japan and the world, as a result,

2017年01月20日 23時01分30秒 | 日記

People who were around me should remember that I often said that "genius hits upon a good idea, a man of no more ordinary talent does not".

Today, there was an inspiration that contributes further to Japan and the world, as a result, an important discovery.

I am convinced that my finding this time is worthy to be called from Japan and the world as one of the most important discoveries in the 21st century.

The opportunity is that I read the digital news from Sankei Shimbun.

After completing the job and returning home, I examined the era when the Vietnam War broke out and the era when Yoshida Sejiji wrote a story of a lie called a comfort women.

According to my inspiration, Yoshida Sejiji appeared after the Vietnam War.

It was August 1964 that the Tonkin Gulf Incident, which was the occasion for the outbreak of the Vietnam War, occurred.

In August 1964, a patrol boat of the North Vietnamese Army launched two torpedoes to the destroyer of the US Navy at Tonkin Bay off North Vietnam. As a result of this, the US government intervened in the Vietnam War in earnest and started the North bomb. (From Wikipedia)

Yoshida Seiji (October 15, 1913 - July 30, 2000) is a writer born in Fukuoka Prefecture.

In the 1980s, during the Great East Asian War (Pacific War), "Confession" was made to forcibly take Korean women ("comfort women hunt") and make them Japanese comfort women under military orders. This was taken up as a truth in the media, especially the Asahi Shimbun for a long time, and it became a big opportunity for the creation of "comfort women problem" which is becoming an international problem. However, in the follow-up survey, it cannot get objective support of Yoshida's testimony, and in contradiction of points of contradiction such as being disproved, it is a creation that his own testimony interwoven the argument in 1995 he admitted that. After that, he was not known for a long time around 1998 that he had been known for a long time, but it turned out that in 2014 he had already died in July 2000. There are many mysteries in his history (from Wikipedia)

First of all, as for this inspiration of this time, as mentioned above, it was ordered by a teacher of world history at the time of the second grade of high school, and it was 2 times, 2 hours in front of the brilliant students gathered from Miyagi prefecture that I stood at the podium instead of teacher for time, tell the fact that I am making the brain work (for it was to be too late) for Japan and the world.

My inspiration this time is also an extremely important discovery for Japan and the world.

For Japan, the best players in Japan who struggled day and night while thinking about the world, should have spent without thinking about the comfort women problem.

That is why I had a sense of shadow all the time since I saw articles about this comfort women issue.

That intuition also brought this inspiration.

Until this serious discovery today, when I began researching about Yoshida Seiji, I met an article telling him that he had contacted Korean information agencies and the people. It was as I expected.

Let's say a very serious conclusion suddenly here.

The troubled comfort women problem is the Korean army (Korean) who participated in the Vietnam War as a US alliance army, to hide the heavy war crime that Korean committed, using the highly suspicious person Yoshida Seiji, the Korean government, the information agency made it.

What this was a forge was as Yoshida Seiji himself admitted.

The Asahi Shimbun's 16 news reports were also forged, as the Asahi Shimbun made official apology in August three years ago and acknowledged it. After this interview, President of the Asahi Shimbun Company at the time resigned taking responsibility.

This article continues

Until the world knows the realities of neighboring country's totalitarian state, the Nazism state,

2017年01月20日 17時58分42秒 | 日記

I made a big contribution to Japan in particular (and of course for the world as well), learn in Germany, but letting the world know that it is anti-Japanese propaganda.

Not only that, the form that the Asahi Shimbun, the advocate of this propaganda, has continued to create, the short-lived government, frequent regime change, weakened the political power of Japan, and has significantly reduced the influence in the international community, that is, they have succeeded in dwarfing Japan.

In response to this, with Oda Nobunaga's big voice, give a crushing blow to them, and to silence them thoroughly is also a major contribution to my country and the world.

Kohl has 16 years, Merkel who succeeded is now 12 years, (It is no longer an established fact that she will line up with him this year), and I pointed out these rigid facts and silenced them thoroughly.

I mean, in a genuine sense, it learned from Germany. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the only thing that you should learn from Germany.

What the Asahi Shimbun Company and TV Asahi reporters must learn is one such point.

In Germany, Kohl one strong, Merkel one strong etc., with a label of less than elementary school students, repeated years of criticism of the government, weakened German politics and national strength, which seemed to have damaged enormous national interests, you have to learn from the fact that there is no stupid reporter.

So now the prime minister of the country located below Japan is fourth in the world's most influential human 75 and the Japanese prime minister is positioned in the 35th place or there is a reality.

In the case of Germany, journalism did so who did so. In Japan, journalism does so.

On the contrary, you must learn the distressed country Japan, which cannot know the actual situation, in a manner that has been corrupted and continued to degenerate, for the benefit of Germany.

Of course, unlike Germans, Japanese are human beings who do not possess the qualities or philosophy that slander foreigners who are not related as sinners in the same line as theirs.

Until the world knows the realities of neighboring country's totalitarian state, the Nazism state, you must continue to report daily until the world recovers the credibility and honor of Japan that you hurt so much.

This draft continues.

Until August of three years ago, when I was watching like every night without any doubt,

2017年01月20日 17時27分49秒 | 日記

The other day, I was watching "news station" of TV Asahi after a long absence.

Until August of three years ago, when I was watching like every night without any doubt, I was watching with a female announcer who performed a pretty face called Takeuchi.

What I have not affirmed against Tokyo Governor Koike is as described above. She is a Machiavellist, as her background tells.

The background of the Tokyo Governor's election run, taking the action of the Asahi Shimbun Company, it is true that she ran for running such a riot.

It is truthful that the Asahi Shimbun who wanted to overthrow the Abe administration, want to weaken, want the conflict within the LDP and want to divide, using the editorial board members.

As I mentioned before, I knew from the skin sensation that Tokyo staff were excellent staff in Japan, as I had frequent visits to Tokyo with a big investment in Tokyo. (Especially, it was not an exaggeration to say that the form of Osaka city staff at that time was to the heaven and the earth. There was also a difference between Tokyo and Osaka at a stretch)

Takeuchi announcer interviewed Governor Koike.

I was disgusted that Takeuchi was relentlessly trying to draw out remarks from Koike against the LDP.

Koike is not as shallow as the members of the Democratic Party (because it should not be believing in Machiavellism for show), everything Koike dodge those questions, and she was admonishing Takeuchi trying to take it in that direction.

This draft continues.


2017年01月20日 17時06分00秒 | 日記









It is stupid of her editor's note after editing ... It is abnormal from the beginning.

2017年01月20日 17時03分06秒 | 日記

Asahi Shimbun and TV Asahi, there are many people who believe in anti-Japanese propaganda that they can learn in Germany.

The other day, on the day when a top secret diplomatic document was released, in the right half of the page that published important documents related to former Prime Minister Nakasone and others, actor Iseya’s activity was introduced in a big article, many people who are disgusted by the severity of the brains of the Asahi Shimbun reporter named Minami Keiko who wrote the editorial note.

It is stupid of her editor's note after editing ... It is abnormal from the beginning. <Iseya-san was talking about it, "In education teaching correct answers, it will become a gear of the magistrate." I feel that the sense of crisis is also in the same generation as Iseya-san. How will I tell the policy of a strong administration called "Abe 1 strong"? I am thinking everyday as I am in charge of the prime minister’s official residence.


* A newspaper reporter, the role is simply to convey the facts. In education, teaching correct answers is their role.

Her editor's note after editing had demonstrated exactly what the Asahi Newspaper thinking was. All the Japanese citizens must read that sentence.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the result of using Tensei Jingo up to the university entrance examinations is the aspect of the world today.


Write in the next chapter what is very important and unknown, unknown in the brains of her and other media officials of the TV Asahi.

If you read it and learn the truth, it is the original idea that you will soon leave the speech community.

If it is a samurai era, everyone deserves seppuku.

This draft continues.

Far from being minus, it is a group of humans who are equal to criminals in the sense that

2017年01月20日 16時40分16秒 | 日記

There is one playwright. He was a professor at Osaka University. I heard that he lives in the apartment where my acquaintance lived. I never saw this person nor did I read a book, but for a long while I subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun, I would have shown respect for this person.

However, I think that he was on the Yomiuri Newspaper several years ago, but at the moment I read the article that he said that Japan should learn in Germany, my appreciation for him turned negative rather than zero.

Far from being minus, it is a group of humans who are equal to criminals in the sense that they have ceased the progress of the turntable of civilization, made an unstable and extremely dangerous world today.

When Japan became the world's second super economic superpower, Japan's GDP was the sum of Germany plus France plus half of the UK.

There is no country that is stupid like a country called a great country, such as learning in a country with a much smaller economic scale than your country.

Why in Japan is Asahi Shimbun and Kang Sang-jung as the leading, and so many so-called cultural people including the people at the beginning have continued to say foolish things that is not an overstatement even if it is said to be the brains of elementary school students or less.

I got a lot of discoveries, and each time I sent it to the world. Everything is important to the world, but among them, there is a discovery that a very important discovery is 70 years after the war, who has continued to place Japan as a political prisoner in the international community.

China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party. Since Tiananmen Incident, Jiang Zemin turned the eyes of the people, reversed the Japan-China friendship to that day, and started anti-Japanese propaganda in order to maintain their regime. The one-party dictators of the Communist Party are still continuing it.

As I have mentioned many times that Korea is a Nazism state that has changed its history to its own nation and continues to conduct anti-Japanese education. Everything happening in this country demonstrates that.

As a result of participating in the Vietnam War, Korea gained over 300,000 US immigration limits. It is not an exaggeration to say that the reality is a country of living hell Korean people abandoned their country and immigrated to the United States in large quantities.

They did not immigrate as an American. They emigrated as a Nazist who grew up receiving anti-Japanese education.

They brainwashed Alexis Dudden, Mike Honda, Mindy Kotler, Carol Gluck and others spectacularly.

Onishi Norimitsu of the New York Times, but a dubious man whether it is Japanese or not is also in this row. He has posted articles that decline Japan many times, unforgivable.

It may be that the Asahi Shimbun Company brainwashed him.

This draft continues.

Les gens partout dans le monde ainsi que le Japon devrait lire avec le coeur.

2017年01月20日 16時21分01秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est un article envoyé au monde intitulé «Les gens partout dans le monde ainsi que le Japon doit lire à l'esprit», en 2014-10-14.

Ce qui suit est d'un article de dialogue allant de p172 à p181 du commentateur politique Fuyuko Kamisaka et Yoshinori Kobayashi, un manga populaire artiste, avec le magazine mensuel will11 prologue mensuel.

Cependant, cet article est une réimpression du numéro de juin 2007. En d'autres termes, il s'agit d'un article d'entrevue 2007.

Les gens partout dans le monde ainsi que le Japon devrait lire avec le coeur.


En ce qui concerne le problème des femmes de confort, il est venu de plus en plus aux médias européens et américains et a été décrit comme "l'aile droite du Japon" "Néo-Nazisme" C'était juste un rapport que c'était un démon violé comme si c'était moi. Je me demandais si mes cheveux tomberaient sous le stress (rires).

J'ai souvent interviewé des journalistes caucasiens. Dans le club de presse, il est devenu un individu vs groupe, donc j'ai répondu individuellement à l'entrevue, mais de toute façon, c'est un préjudice terrible dès le début. "Yoshinori Kobayashi est comme quelque chose comme le néonazisme."

Cependant, si je réfute complètement théoriquement, l'autre partie ne se sent humiliée. Parce que vous êtes battu pour le gars qui était stupide.

De vexation, ils retournent à la maison avec leurs visages rouges et écrire des articles stupides là-bas.

Les Allemands étaient particulièrement mauvais (rires).

Les Allemands essaient désespérément de traîner les Japonais à leur place parce qu'ils ne veulent pas être considérés comme les pires descendants ethniques du monde des descendants nazis.

Un journaliste allemand nommé Henrik Bork a également perdu en discutant avec moi et est retourné à la maison avec le visage devenu rouge. Et comme il a écrit un article irrésistible, j'ai envoyé une lettre de protestation à tous les journaux allemands. Un par un, j'ai traduit ce que j'ai écrit en japonais.


Oh, c'est super. J'aimerais que les politiciens aient un tel courage.


À cette époque, je devais aussi brûler les humains vivement, alors je l'ai fait à fond (rire). Il y avait une société de presse qui a envoyé une réponse, il y avait une société de presse qui a fait un article, mais l'adversaire échapper parce qu'il ne peut pas finalement réfutation.

Arrêt de la pensée pro-américaine


Cela signifie que le Japon est légèrement vu. Même cette fois, Mike · Honda est la personne de départ. Si je pensais quel type de gars, j'ai vu l'article de Yoshihisa Komori de "Will" dans le numéro de mai 2007, je pensais que c'était. Il est financé par des groupes anti-japonais chinois. J'ai compris l'astuce.


En ce sens, il peut être bon de condamner la Chine, mais le problème est qu'il est facile pour les Japonais de l'accepter quand il est délivré des États-Unis. Si cela venait de Chine et de Corée du Sud, les Japonais auraient été rebondis furieusement. Cependant, quand il vient des États-Unis, il ya l'atmosphère qui peut dire «Si vous n'avez pas une relation avec les États-Unis, renoncer à l'honneur en tant que pays.

Cet article continue

La gente di tutto il mondo così come il Giappone dovrebbero leggere con il cuore.

2017年01月20日 16時20分33秒 | 日記

Quello che segue è un articolo inviato al mondo dal titolo "La gente in tutto il mondo, così come il Giappone dovrebbe leggere in mente", in 2014/10/14.

Quello che segue è da un articolo di un dialogo che va da P172 a P181 del commentatore politico Fuyuko Kamisaka e Yoshinori Kobayashi, un mangaka popolare, con il mensile will11 prologo mensile.

Tuttavia, questo articolo è una ristampa del numero di giugno del 2007. In altre parole, si tratta di un articolo 2007 intervista.

La gente di tutto il mondo così come il Giappone dovrebbero leggere con il cuore.


Per quanto riguarda il problema delle donne di conforto, è venuto sempre più a media europei e americani ed è stato descritto come "ala del Giappone destra" "neonazismo" E 'stato solo un rapporto che era un demone violentata, come se si trattasse di me. Mi chiedevo se i miei capelli cadranno sotto stress (ride).

Ho intervistato molte volte dai giornalisti caucasici. Nel comunicato del club, è diventato un individuo vs. gruppo, così ho risposto individualmente al colloquio, ma in ogni caso è terribile pregiudizio fin dall'inizio. "Yoshinori Kobayashi è come qualcosa di simile neo-nazismo."

Tuttavia, se completamente confutare teoricamente, l'altra parte solo si sente umiliato. Perché si sono battuti per il ragazzo che era stupido.

Fuori di vessazione tornano a casa con la faccia diventò rossa e scrivere articoli stupidi laggiù.

I tedeschi erano particolarmente male (ride).

Tedeschi disperatamente tenta di trascinare i giapponesi verso il basso per il loro posto, perché non vogliono essere pensato come peggiori discendenti etnico al mondo di discendenti nazisti.

Un giornalista tedesco di nome Henrik Bork anche perso mentre discuteva con me ed è tornato a casa con la faccia rivolta rosso. E perché ha scritto un articolo irresistibile, ho inviato una lettera di protesta a tutti i giornali tedeschi. Uno per uno, ho tradotto quello che ho scritto in giapponese.


Oh, è grande. Vorrei che i politici dovrebbero avere un coraggio così approfondita.


A quel tempo ero anche a bruciare gli esseri umani oggetto di accesi, quindi ho fatto bene (ride). C'è stata una società di giornale che ha inviato una risposta, c'era una società di giornale che ha fatto un articolo, ma la fuga dell'avversario, perché non si può finalmente confutazione.

smettere di pensare Pro-americano


Ciò significa che il Giappone è leggermente visibile. Anche questa volta, Mike · Honda è la persona dall'inizio. Se ho pensato che tipo di ragazzo, ho visto l'articolo di Yoshihisa Komori di "Will" nel numero di maggio 2007, ho pensato che fosse. Egli è finanziato da gruppi anti-Giapponese Cinese. Ho capito il trucco.


In questo senso può essere buono per condannare la Cina, ma il problema è che è facile per il giapponese di accettarla quando è rilasciato dagli Stati Uniti. Se questo si è verificato dalla Cina e Corea del Sud, i giapponesi sarebbero stati furiosamente rimbalzato. Tuttavia, quando si tratta dagli Stati Uniti, vi è l'atmosfera che può dire: "Se non si dispone di un rapporto con gli Stati Uniti, rinunciare onore come un paese".

Questo articolo continua

Personas de todo el mundo, así como Japón debe leer con el corazón.

2017年01月20日 16時20分05秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es un artículo enviado al mundo titulado "La gente en todo el mundo, así como Japón debe tener en cuenta", en 2014-10-14.

Lo siguiente es de un artículo de diálogo que va de p172 a p181 del comentarista político Fuyuko Kamisaka y Yoshinori Kobayashi, un popular artista de manga, con la revista mensual will11 prologue mensual.

Sin embargo, este artículo es una reimpresión de la edición de junio de 2007. En otras palabras, es un artículo de 2007 entrevista.

Personas de todo el mundo, así como Japón debe leer con el corazón.


En cuanto al problema de las mujeres de la comodidad, vino cada vez más a los medios europeos y americanos y fue descrito como "el ala derecha de Japón" "Neo-Nazism" Era apenas un informe que era un demonio violado como si fuera yo. Me preguntaba si mi pelo se caería bajo estrés (risas).

He entrevistado muchas veces a periodistas caucásicos. En el club de prensa, se convirtió en un individuo frente al grupo, así que respondí individualmente a la entrevista, pero de todos modos es un terrible prejuicio desde el principio. "Yoshinori Kobayashi es como algo como el neonazismo".

Sin embargo, si yo refute completamente teóricamente, la otra parte sólo se siente humillada. Porque eres golpeado al tipo que fue estúpido.

Por descontento vuelven a casa con el rostro enrojecido y escriben artículos estúpidos por allí.

Los alemanes eran particularmente malos (risas).

Los alemanes tratan desesperadamente de arrastrar a los japoneses a su lugar porque no quieren ser considerados como los peores descendientes étnicos del mundo de descendientes nazis.

Un reportero alemán llamado Henrik Bork también perdió mientras discutía conmigo y regresó a casa con la cara roja. Y porque escribió un artículo irresistible, envié una carta de protesta a todos los periódicos alemanes. Uno por uno, he traducido lo que escribí en japonés.


Oh, es genial. Quisiera que los políticos tuvieran un coraje tan profundo.


En ese momento también debía quemar a seres humanos, así que lo hice a fondo (risas). Había una compañía de periódicos que envió una respuesta, había una compañía de periódicos que hizo un artículo, pero el oponente se escape porque no puede refutar finalmente.

Parar de pensamiento pro-americano


Significa que Japón es visto ligeramente. Incluso esta vez, Mike · Honda es la persona que comienza. Si pensaba que tipo de hombre, vi el artículo de Yoshihisa Komori de "Will" en la edición de mayo de 2007, pensé que era. Está financiado por grupos anti-japoneses chinos. Yo entendí el truco.


En ese sentido, puede ser bueno condenar a China, pero el problema es que es fácil para los japoneses aceptarlo cuando se emite desde Estados Unidos. Si esto ocurriera de China y Corea del Sur, los japoneses se habrían rebotado furiosamente. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de los Estados Unidos, hay una atmósfera que puede decir: "Si usted no tiene una relación con los Estados Unidos, renunciar al honor como un país".

Este artículo continúa

Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sowie Japan sollten mit Herz lesen.

2017年01月20日 16時19分36秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist ein Artikel, der in die Welt mit dem Titel "Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sowie Japan sollte im Hinterkopf lesen", in 2014-10-14.

Das folgende ist von einem Dialog Artikel von p172 bis p181 des politischen Kommentators Fuyuko Kamisaka und Yoshinori Kobayashi, ein beliebter Manga-Künstler, mit dem monatlichen Magazin wird 11 monatlichen Prolog.

Allerdings ist dieser Artikel ein Nachdruck aus der Juni-Ausgabe von 2007. Mit anderen Worten, es ist ein Interview Artikel 2007.

Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sowie Japan sollten mit Herz lesen.


In Bezug auf Komfort Frauen Problem, es kam mehr und mehr zu europäischen und amerikanischen Medien und wurde als "Japans rechten Flügel" beschrieben "Neo-Nazismus" Es war nur ein Bericht, dass es ein vergewalteter Dämon war, als wäre ich es. Ich frage mich, ob meine Haare fallen unter Stress (lachen).

Ich habe viele Male von kaukasischen Journalisten interviewt. In der Presse-Club wurde es eine Person vs Gruppe, so reagierte ich individuell auf das Interview, aber trotzdem ist es schreckliche Vorurteile von Anfang an. "Yoshinori Kobayashi ist wie alles wie Neo-Nazismus."

Wenn ich jedoch theoretisch völlig widerlegt habe, fühlt sich die andere Partei nur gedemütigt. Weil du zu dem Kerl geschlagen bist, der dumm war.

Aus Angst kehren sie nach Hause zurück, ihre Gesichter werden rot und schreiben dumme Artikel dort drüben.

Die Deutschen waren besonders schlecht (lachen).

Die Deutschen versuchen verzweifelt, die Japaner an ihre Stelle zu ziehen, weil sie nicht als die schlimmsten ethnischen Nachkommen der Nazi-Nachkommen der Welt gedacht werden sollen.

Ein deutscher Reporter namens Henrik Bork verlor auch während der Streit mit mir und kehrte nach Hause mit dem Gesicht rot. Und weil er einen unwiderstehlichen Artikel schrieb, sandte ich einen Protestbrief an alle deutschen Zeitungen. Einer nach dem anderen übersetzte ich, was ich in Japanisch schrieb.


Oh, es ist großartig. Ich wünschte, daß Politiker solch einen gründlichen Mut haben sollten.


Zu dieser Zeit war ich auch heiß zu brennen Menschen, so dass ich es gründlich (lachen). Es gab eine Zeitung Firma, die eine Antwort, gab es eine Zeitung Firma, die einen Artikel, aber der Gegner entkommen, weil es nicht endgültig zu widerlegen.

Pro-amerikanischer Denkansatz


Es bedeutet, dass Japan leicht zu sehen ist. Auch diesmal ist Mike Honda die erste Person. Wenn ich dachte, was für ein Typ, ich sah den Artikel von Yoshihisa Komori von "Will" in der Mai 2007 Ausgabe, dachte ich, es war. Er wird von chinesischen anti-japanischen Gruppen finanziert. Ich verstand den Trick.


In diesem Sinne kann es gut sein, China zu verurteilen, aber das Problem ist, dass es für Japaner einfach ist, es zu akzeptieren, wenn es aus den Vereinigten Staaten herausgegeben wird. Wenn dies aus China und Südkorea geschehen wäre, hätten die Japaner wütend erholt. Allerdings, wenn es aus den Vereinigten Staaten kommt, gibt es Atmosphäre, die sagen kann: "Wenn Sie nicht über eine Beziehung mit den Vereinigten Staaten, geben Sie die Ehre als Land."

Dieser Artikel geht weiter

Pessoas de todo o mundo, bem como o Japão deve ler com o coração.

2017年01月20日 16時18分16秒 | 日記

O seguinte é um artigo enviado para o mundo intitulado "Pessoas de todo o mundo, bem como o Japão deve ler em mente", em 2014-10-14.

O seguinte é de um artigo do diálogo que varia de p172 a p181 do comentador político Fuyuko Kamisaka e Yoshinori Kobayashi, um artista popular do manga, com a revista mensal will11 prologue mensal.

No entanto, este artigo é uma reimpressão da edição de junho de 2007. Em outras palavras, é um artigo de 2007 entrevista.

Pessoas de todo o mundo, bem como o Japão deve ler com o coração.


No que diz respeito ao problema da mulher de conforto, veio cada vez mais para a mídia europeia e americana e foi descrito como "direita do Japão" Neo-Nazismo "Foi apenas um relatório que era um demônio estuprado como se eu fosse. Eu queria saber se meu cabelo vai cair sob estresse (risos).

Eu tenho entrevistado muitas vezes de jornalistas caucasianos. No clube de imprensa, ele se tornou um indivíduo vs grupo, então eu respondi individualmente à entrevista, mas de qualquer maneira é terrível preconceito desde o início. "Yoshinori Kobayashi é como qualquer coisa como neonazismo."

No entanto, se eu refutar completamente teoricamente, a outra parte apenas se sente humilhada. Porque você é espancado para o cara que foi estúpido.

Fora do vexation eles voltam para casa com seus caras tornaram-se vermelhos e escrevem artigos estúpidos lá.

Os alemães eram particularmente maus (risos).

Os alemães tentam desesperadamente arrastar os japoneses para o seu lugar porque não querem ser considerados como os piores descendentes étnicos do mundo dos descendentes nazistas.

Um repórter alemão chamado Henrik Bork também perdeu enquanto discutia comigo e voltou para casa com o rosto vermelho. E porque escreveu um artigo irresistível, enviei uma carta de protesto a todos os jornais alemães. Um por um, traduzi o que escrevi em japonês.


Oh, é ótimo. Queria que os políticos tivessem tanta coragem.


Naquela época eu também era para queimar ardentemente humanos, então eu fiz isso completamente (risos). Havia uma empresa de jornal que enviou uma resposta, houve uma empresa de jornal que fez um artigo, mas o oponente escapar porque não pode finalmente refutação.

Parada do pensamento pró-americano


Isso significa que o Japão é levemente visto. Mesmo desta vez, Mike · Honda é a pessoa de início. Se eu pensasse que tipo de cara, eu vi o artigo de Yoshihisa Komori de "Will" na edição de maio de 2007, eu pensei que era. Ele é financiado por grupos anti-japoneses chineses. Eu entendi o truque.


Nesse sentido, pode ser bom para condenar a China, mas o problema é que é fácil para os japoneses a aceitá-lo quando é emitido a partir dos Estados Unidos. Se isso ocorreu na China e na Coréia do Sul, os japoneses teriam se recuperado furiosamente. No entanto, quando se trata dos Estados Unidos, há uma atmosfera que pode dizer: "Se você não tem um relacionamento com os Estados Unidos, desista honra como um país."

Este artigo continua


2017年01月20日 16時17分47秒 | 日記


以下是一篇對話文章,從政治評論員Fuyuko Kamisaka和Yoshinori Kobayashi的流行漫畫藝術家的p172到p181,每月雜誌will11每月的序言。





我從高加索記者那裡採訪了很多次。在新聞俱樂部,它成為一個個人對集團,所以我單獨回答面試,但無論如何,從一開始是可怕的偏見。 “小林愛子像新納粹主義。

















2017年01月20日 16時17分17秒 | 日記


以下是一篇对话文章,从政治评论员Fuyuko Kamisaka和Yoshinori Kobayashi的流行漫画艺术家的p172到p181,每月杂志will11每月的序言。





我从高加索记者那里采访了很多次。在新闻俱乐部,它成为一个个人对集团,所以我单独回答面试,但无论如何,从一开始是可怕的偏见。 “小林爱子像新纳粹主义。

















2017年01月20日 16時16分48秒 | 日記












아니라 전 세계의

2017年01月20日 16時16分18秒 | 日記

다음은 2014-10-14 년에 "일본뿐만 아니라 전 세계의 사람들이 읽어야 할 책"이라는 제목의 세계로 발송 된 기사입니다.

다음은 정치가 해설자 가미 사카 후유코와 고바야시 요시노리의 p172에서 p181에 이르는 대화 형 기사에서 유래 한 만화가이며 월간 잡지는 월간 프롤로그 11 편입니다.

그러나이 기사는 2007 년 6 월호의 기사입니다. 다른 말로하면 2007 년 인터뷰 기사입니다.

일본뿐만 아니라 전 세계의 사람들이 마음을 읽어야합니다.


위안부 문제에 관해서는 유럽과 미국 언론에 점점 더 많이 다가 왔고 "일본의 우익" "신 나찌주의"로 묘사되었다. 마치 나처럼 마치 강간 한 악마 일 뿐이라는 보도였다. 스트레스를 받아 머리카락이 빠져 나올지 궁금해하고있었습니다 (웃음).

저는 백인 저널리스트들과 여러 차례 인터뷰를했습니다. 언론 클럽에서는 개인 대 그룹이 되었기 때문에 인터뷰에 개별적으로 응했지만 어쨌든 처음부터 끔찍한 편견을 가지고 있습니다. "고바야시 요시노리는 신 나찌주의와 비슷합니다."

그러나 이론적으로 완전히 논박하면 상대방은 굴욕감을 느낍니다. 너는 바보 같은 사람에게 맞기 때문에.

짜증나는 가운데 그들은 얼굴이 붉게 변하여 집으로 돌아가 그곳에 어리석은 기사를 씁니다.

독일인은 특히 나빴습니다 (웃음).

독일인들은 나치의 후손들 중에서 세계 최악의 종족 종족으로 생각되기를 원치 않기 때문에 필사적으로 일본인들을 그들의 장소로 끌어 내려고합니다.

헨릭 보크 (Henrik Bork)라는 독일 기자도 나와 논쟁하면서 길을 잃었고, 얼굴이 붉어지면서 집으로 돌아왔다. 그리고 그는 저항 할 수없는 기사를 썼기 때문에 모든 독일 신문에 항의서를 보냈습니다. 하나 하나, 일본어로 쓴 것을 번역했습니다.

가미 사카

오, 훌륭합니다. 나는 정치인들이 그런 용기를 가져야한다.


그때 나는 인간들을 뜨겁게 타 오르기도 했으므로 나는 그것을 철저히했다 (웃음). 회신을 보낸 신문 회사가 있었는데 기사를 만든 신문 회사가 있었지만 상대방은 마침내 논박 할 수 없기 때문에 탈출했습니다.

친 미국적인 생각 중지

가미 사카

그것은 일본이 가볍게 보인다는 것을 의미합니다. 이번에도 마이크 · 혼다는 초보자입니다. 나는 어떤 남자를 생각하면 2007 년 5 월호에 "Will"이라는 고모리 요시히사의 기사를 보았습니다. 그는 중국 반일 그룹의 자금 지원을 받고있다. 나는 그 속임수를 이해했다.


그런 점에서 중국을 비난하는 것이 좋을 수도 있지만, 문제는 미국인이 발행 할 때 일본인이 받아들이 기 쉽다는 것이다. 이것이 중국과 한국에서 발생한 것이라면, 일본인은 격렬하게 반발했을 것입니다. 그러나 미국에서 왔을 때 "미국과 관계가 없다면 명예를 포기할 것"이라고 말할 수있는 분위기가있다.

이 기사는 계속된다.