経済学・統計学 オンライン指導


GDP in English

2018-10-09 08:25:58 | 経済統計



A farmer grows wheat, which she sells to a miller for $100. The miller turna the wheat i which she selle to a baker for $130. The baker turne the wheat into brend, which she selle to consumers for $200. Consumers eat the bread.

Value added i that the producer buys to make the output. Assuming there are no intermediate goods beyond tho described above, calculate the value added of each of the three producers.
〈3 pointa s defined as the value of producer's output minus the value of the intermedíate goo on olove〉

What is total value added of the three producers in this economy? How does it compare to the economy's GDP? Does this example suggest another way of caleulating GDP? 


1. Value added
1) by the farmer $100
2) by the miller $30 = 130 - 100
3) by the baker $70 = 200 - 130

2. Total value added = 200 = 100 + 30 + 70
The number equals to the economy's GDP from consumption.

GDP is obtained in this formula;
GDP = C + I + G + X - M
C: consumption = total sales - intermediate goods
I: investment G: government expenditure
X: export M: import

Another way:
Consumption is also obtained as follows; 
C = total sales - intermediate goods = final goods 
  Total sales is divided into intermediate goods (for production) and final goods (for consumption).  


経済学・統計学・数学 指導いたします。通学・オンライン どちらも可能です。




