
(Since 2008.11.30)

Spirit of the Sea

2011-12-18 09:14:49 | 英語喉


Spirit of the Sea
 (Blackmores Night)

I took a walk along the shore
To clear my mind about the day,
I saw a man I'd seen before
As I approached he slipped away...

I knew his face from years ago,
His smile stays with me ever more
His eyes, they guide me through the haze
And give me shelter from the storm...

As I walk I can feel him,
Always watching over me...
His voice surrounds me,
My Spirit of the Sea...

He went away so long ago,
On a maiden voyage far away
A young man then I did not know,
His life was taken that same day...

And it was almost like he knew
He wouldn't see me anymore
He looked so deeply in my eyes, and said
"Wait for me along the shore..."

And so I come most every day,
To watch the waves rise and fall,
And as I sit here on the sand,
This ocean makes me feel so small...

But I feel my lover by my side,
And he makes me follow my own heart
We'll be together some sweet day
When that day comes we'll never part...
When that day comes we'll never part...
Wait for me along the shore

Recorded on 2011/12/18(Compare with the next one. See you.)
Recorded on 2011/12/21

Blackmore's night-Spirit of the sea

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Starting from today until 4th Jan. 2012

2011-12-17 21:44:39 | 英語喉

I've noticed that I spent a lot of time to see blogs and doing net surfing.  I would like to concentrate on learning Chinese and English(Native method).  To make YouTube DVD and to drop lines on my blog are no problem at all. Starting from today until 4th Jan. 2012, I would like to refrain from seeing Blogs and doing net surfine.

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”Native method” has come.

2011-12-12 20:06:29 | 英語喉

I’ve got the books today. As I told you yesterday, I’m going to practice ”Native method” everyday. Not everyday but almost everyday,rather nearly everyday,rather couple of days in a week ,anyway I’ll do my best.

This "Bento Box" was recorded before training on 2011/12/13  

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『英語喉』続報 1

2011-12-11 14:51:21 | 英語喉

『英語喉』続報です。外国語大好きおじさんのツイットにあった、この方法にとても興味があり、本を注文しましたが、まだ届きません。作者のカズさんのYouoTubeを参考に早速『英語喉』に取りかかりました。まだ本を読んでないのだから、Day 1 にはならないかもしれませんが、Before and Afterってな感じで、僕の英語音声を初公開です。でもちょっと恥ずかしい。これを吹き込む前の喘息発作寸前のような発声練習は録音していません^^ 

ウン、誰だ! そこで吹き出しているのは!

Day 0  2011/12/11
Day 7 2011/12/18

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Uncle Monoglotさんからのお知らせ  『英語喉 50のメソッド』

2011-12-09 13:42:15 | 英語喉





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