

【論】Ge,2005,Interpreting expression profiles of ~

2007年02月04日 17時17分29秒 | 論文記録
Ge X, Yamamoto S, Tsutsumi S, Midorikawa Y, Ihara S, Wang SM, Aburatani H.
Interpreting expression profiles of cancers by genome-wide survey of breadth of expression in normal tissues.
Genomics. 2005 Aug;86(2):127-41.
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・ヒトの各組織のアレイデータについて、手持ちのデータに加え、過去研究のデータも網羅的に解析し、組織特異的遺伝子(tissue-specific genes)を抽出する。
1.(オリジナルデータ)Adult human tissues, 35サンプル(3 fetal/33 normal, すべて別な器官の組織), 約20000遺伝子 → Tissue-specific genes を1956個、Tissue-selective genes を920個抽出
2.(既存データ)Normal tissue (HuGe Index database), Normal tissue (Gene Expression Atlas database), Multiple cancer types [Su], Liver cancer [Midorikawa], Breast cancer [Perou], Breast cancer [Sorlie], Lung cancer [Bhattacharjee] 他
1.Tissue-specific : t test and several empirical criteria(→謎)
2.Tissue-selective : Sprent's nonparametric method[19]
・遺伝子クラスタリング法 : Average linkage hierarchical clustering [Eisen]

・問題点「A critical difficult part of studying cancer with DNA microarrays is data interpretation.
・概要「In this paper, we performed additional microarray experiments of normal tissues to search extensively for tissue-specific genes and then systematically reanalyzed previously published DNA microarray data of various cancers.
・研究の意義「Knowing how genes are expressed under normal physiological conditions is important for dissecting complicated cancer transcriptomes.
・特異的遺伝子の定義「We consider a gene specific to a tissue type if it is exclusively highly expressed in this tissue.

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