図4 2009年05月02日(土)
我 何を得たりや
ワシントン州 イレーヌ 様へ マットより
I drew this picture 2008. In a picture ,Mr.Victor grinds coffee by a pretty mill. My father gazes him doing ,with my mother and a baby beside funny figured person like bird . Mr. Victor grinds coffee beans and spreads bean,s sacks on the table . There are some supplements behind him and wooden toys on a table .In the top light you can see poem. A poem Hiroshi wrote says as .....
People has transfered and left since long ago
Time spend like as light arrow
This place have kept old history since a thousand year
Kamo River run calm and pure
Here is a place called KyoーRaku ,we could meet with forign friends.
ビクター君が我が家にやってきた時の情景を描きました。ビクター君がコーヒーミルを使ってコーヒーを粉にしています。母と父は彼のすることを見つめている。鳥の様な姿の少年のそばに赤ん坊がいる。ビクター君は机にコヒー袋を広げている。後ろには荷物があります。 画面の右上に父は、詩をのこしている
ワシントン州 イレーヌより
Hi Mat!
What a nice story. It's wonderful when we can remember that amidst the bad times, there are still good people.World War II (WWII) was not a good time for either of our countries. I was born in 1952, so I am what we call a "Baby Boomer," which is all the children born right after WWII. I only know what I have learned from history, whereas your parents and mine experienced the war's effects. My parents are now 83 years old. How do you as a person living inJapan feel about WWII? I feel our country was very mad and very scared. We did some horrible things. The worst was the dropping of bombs on your country, but we also put our Japanese citizens into interment (internment? - I can never remember whether it is with or without the "n" in the middle) camps.