Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年06月21日 08時42分24秒 | Weblog









2019年06月21日 01時29分56秒 | Weblog
イラン出身のKカップ女性 趣味のコスプレファッションは母国では「処刑です」
2019.06.20 16:00


アサジョ 2019年6月19日





2019年06月18日 17時58分44秒 | Weblog

メディアリテラシー 【 media literacy 】






で、ソースはJapan Todayだというーーーまた、怪しくなってくるが、そのまたソースが共同の英語版ーーまた、怪しくなってくるが、その記事をたどると、

Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers
June 16 04:01

A source close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "These are not definite proof that it's Iran."

"Even if it's the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it," he said.

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.








2019年06月18日 14時13分56秒 | Weblog

イランの日本専門家が見た安倍首相訪問「奇跡は誰も期待していない。イラン人は日本を尊敬し、90年にわたる友情を評価」 © REUTERS / Official Iranian President website
2019年06月15日 14:06短縮 URL
徳山 あすか


タンカー攻撃 米英評価一致の意味

2019年06月16日 18時31分57秒 | Weblog

櫻田 淳

… ジェレミー・ハントは、「われわれ自身による情報評価は、攻撃の責任がほぼ確実にイランにあるという結論を導くものだ」と発言したらしい。



Tony Blair unrepentant as Chilcot gives crushing Iraq war verdict

A defiant Tony Blair defended his decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003 following the publication of a devastating report by Sir John Chilcot, which mauled the ex-prime minister’s reputation and said that at the time of the 2003 invasion Saddam Hussein “posed no imminent threat”.

But asked whether invading Iraq was a mistake Blair was strikingly unrepentant. “I believe we made the right decision and the world is better and safer,” he declared. He argued that he had acted in good faith, based on intelligence at the time which said that Iraq’s president had weapons of mass destruction. This “turned out to be wrong”.




2019年06月16日 02時18分15秒 | Weblog




2019年06月15日 12時12分13秒 | Weblog

Shinzo Abe’s trip to Tehran this week turned out to be one of the more ill-fated mediation efforts of recent times.

What was billed as a grand gesture – the first Japanese leader to visit Iran in four decades – ended in humiliation, with split-screen television pictures showing Abe being told off by a stern supreme leader, while a thick plume of smoke rose from a burning Japanese tanker in the Gulf of Oman.

To add inevitable insult to injury, the US president then swiftly disowned Abe and his mission, portraying him in a tweet as well-meaning but naive, and declaring the time was not right for negotiations.



2019年06月14日 21時20分28秒 | Weblog




2019年06月14日 17時11分28秒 | Weblog

「タンカー攻撃はテロ組織が関与」 イラン革命防衛隊元司令官が指摘


US says Iran took mine off tanker; Iran denies involvement

Meanwhile in Tokyo, the owner of the Kokuka Courageous said its sailors saw “flying objects” before the attack, suggesting it wasn’t damaged by mines. Company president Yutaka Katada offered no evidence for his claim, which contradicts the U.S. military account.

Katada also said crew members saw an Iranian naval ship nearby, but did not specify whether this was before or after the attacks.


It's too soon to conclude who attacked two tankers near the Strait of Hormuz

2019年06月14日 10時26分13秒 | Weblog


Why would Iran attack two tankers near the Strait of Hormuz?
By: Shawn Snow  

He did not, however, immediately offer any proof of the intelligence behind that assessment.

The attack certainly bears the hallmark and capabilities of previous aggressive actions undertaken by Iran and its paramilitary cohorts in the Persian Gulf.

But questions abound over who actually stands to benefit most from an attack in a region beset by violence and convoluted proxy conflicts raged between and Iran and Saudi Arabia and its allies.

While Iran is often seen as instigator of conflict in the region — whether through harassing U.S. naval vessels at sea with fast boats or arming Houthi rebels in Yemen with anti-ship missiles — there are a number of groups and countries that have motives for orchestrating Thursday’s attacks.

“I would not write off any possibility until there is a lot more information,” a former chief of staff with U.S. Central Command told Military Times on condition of anonymity.

While it seems counterintuitive that Iran would sabotage its own diplomacy by striking a ship carrying oil bound for Japan while that country’s prime minister was on a diplomatic visit to Tehran — such an attack could prove advantageous to different political actors within Iran.

“The net effect of this, which is to complicate diplomacy, and to complicate any conflict resolution, clearly lies in the interests of those who have been pushing for war,” Parsi said.




タンカー攻撃、イラン関与の「映像と写真」 CNN報道
ニューヨーク=藤原学思 2019年6月14日10時18分



2019年06月11日 16時25分21秒 | Weblog

The trip also offers Abe a rare role as international statesman, particularly given Tokyo's disappointing recent diplomatic track record.

Efforts this year to resolve a long-running standoff with Russia over a string of disputed islands have run aground.

And Japan has also found itself out of the loop on perhaps the most pressing diplomatic challenge in its backyard: North Korea.

Abe "needs a diplomatic stunt as he faces an impasse on Russia and North Korea," said Tetsuro Kato, political science professor at Tokyo's Waseda University.

But analysts cautioned that expectations would stay low for now.

"Japan has never played an active role in Middle Eastern problems," Kato told AFP. "I don't expect much in the way of results."


Jeff Kingston&Michael Penn Can you guys spell “hypocrisy”?

2019年06月06日 17時14分02秒 | Weblog


It was nationalism—specifically, a desire to regain lost national autonomy—that drove the British decision to leave the European Union, even though the movement’s leaders (and I use that term advisedly) cannot figure out how to do it and departure is likely to make most Britons poorer and could lead to the eventual dissolution of the entire United Kingdom. U.S. President Donald Trump rode nationalist nostalgia for an imagined past (“Make America Great Again”) to the White House in 2016, and it forms the basis for the protectionist and anti-immigrant policies that keep his political base loyal now. Nationalism is central to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ambitious efforts to make China a world leader, and it is the common thread uniting right-wing European politicians in France, Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Poland. Everywhere one looks, in fact, one sees nationalism at work in today’s world.

Why is nationalism so powerful, and why is its impact so important?

Because we depend on those around us from the very beginning, humans have evolved to be highly sensitive to in-group/out-group distinctions

Thus far, the “nation” has been the largest cultural group with this sort of enduring attraction for its members. The defining traits that make up a nation can vary, but they usually include a common language, shared culture, a territorial origin, and a shared narrative about the collective past. Most importantly, a nation is a group of people that conceives of itself as constituting a unique community with a particular identity. In Benedict Anderson’s famous phrase, nations are “imagined communities” where total strangers nonetheless recognize and acknowledge each other as belonging to the same group.

In the modern world, in short, nations want their own states to ensure their survival and autonomy, while states promote nationalism to strengthen themselves and preserve their independence. Nationalist movements hope to add themselves to the ranks of U.N. members, while states do what they can to suppress independence movements within their borders and to create a homogeneous body of loyal citizens. In extreme cases, minorities are expelled, slaughtered, or “re-educated” (as China is now trying to do to the Uighur population in Xinjiang) in an effort to create a more unified (and presumably loyal) population.

Why should we care about this powerful and enduring phenomenon? First, because national sentiment is easily exploited by political leaders, including most of the demagogues whose activities are currently roiling politics around the world.

Second, nationalist narratives encourage double standards: They rationalize whatever one’s own side does while depicting similar behavior by others in the worst possible light. Americans condemn President Vladimir Putin’s Russia for its actions in Ukraine (and they are certainly worthy of condemnation), but we forget that we’ve done plenty of similar things in the past. It is more than a little ironic, for example, when the same people who loudly demanded that the United States invade Iraq in 2003 (on the basis of dubious arguments and manufactured “evidence”) were quick to attack Russia for its interference in Ukraine. Can you spell “hypocrisy”?








ーーー私が、Jeff Kingstonをナショナリストと呼ぶ所以である。


Review: Jake Adelstein should quote the Source

2019年05月29日 17時23分19秒 | Weblog
Not So Fast, Shinzo Abe! Trump’s Tricky Bromance With Japan’s PM
Shinzo Abe flattered Trump endlessly on the American’s four day visit. But that can only go so far. If the Japanese PM tries to make nice with Iran, Trump will yank his leash.

Jake Adelstein
Jake Adelstein
05.28.19 2:27 PM ET

But it is often a one-sided relationship between Shinzo and Donald, with Donald leaving Shinzo in the dust, or the sand-trap, if you will. Trump is the master and Abe is the clever lap-dog, but capable of human speech. Still, Abe’s apple-polishing, lavish gift-giving (gold-plated golf clubs, etc.), and kissing Trump’s Sumo-sized ass seem to have helped Japan avoid a trade-war with the U.S. for the moment.

Abe and Trump have a lot in common. Both were born wealthy but not smart, and were elected not by the popular vote but indirectly. They have managed to hold onto power after a never ending series of corruption and cronyism scandals. They both flirt with racism and nationalism to please their base, and hate the free press, and attack it regularly—including individual reporters, all the while cozying up to favorable conservative outlets.

Jake氏ーーーこういう書き方ーーーーおれは好きだな www 上手い。

Trump has had Fox News and conservative media. Abe has The Yomiuri Shimbun and public broadcaster NHK a.k.a. Abe TV


Trump has had Fox News and conservative media. Abe has The Yomiuri Shimbun and public broadcaster NHK a.k.a. Abe TV. Abe reportedly told Trump in one of their earliest meetings, “I hope you tame the New York Times the way I tamed the Asahi Shimbun [Japan’s liberal newspaper].”


これはほんま? 捏造?

There is a possibility that Abe may not get Trump’s approval and yet still proceed as planned.

Donald Trump welcomes Japan's offer of mediation with Iran
President acknowledges Abe’s close links to Tehran and says US ‘would like to talk’

Justin McCurry in Tokyo

Mon 27 May 2019 06.43 BST

Jake 氏の記事は、
05.28.19 2:27 PM ET

This would be a terrible mistake. He seems to have no clue how much the Trump administration is obsessed with Iran or how much influence John “The Walrus” Bolton has over Trump.



You can say many terrible things about Japan’s Prime Minister Abe but he has a sense of loyalty (especially to his cronies) and he values reciprocity. What Abe doesn’t get is that Trump has neither of these virtues. And if the lap dog goes yipping away on his own trying to make peace with the Iranian squirrels in the Global Peace Park, he will find Trump yanking his leash so hard he won’t be able to bark

飼い犬の安倍が勝手にキャンキャン騒ぐとご主人様のトランプはただじゃおかないかもよ、とーーーそれはありえるかもしれないが、安倍ちゃんもたいしたことできないし、ちょこっと気に沿わないことをしても、無視されるだけじゃないの? なんぜ、たかだが、愛玩犬ですから、トランプご主人にとっては。


2019年05月23日 11時31分22秒 | Weblog

2019年05月22日 07時42分 JST | 更新 2019年05月22日 07時51分 JST
高橋史弥(Fumiya Takahashi)







