Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

" U.S. soldiers kidnapped many Korean girls and forced them to work as prostitutes."

2024年09月10日 04時06分46秒 | 固定

Anti-US propaganda and anti-Japan propaganda.
“ American hunted women and girls, taking them in their jeeps to their brothels.”
“ American tortured young women for several days.”
This is a report of the Women’s International Commission which was written in 1951.

This commission was known as a communist front and it states that Korean women were abducted, raped, tortured, and murdered by the US and allied forces.
According to this report, the U.S. soldiers kidnapped many Korean girls and forced them to work as prostitutes.


























Korean political propaganda

2023年10月08日 11時17分30秒 | 固定

Korean political propaganda

2023年10月08日 11時17分30秒 | 固定

South Korea's cruel human trafficking industry

2023年07月03日 09時01分26秒 | 固定


 South Korea’s cruel Adoption Industry | Korea adoptee’s interview




20:46 고사부 장관의 발언이 나옵니다 [음악] 기아비아들은 정상적인 가정교육을 받을 수 없어 사회적으로 문제가 될 사람들임으로 해외 입양을 보내야 한다는 것입니다 [음악] 정부가 해외 입양을 장려했던 것 인간 외교와 이민 확대라는 정부정책 속에서 1980년대 중반 해외 입양아동수는 정점을 찍습니다 [음악] 입양 기관들도 경쟁적으로 아동 확보에 나섰습니다 보육원과 같은 복지시설의 지원금을 주고 아이를 데려오는가 하면 [음악] 산부인과 조산홍과도 연계했습니다 이렇게까지 해서 해외 입양을 보내야 했던 이유는 무엇일까 21:51 이 병은 엄청난 돈을 벌어들이는 그런 결과가 있었죠 달러가 엄청나게 많이 들어온 거죠 제가 80년대 81년 1월부터 제 홀트에서 근무를 했었는데 1년 한 5개월 그때 하나에 보내면 3000불이었거든요 근데 제 월급이 20 몇 만원이었어요 23만원인가 한 아이를 입양 보내면 일하는이 사회복지사 연봉 한 사람 연봉보다 더 많이 나오는 거예요 비싼 입양 수수료를 받고 매의 수천명씩 아이들을 해외로 보내는 동안 입양 직원들은 점점 더 규모를 키우고 사업을 확장시켜 나갔습니다 입양 기관들의 입장은 무엇일까 At 20:46, the statement of the Minister of Social Affairs is coming [Music]. It states that children in destitution should be sent for international adoption as they cannot receive normal family education and can become a social problem [Music]. Within the government policy of humanitarian diplomacy and immigration expansion, the government facilitated international adoption, and in the mid-1980s, the number of internationally adopted children reached its peak [Music]. Adoption agencies also competitively engaged in securing children. Some provided funding to welfare facilities such as orphanages to bring children, while others collaborated with obstetrics and gynecology departments. The question is, why did we have to resort to sending children for international adoption to such an extent? [Timestamp: 20:46] At 21:51, there were tremendous financial gains from this disease. It brought in a significant amount of dollars. I worked at Holt from January 1981, and for about a year and five months, if you sent one child, it cost $3,000. But my monthly salary was around 200,000 won, I think 230,000 won. So, adopting and sending one child earned more than the annual salary of a working social worker. While receiving expensive adoption fees and sending thousands of children overseas, adoption agency staff grew in size and expanded their operations. What was the perspective of adoption agencies? [Timestamp: 21:51]





[음악] 너무 늦게 만나 엄마와 딸은 서로에게 못다한 이야기가 너무 많습니다 [음악] 우리나라는 지금도 한 해 200명 이상의 아이들을 해외로 입양 보내고 있습니다 콜롬비아 우크라이나에 이어 세계의 3위 출생 아돈수를 감안하면 확고 부동한 일입니다 출산율이 가장 낮은 나라에서 여전히 가장 많은 아이들을 해외로 46:39 보내고 있는 겁니다 시사 직격은 주요 입양 기관들에게 진실을 물었지만 그들은 한결같이 책임과 답변을 회피했습니다 입양인들이 한국 정부의 요청한 신상조사 역시 아직 별다른 친전이 없는 상태입니다 수많은 아이들을 고아로 조작해서 막대한 이익을 챙겼던 입양 기관들 그리고 그 과정을 묵인하고 방관했던 대한민국 정부 그들은 이제 대답해야 합니다 그들이 함께 저지른 폭력과 인권침해에 대해 인정하고 사과하고 책임져야 할 것입니다 시사직격은 전 세계 입양인들과 함께 과거 해외 입양 과정에 친상 규명을 촉구합니다 [음악] [음악] 47:53 [음악] [음악] Even now, in our country, we are sending over 200 children for international adoption. Considering Colombia and Ukraine, it remains a firm and unshakable fact as the third highest in the world for the number of birth children. Despite being the country with the lowest birth rate, we are still sending the most children overseas [Timestamp: 46:39]. I'm sending it. Sisa Jikgyeok has questioned major adoption agencies, but they consistently evaded responsibility and answers. Even the background checks requested by the Korean government for adoptive parents are still in a state of negligible progress. The adoption agencies manipulated numerous children into becoming orphans and profited greatly from it, while the government of South Korea turned a blind eye and remained passive. They now have to provide answers. They need to acknowledge and apologize for the violence and human rights violations they have collectively committed. Sisa Jikgyeok urges a thorough investigation into the past international adoption process, together with adoptive parents worldwide [Timestamp: 47:53]. [Music] [Music].

”A Brutal Sex Trade Built for American Soldiers”

2023年05月13日 21時04分26秒 | 固定





2022年08月28日 11時53分40秒 | 固定


サラサ @r9DTzOFLQH53XtV






Koreans kidnapping Korean girls for sex slaves

2022年05月19日 22時03分29秒 | 固定

Chinese "infrastructure" for Sex Slavery

2022年02月02日 15時33分46秒 | 固定

 中国の女性、鎖でつながれ小屋に拘束 動画拡散で怒り噴出




Xuzhou mother: Video of chained woman in hut outrages China internet

Published1 day ago


Many netizens drew comparisons to a 2007 Chinese film Blind Mountain, which tells the story of a young woman who is kidnapped and sold into slavery.


Blind Mountain


Like Li's previous film, Blind Shaft, which dealt with the notoriously dangerous mining industry, Blind Mountain turns a sharply critical eye towards another one of China's continuing social problems: selling women for marriage.




Britain Carries a dark shame

2022年01月30日 23時58分16秒 | 固定

<iframe src="https://www.bbc.com/japanese/av-embeds/video-60106979" width="400" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>



Sex slaves in Germany

2021年03月27日 10時42分42秒 | Weblog







■ドイツでもタブー…強制性労働「沈黙の歴史」ザクセンハウゼン強制収容所で日本人ガイドに聞く《歴史に向き合う独の「タブー》  ドイツの首都ベルリン近郊にあるザクセンハウゼン強制収容所記念館でガイドを務める日本人がいる。ベルリンのフンボルト大学...

やまなか けんじさんの投稿 2021年3月26日金曜日


2021年03月23日 10時02分36秒 | Weblog

Prostitution exists before, during, and after Japanese administration of Korea

2021年03月05日 00時50分14秒 | Weblog








If you can read Japanese, please read HATA Ikuhiko's "Ianfu to Senjo no Sei". This book is written two decades ago, but still is the most comprehensive explanation of Comfort woman system. You will find most of English narratives of Comfort woman are false.



さんThere is no way to estimate how many prostitutes worked in the sex industry. Everyone used stage names, and there is no list of any kind. Virtually there is no corroborating contemporary written evidence of testimonies of comfort women. Their testimonies change frequently.



Prostitution exists before, during, and after Japanese administration of Korea. There were literal sex slaves in feudal Korea. The half of Koreans were slaves any way before Japan came.  The sex industry was and is a major industry in South Korea, having 300k workers.


There was no need for forceful recruitment of prostitutes. Some comfort women were recruited by advertisements in newspapers. Korean agency advertised in Korean, Japanese in Japanese. Korean brothels were run by Koreans, Japanese by Japanese, because of the language barrier.


The military provided logistics, security, health service, regulations on the battlefields. Prostitutes were highly paid. We know this because Moon Oku Ju sued to recover 20k yen in her postal savings, which was equivalent to 20 houses in Korea at the time.


I also know there are individual war crimes as in the case of O'Herne. War crimes should be punished according to evidence and law. In O'Herne's case, one officer was executed. Those individual crimes are different from the Comfort woman system.


The military provided logistics and security for brothels is exactly as the US did in Viet Nam. Before US, the French brought African prostitutes to Viet Nam. The point is controlling the information leak and spread of venereal disease. Not so great minds think alike.


The forced recruitment of comfort woman cited by the Coomaraswamy report is a lie created by YOSHIDA Seiji. This was settled more than two decades ago, and the left wing newspaper apologized for the fabricated story years ago.

Today, South Korea has 300k sex workers. Prostitution was legal in SK until 2004. After that, they work in SK illegally or come to the US or Japan to work. Japan has been having a very hard time kicking out those Korean prostitutes. This is the opposite of forced recruitment.


Knowing all these, do you honestly think that the Japanese military abducted Korean girls for sex, paid nothing, and killed 75% of them? When there is no way of knowing even exactly how many prostitutes worked?


As far as I know, there is only one comfort woman who has something like a written record. That is recently deceased Kim Bok Dong. We know her name was on the list of a military hospital in Indonesia in August 1945 as "hired". At least she was in Indonesia when the war ended.


I checked the military movement she told in her testimony, which does not match any movement of military divisions. Besides she says she ended up in Singapore when the war ended, which is obviously false.


If the movement does not coincide with military divisions, then most likely she moved independently of the military with the manager of brothels. She returned to SK in 1948, three years later. Nobody asks what she was doing after the war for three years.


She was supposed to be " a slave" of the military, correct? After the military lost the war, what was she doing in Indonesia? There is no explanation whatsoever. There is no explanation of what she ate, who provided food, clothing, and necessities.


Who did she talk with and in what language? This is no trivial matter because she does not seem to speak Japanese. The most reasonable assumption is she does not want to talk about Korean brothel managers because that undermines her narrative.


Was her story verified by her family members? No. You are supposed to be a historian. Why can you say what Kim Bok Dong told is correct when there is hardly any corroborating evidence, let alone generalize the story to "200k estimated comfort women"?


I don't think Kim Bok Dong was lying. This is exactly what "repressed memory therapy" did. Those who "remembered" childhood abuse in America believed what did not happen happened. It was true to them but factually false. Human memory is that fragile.


So tell me why you can believe the gigantic abuse narrative when there is little actual evidence. I sincerely recommend reading the book by HATA Ikuhiko. If you cannot read it, perhaps you don't have enough means to collect and evaluate evidence of this issue at all.





Must Read:Confronting Korea’s Censored Discourse on Comfort Women

2021年02月23日 01時02分32秒 | Weblog

Confronting Korea’s Censored Discourse on Comfort Women
Controversy over the comfort women is partly rooted in a Manichean worldview dividing people into innocents and oppressors.

By Joseph Yi
January 31, 2018

What Justin Muccury's report lacks

2020年10月17日 10時54分21秒 | Weblog


What this report lacks is any mention of comparisons with contaminated water released on a regular basis from nuclear power plants elsewhere in Japan... and the rest of the world, including South Korea.

justin mccurry
Japan to release 1m tonnes of contaminated Fukushima water into the sea – reports https://theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/16/japan-to-release-1m-tonnes-of-contaminated-fukushima-water-into-the-sea

移動します !

2019年11月07日 14時41分43秒 | 固定


よろしくお願いします m(_ _)m