ソウル生まれ韓国人の若手選手、具智元が日本代表で出てるので応援してあげてほしいです https://t.co/gmhr1Sg5c3
— つまさき (@tsumasak) 2019年9月20日
ソウル生まれ韓国人の若手選手、具智元が日本代表で出てるので応援してあげてほしいです https://t.co/gmhr1Sg5c3
— つまさき (@tsumasak) 2019年9月20日
Q: What's worse than a photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing Blackface for fun? A: An entire nation wearing Blackface, every year, and calling it "tradition" 🤔Watch our report "Freeing Santa's Slave" here: https://t.co/QMByD3rXFT pic.twitter.com/qF2ZmeB24f
— redfish (@redfishstream) 2019年9月20日
Hip hip hooray:
This comes from the German “hep hep,” which was originally a shepherds’ herding cry, so the origin itself was not racially charged. However, during the Holocaust, German citizens began using it as a rallying cry while hunting for Jewish people in the ghettoes. Its anti-Semitic usage even dates back to the 1819 riots (the “Hep-Hep Riots”).
You won’t be cheering after learning that the hip hip (or hep hep) of this celebratory phrase was once shouted by German Anti-Semites.
In 1819, a series of riots against Jews broke out in Germany and then spread to other parts of Europe. Troops had to be called in to protect Jews from being killed. Many Jews fled their homes until things settled down again. The riots were called the Hep Hep Riots because of the rioters’ rallying cries.
No can do
Most of us think of this phrase as the milder form of “I can’t do it.”
No can do is actually a phrase that mimics Chinese Pidgin English. It traces back to the mid-1800s, during a time when some in the West held aggressively racist attitudes towards Chinese people and their customs.
Long time no see
Long-time no see was recorded in 1901 by W.F. Drannan, a writer who stood on street corners peddling ‘true accounts’ about life on the plains. In an extract of Drannan’s Thirty-one Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, an American Indian greets him with “Long time no see you.” This was evidently taken up by readers as a humorous aping of Native Americans.
英国大使館は、公式に参拝の支持もしくは禁止をしていない、と言っている。あちらは、公式ツイッターなので、中央日報の方が誤り。 https://t.co/wNpL8O0FzS
— buvery (@buvery) 2019年9月20日
英国軍ラグビーチームが靖国神社参拝→英大使館「二度と行くな」→チーム指揮者「とてもとても愚かだった」 - NAVER まとめ https://t.co/Nzeqnkh8I6
— KOMOMO (@komatsuna94) 2019年9月19日
— ハフポスト日本版 (@HuffPostJapan) 2019年9月19日
(松岡宗嗣 @ssimtok)https://t.co/VKwfmE5s5A
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) 2019年9月19日
SOGIとは、Sexual Orientation and Gender Identityの略で、日本語に落とし込むならば「性的指向と性自認」ということになります。
MAINICHI.JP|作成: 毎日新聞
アイヌ「先住民否定」日本会議が講演会 札幌市施設で開催へ 抗議相次ぐ - 毎日新聞
右派団体、日本会議北海道本部が21日、アイヌ民族が先住民族であることに疑問を投げかける内容の講演会「あなたもなれる? みんなで“アイヌ”になろう?」を札幌市の白石区民センターで開く。主催者によると「ア....
— 黒瀬 深 (@Shin_kurose) 2019年9月20日
— 過食弁 (@juntaba1) 2019年9月20日
Predators on the frontier probing U.S. defenses across the globe - new essay with @wess_mitchell in @aminterest https://t.co/VZih52wR3s
— Jakub Grygiel (@j_grygiel) 2016年2月12日
今回のサウジアラビアにおける石油施設への攻撃は同盟相手としてのアメリカが本当に頼れる存在なのか、その信頼性が問われているとするNYタイムズ紙掲載の意見記事。典型的な「プロービング」じゃないか。 https://t.co/iSC8SzsTyM
— Dr. OKUYAMA Masashi (@masatheman) 2019年9月20日
A confrontation at sea between Russia and North Korea has caused tension between the countries. The Russian government is holding more than 160 North Korean fishermen, accusing them of attacking and wounding Russians. CNN's Brian Todd reports.
Joo Yang once hid underground in a tiny bunker made for storing kimchi, Korean fermented cabbage, as she evaded detection before fleeing across the North Korean border to China. Years later, as she built a new life in Seoul, speaking in public about her experiences and helping other defectors share their own stories became a way to support herself and shed light on life in the communist country.
But multiple defectors and human rights activists have told the Financial Times that paid speaking opportunities for North Korean escapers - including media appearances and public lectures at universities and military bases - have disappeared over the past two years while President Moon Jae-in has sought rapprochement with dictator Kim Jong Un.
The allegations raise questions over whether Mr Moon's policy of engagement with Mr Kim to abandon nuclear weapons has also included efforts to silence critics and shift public focus from problems such as human rights abuses in North Korea.
Human rights organisations say Mr Moon's government has also cracked down on groups who try to counter Pyongyang's propagandists by sending factual information and cultural content into North Korea.