English Collection


fall out

2011年05月21日 | 英語学習
RD4月号は英国のRoyal Weddingの特集で、WilliamとKateを知る色々な人が印象を語っていますが、次ぎの文は14才の少年がTVの子供番組でWilliamに質問をした時の話です。
I told him I have a younger brother, too, and asked if he ever falls out with his. He said yes, about silly things like who's better at football, or who's in charge of the TV remote or doing the washing-up, stuff like that..
最初の文にある "falls out" は基本的な単語の組み合わせですが、この様な意味と使い方は教科書英語には出てこないので難しい単語よりもっと分かり難く感じます。ここでは後の文章があるので、そんな意味があるんだと分かりますが、 "fall out" と言われても、今の日本では "fallout" の話が出てきたと勘違いしそうです。 一応辞書で "fall out" を確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them: Have you two fallen out? (fall out with): I’d fallen out with my parents.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to quarrel or disagree with someone about something. Tony fell out with Nick about the video game. Bill fell out with Sally over the question of buying a new car. Bill fell out with John about who would sleep on the bottom bunk.
・Wiktionary: To cease to be on friendly terms.: Dave and I fell out after a long argument.
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