English Collection


Go commando

2011年05月03日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 3月号にあった "Get fit with a bicycle" という記事のRIDE IN COMFORTの項目の一つです。
Go commando
Yes, you read correctly - the seams in your underwear can exacerbate friction. Lace is the worst offender.
表題の "Go commando" と下着に何か関係がある様ですが、さっぱり分かりません。 文頭の "Yes, you read correctly" も何か曰くありげです。とにかく "Go commando" の意味を調べます。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: to not wear any underwear
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to wear trousers with no underpants There isn't time to dress properly - we'll have to go commando.
・Word Spy: To wear trousers without putting on underwear.
Notes: I read several reports that claimed today's phrase came from Britain's Royal Marine Commandos who, one assumes, often go boxerless beneath their fatigues. I can't confirm that, but I do know that going commando hit the mainstream when it was used in a 1996 episode of the sitcom Friends.
Going commando is the practice of not wearing underwear under one's outer clothing. The term is theorised to be related to the much earlier term "going regimental", which refers to wearing the kilt military style, that is, without underwear.
"Go commando" の意味は分かりましたが、下着の縫い目で擦れるのを防ぐために "going commando" が良いとは思えません。 下着より柔らかい生地や服は無いでしょう。
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