English Collection


disjointed smile

2011年05月20日 | 英語学習
4月29日に "engaging smile" を取り上げましたが、今日のスマイルは余り魅力的ではなさそうです。
CamusのTHE OUTSIDER、Part Twoで刑務所にいる主人公Meursaultのところに恋人(と言うより愛人?)のMarieが面会に来た時の場面からです。
Then it was my turn. Marie blew me a kiss. I looked round before disapperaing. She was standing quite still, with her face squashed up against the bars, and wearing that same strained, disjointed smile."
"disjointed" は関節が外れた様子を連想しますが、 "disjointed smile" となるとどんなスマイルなのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: lacking coherence or orderly sequence (an incomplete and disjointed history): a disjointed harangue about a hodgepodge of things that are supposedly wrong with our society
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: (especially of words or ideas) not well connected or well ordered: The script was disjointed and hard to follow.
"disjointed smile" にピッタリの説明、用例は見つかりませんでしたが、"disjointed smile" は多分何かちぐはぐなスマイルだと推測します。
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