

Dahon Curve D3

2007-03-22 11:45:34 | Dahon
 Dahon Curve SL の妹 Dahon Curve D3 が主治医の所にいよいよ納車。楽しいね。

 仕様はCurve SLとほとんど同じですが変速機が3段…町乗りには十分です。
New for 2007, the Dahon Curve gives a shot of energy to this 16" folding bike category. It folds to a wonderfully tiny package yet delivers a smooth and stable ride that sets the bar in the 16" folding bike category.
The Curve is the perfect bike for squeezing onto crowded trains and buses on your commute or as a secondary transport stashed in your car. The curvy, sexy lines of the frame add a refreshing new look to the stodgy folding bike category.

Dahon Curve D3 folding bike - key features:
 Light and easy to carry - 11.4 kg
 Sturmey-Archer 3 speed internal hub for low maintenance
 Super portable - folds in under 15 seconds and stores just about anywhere
 Quality, TIG welded 7005 aluminum frame
 Schwalbe Big Apple Tires
 BioLogic PostPump - high capacity floor pump integrated inside the seat post
 Dahon Deluxe component package

 シートポストと言うサドルの下のパイプが BioLogic Zorin PostPump と言う空気入れになっています。輸入自転車の空気を入れる所は仏式と言って日本のママチャリとは異なります。輸入車を買うと空気入れも買わなきゃならないという不便さを解消しています。また、ポンプの携帯は結構めんどくさいので、Dahon Curve D3は親切です。

 米式バルブは自動車やオートバイと全く同じですからご自宅で自動車に入れられるポンプをお持ちでしたらわざわざ自転車用として購入する必要はありませんが、一番厄介なのが仏式バルブです。(最近は殆どこれが付いています) 比較的空気が抜けやすく、専用のポンプが無いと空気を入れる事ができません。
 しかも、スポーツ車を全く扱っていない自転車屋さんでは 「それに入れる空気入れは持ってないよ」とあっさり断られてしまったと言う例が今まで何件かあり、スポーツ車の場合は空気圧管理も大切ですから、是非自転車と一緒に空気圧ゲージ付きのポンプを一つ用意して頂いた方が宜しいかと思います。


2007-03-19 07:31:25 | Private Cycling

 記録 距離82.65km 最高速度38km/h 平均速度16.8km/h 走行時間4:53:49


2007-03-09 15:30:40 | Kiwi cycling II
 以下のようなスケジュールでIndependent Cycle Tours Limited.に問い合わせをした結果をお知らせします。
11/23金 祝日 出国
11/24土 Christchurch着 ホームステイ泊
11/25日  ⇒ Jacksons 汽車で移動  ⇒ Greymouth ホームステイ泊
11/26月  ⇒ Reefton コテージ泊
11/27火  ⇒ Maruia Spring ラフ鞍部400m越え 高級ホテル泊 和食・温泉あり 日本語可
11/28水  ⇒ Hanmer Spring ルイス峠900m越え ホームステイ泊
11/29木  ⇒ Christchurch Banks Peninsula ヒルクライム ホームステイ泊
11/30金 Christchurch Banks Peninsula ヒルクライムと市内観光 ホームステイ泊
12/01土 Christchurch発
12/02日 帰国

 山登りが好きならばハンマースプリングからクライストチャーチを止めてバンクス半島のサイクリングを勧めるというポールの提案です。 このためにハンマースプリングからミニバスかシャトル・サービスでクライストチャーチに戻り半島のヒルクライムを楽しみます。ここはポールの練習場所でもあります。なおハンマースプリングからクライストチャーチは150キロくらいですから2時間以内で移動できます。自転車はここを2日かけて移動。

Hi Shiro and great to hear from you and that you will be back to New Zealand.
With regard to your mention of hills, I would really recommend that you spend a day or so of your trip around Banks Peninsula, just on the edge of Christchurch and we would love to show you around the hills and great scenery in a guided or unguided group.
This area follows two extinct volcanoes and it’s only 30minutes bike from Christchurch, with plenty of 10%+ gradients and climbs of 300-500m. My particular favorites is our 2 & 3 day over the Peninsula, which we ride & guide almost daily; but never get bored with.
Maybe we can skip the Hanmer Springs to Christchurch leg for you, by transporting you in our minibus or a shuttle service, but we will be guided by what suits you.

I would also note that as you are a past customer, we will offer a 5% discount on your tour price and we will extend this discount to your friends if there is 4 or more cyclists in the group [including you]. Also we can provide a backup support vehicle to transport you luggage each day and assist if anybody runs into trouble. This option is $575NZD per day and includes experienced local driver, driver accommodation & meals and all fuel costs, but we will need to book early as all of our support vehicles are heavily booked up until January.

I hope this has answered a few of your queries and look forward to hearing from you as to your plans.


Kia Ora Shiro and thanks for your enquiry regarding booking a self guided tour of the South Island.
Also a quick check to see if this is Shiro Matasuru, who cycled with us last year?

Further to your email can confirm availability for a 6day cycle tour commencing the 25th of November 2007 and I have placed a provisional reservation on these dates for you.
With regard pricing, this tour would be $1450NZD for one person with his or her own room, or per person for two people sharing a room [$1150twin/queen share].

For groups, we can also offer this tour with a support vehicle to transfer your luggage each day and provide backup for bad weather or injuries, plus there is the option of an on the bike guide to accompany you.
The one reservation I would note with this route is that it does miss the stunning scenery along the West Coast and from Westport to Reefton alongside the Buller Gorge.
I would suggest that we try and add a few days to include these areas or take a bus from Hanmer Springs /Amberley, as it really is an area not to be missed.
This is however up to you and may not fit you time constraints or destination preferences.

As an outline, the tour includes all accommodation & breakfasts for the duration of the tour, quality 27speed Shimano Deore specification bicycle, Ortlieb panniers, handlebar bag, maps, comprehensive repair kit [with instructions] and detailed daily itinerary, as outlined on the website. Also included is one way train fares on the Tranz Alpine train from Christchurch-Jacksons and additional extras such as lights, locks, spare tubes, cycle computer, reflective safety vest, spare spokes, chain links etc are also included. Cycle helmets are compulsory in New Zealand and available at $10 for up to one week ($5 week thereafter).

We are also able to offer accommodation at a pleasant bed & breakfast in Christchurch, either prior to Tour commencement or at the conclusion. The B&B is 20minutes bike to the centre of town, 10 minutes drive from the airport and reasonably is priced at $160/night for the room for a twin/Queen or $100/single (includes airport transfers & breakfast).
着いた日と出国前はChristchurchに泊まりますが空港から車で10分、町の中心まで自転車で20分くらいの所に空港送迎・朝食付き 2人1部屋一晩160ドルで宿舎を用意できます。

Once you have confirmed your tour, please let us know with definite dates, cyclist’s heights and number of cyclists and I will get back to directly with the booking forms.

I hope this has answered you questions and look forward to hearing from you as to your plans

Kind Regards,
Paul Kelly & Kim Whittaker,
Independent Cycle Tours Limited.
9 Main Road, Governors Bay,
RD1, Lyttelton, Christchurch.
Ph +64 3 3299 496/Fax +64 3 3299 497/ Mobile +64 27 524 4234
[outside New Zealand ] or 027 524 4234 in New Zealand.

探訪あいち 入鹿池-迫間山

2007-03-05 19:53:58 | ACA

好天のお陰か参加人数も20人超で、縦列走行はそのうち分断されて「はぐれるやろなぁ」 と懸念してたら自分がはぐれてました(笑)。

 参加者20人超でどうやって走るのと心配でしたが…心配のとおりでした。60歳以上が5人以上もいるのに我知らずと若者は飛ばしていく。まったくしんどいサイクリングでした。距離70キロ弱 サイコンの搭載を忘れたので正確な距離はわかりません。時間は7時間。