


2010-05-07 05:02:51 | Private Cycling
京都まで友人の Albert Sussler とサイクリングしました。

5月1日Albert は常滑市坂井を7時半に出発、知多市朝倉で合流。
106m 累計 176km
5月3日Albeert の友人カップルが我々に合流して市内サイクリングを楽しむ。
49km 累計 225km
120km 累計 345km
57km 累計 402km



Albert は常滑に住む陶芸家で自転車大好きな変なガイジン。
彼は、今年 Cona Sutra を買いました。私の新調したツーリング車 Trek Portland とほぼ同じ仕様です。


Albert は食パン、ピーナツバター、そしてアボガドを持参していて部屋でサンドイッチを作ります。

今夜の宿は Uno House という外国人バックパッカーが良く利用するやどです。
Albert は心配で午前4時半に自転車の存在を確認したそうな。







以下は Albert のエッセイです。
Purpose Sightseeing, Adventure and training for my Hokkaido trip.
Find markets for my ceramic ware.
May 1Leave Sakai 7:20 am > meet Shiro at Asakura ⇒ arrive at Suzuka Green Hotel at 2:30 p m
Distance: 97 kilos
HappeningsStopped at bike shop Wilson's Cycle: bought front bag for camera and wallet.
Met two other long distance Cyclist ( LDC ) going from Tokyo to Osaka, both two days out.
The hotel let us carry the bikes right into our rooms for security.
Night lights with intimidating Suzuka mountains on the horizon.
May 2Leave Suzuka 6:30 am ⇒ Kameyama Rt 25 ⇒ Iga Rt 4 ⇒ Rt 1 Konan ⇒ Kyoto 2:30 p m
Distance: 106 kilos
Happenings Met other LDC at Seki Juku. One 60 year old was riding from Tokyo to Yamaguchi.Taking the minor road to Kyoto, we escaped the traffic and Suzuka pass. We enjoyed a scenic road overlooking a mountain river much of the way. Arrived at Kyoto's Heian Jingu to see my favorite gardens.
I find it strange that each time I visit here I find the place shrinking.
When I first came some 25 years ago it took me 2 hours to see it all.
Now I could enjoy it in 20 minutes.
Let my favorite water crossing are the walking stones across the pond never seems to shrink in size or time.Stepping stones of Heian Jingu Garden.
We found the Hostel 'Uno House'. near by. For 2000 yen / night, one has a tatami space to sleep, storage space and a community room to meet fellow travelers.
Most were Japanese or from other Asian countries.
We headed for a sento to wash off the grim of travel and warm the muscles.
The price has gone up to 400 yen double of 25 years ago.
The owner told us, she didn't know how long she could stay open with fuel costs rising so fast.
Public Bath house near Marutamachi bridge
That night some of the travelers gathered around the table and exchanged stories of Kyoto.
Shiro brought out some Sake and the party got going.
Justine a doctor from Beijing told us about her life as a doctor.
During the Tiananmen Disturbances, the hospitals were jammed with wounded people, far more than the reported several thousand.
May 3Cycle around Kyoto via Kamo and Katsura river bike paths ⇒ Arashiyama ⇒ Imperial Palace
Distance: 49 kilos
One of my experimental breakfasts Peanut butter- seaweed - cucumber sandwich,
HappeningsWent to the Tourist information center in Kyoto station.
Myinquiries to ceramic shops turned up nothing.Ceramics except for Kiyomisu yaki, is not a focus of Kyoto.
Met my good friends of 20 years Masahumi and Mine.
We followed the cycling course down the Kamo and Katsura rivers.
I found future sites for spontaneous camping among the bushes along their banks. Our path took us to Arashiyama.
Where the crowds of tourist brought our ride to a walk. If I was to set up a shop, this would be the place. At Kinkakuji ( Gold Temple ), I helped an elderly Connecticut couple lost.
Their taxi driver had miss heard their request for Ginkakuji. (Silver Temple ) There must be thousands who have experienced the same trouble.
Mine watching the crowds passing Arashiyama shopsOur cycle ended at the Imperial Palace Gardens.
I and Shiro headed for a Thai restaurant for dinner.
Disappointed at the Jomon scene in Kyoto.
The archeological museum had just a handful of simple ware.The National museum is closed for construction for the next few years.
May 4Leave Kyoto 6:30 am ⇒ Rt, 1 ⇒ Rt 8 Hikone ⇒ Rt 21 ⇒ Sekigahara ⇒ Ogaki ⇒ arrive at Hishima 4:45 p.m.
Distance 120 kilos
HappeningsPassed a fight of taxi drivers, one smacked on the side of the head and then shouts of anger.
Passed a fallen private museum, full of the worse reproductions of famous sculptures.
The down sloop at Sekigahara had me rolling at 56 k.
Shot passed the site where once 100,000 samurai had battled to set the fate of Japan.
Arrived at the castle town of Ogaki.their motto 'The city of water'. Long moats of the former castle make a beautiful park.
In the north is their famous spring where people come to collect its waters. I drank my fill from the well and filled my bottle with its wonderful waters to take home to my family.Ogaki public well.
In the evening we arrived at Hishima-Gifu. A haphazard site of vacant lots and hotels next to the Shinkansen station.
Here Shiro had found a 1000 yen per night room. No staff but check in and the rest is up to yourself.
May 5thLeave Hishima at 7:20 ⇒ Nagoya ⇒ Chita ⇒ Tokoname 2:30
Distance 83 kilos.
HappeningsStopped at Tokaido ferry landing, where feudal lords once rested before crossing the waters to Kuwana and one to Kyoto.
Passed a man pushing a baby carriage, who three inhabitants were poodles.
Stopped for lunch in Chita to celebrate our return and Shiro's 68th birthday.
On the last leg of the trip I passed my friend Koie's bakery and picked up some sakura-mochi ( cherry leaf covered rice cakes ) the last in season.
This would support my gift of water, which might not be appreciated.All was quiet at home as my family lazed in the living room.
I opened my gifts and served the water in my treasured Bohemian goblets.
Somehow the delicious cool waters of Ogaki tasted a bit like plastic... like a water bottle. At least the 'Kyoto' sakura-mochi was much appreciated.
Lessons learnedThe best drink is 1/3 sports drink 2/3 water.
When waiting at signals remove both feet from the clip in pedals, to keep them from falling asleep.
Better the longer cycle friendly scenic route then the truck horn blasting main roads.
Don't hesitate to take a photo or the moment will pass.
Especially when one comes across poodles in a baby carriage.cheers to life. and thanks for finding the logistics for your first big adventure.
Albert still-spinning-heels

