
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (36) : いよいよ中南米へ。グアテマラとコスタリカ。

2022-01-23 10:03:24 | Ron's Life Story
現在、Ronさんとは新たなマネジメント手法 Open Organization を研究しています。
Red Hatという米国のソフトウェア会社が20年以上採用し、成功しているマネジメント手法です。






Latin America & the Caribbean

With the success throughout Southeast Asia and Turkey the word was starting to get around. As I mentioned earlier, Isuzu had a joint venture with General Motors to distribute to the smaller, non-assembly plant countries of the world IMODC (Isuzu Motors Overseas Distribution Corporation). In that company were three consultants from General Motors and one active member of its board. One consultant was to cover the Middle East and was stationed in Dubai, UAE, one to cover Africa and was stationed Abidjan, Ivory Coast and one covering Latin America in Puerto Rico.

Well, the General Motors consultant to Latin America got interested in all the training work I was doing and asked if I could set up training in Spanish for his region. That led to not only doing training in three of his countries (Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama) but one General Motor’s plant country (Venezuela) and one Isuzu territory (Puerto Rico). I was on the road for eight weeks, the longest business trip I ever took and ever will take. I was exhausted at the end of that trip.

The trip started in Puerto Rico where the liaison office was. We finished the Spanish training manual there, and I explained anything in the manual, which was difficult to translate. Then, the interpreter, the General Motors consultant and I set out to do the training. First was Guatemala, then Costa Rica and finally for IMODC was Panama.

I found all of the little countries very different. Guatemala has a very large local Indian population, about 75% of the people. It is an agricultural country with bananas and coffee. Also, there is tourism with famous Maya ruins and the Spanish city of Antiqua. Antiqua was a major Spanish city for the continent when Spain colonized the region. Unfortunately, Guatemala was a poor country with crime and political unrest. All in all though, the people are very warm and friendly.

Guatemala, El Salvador, GM Latin America Managers

Guatemala Training

Costa Rica, on the other hand, is very safe and more prosperous. Its population is similar to the United States in that most of the population is from European decent, although mostly Spain and southern Europe. Like the United States, most of the local Indian population had been killed or melted into the European population. The country has a very strong Spanish feel about it. The number one industry is tourism. It has very famous tropical rain forests around the country. Also, there is a population of retired North Americans there, enjoying the warm weather, lower cost and friendly people. Furthermore, on both coasts bananas are produced. The Costa Ricans are considered the most educated in Central America having good education and medical facilities.

First Costa Rica Sales Seminar

Panama Sales Training, January 1987

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