
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (9-m): Business Trip - Costa Rica & Panama

2023-11-04 21:17:08 | Ron's Life Story
Costa Rica, on the other hand, is very safe and more prosperous. Its population is similar to the United States in that most of the population is from European decent, although mostly Spain and southern Europe. Like the United States, most of the local Indian population had been killed or melted into the European population. The country has a very strong Spanish feel about it. The number one industry is tourism. It has very famous tropical rain forests around the country. Also, there is a population of retired North Americans there, enjoying the warm weather, lower cost and friendly people. Furthermore, on both coasts bananas are produced. The Costa Ricans are considered the most educated in Central America having good education and medical facilities.

< First Costa Rica Sales Seminar >

Panama is a service and distribution center for the region. It does have shrimp, bananas and other products, but distribution is the main foreign exchange earner. Not only do ships going through the canal earn money, but also in Colon, on the Atlantic side, there is a large product distribution center, which supplies products to all of South America. The Panamanians are considered rather less industrious than other Central Americans and getting things achieved is more difficult. I don’t know if that is because of adverse influence from North America or simply because of the activities of the canal. It very much follows what has happened to many island nations, which have continually been conquered throughout their histories. The general population expects someone else to take charge and uncomfortable with local management. The largest city of course is Panama City on the Pacific Ocean with Colon the second largest city.

The local currency is the US Dollar, so they never worry about getting foreign exchange to buy imported goods. Panama’s using the US Dollar has influenced other countries in the region to do the same thing and when I traveled there that first time Ecuador just had switched as well.

< Panama Sales Training, January 1987 >

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