another Beatle


Sad things I remember now.

2016-02-27 02:08:59 | Weblog


Sad things I remember now.

        Someone stole my bisycle.

Last year, at the early month of the year, someone stole my bicycle.

That one was my favorite article.

Why did she or he steal my favorite one?

Basically this accident depended on my careless action,

but the action of stealing others' bicycle is never allowed.

Maybe the person who stole my bicycle will be punished by God someday.

Very sad thing for me.

Though I bought new bicycle,

I can't be relieved for the loss of favorite one.

I can't forget my favorite one. So sad.


One more sad thing for me.

             Click , if you like.  




A few years ago I lost a cat.

This gave me a great sorrow.

Last year I lost another cat, too.

Also this gave me a great sorrow.

On the way of my life , sometimes I may face a great sorrow,

however, I want to avoid this kind of great sorrow, if possible.

In the cold season, a few years ago,  our younger HORU passed away.

Last year our elder KURO has passed away.

I can't get over these shocking death forever, maybe,

becaues it gave me a sorrow over my expectations.


Their death might depend on the lack of our care for them, though.

Very sad thing for me.

I pray for their happiness.



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