another Beatle



2013-05-16 10:29:36 | Weblog

Before start.







I have done 10 kilo meters run within 70 minutes.               10キロマラソン 70分以内で 走れました。

The basic rule for 10 kilo runnners was fixed at the beginning.   決められたルールがありまして 70分以上仮にかかったら

If we take over 70 minutes in 10 kilo meters marathon,         この10キロマラソンは 失格に

we are loser in this are of SAKAI CITY MARATHON.             なってしまうというものです

So runners have to think this carefully.                      だから 走り手は慎重に 考えないといけません




Just before start.




So many runners gathered in the start line of 10 kilo meters marathon.    沢山のランナーが10キロマラソンのスタート

I sometimes watched my wrist watch considering how to start, how to keep my                 ラインに立ちました。

running and how to end my run.                           私は、どんなスタートを切り、どうして自分の走りを保ち、


End of my running.



This is my final time of 10 kilo marathon this year.               今年の私の完走タイムです。 一時間4分です。(64分

Last year I took 68 minutes to 10 kilo meteres.                   去年は68分でしたから 今年のファイナルタイム

So the final time was good to me because I could make a progress  良しとしなければいけません。

in score.

Old runner/my father.

This is my father,95-years-old.                                              父親です。95歳です。

He also made a run for family marathon 2.5 kilo meters.             ファミリーマラソン2.5キロに出ました。完走です

In his sixties and seventies he made a full marathon,

42.195 kilo meters.                                                                    60代70代にはフルマラソン42.195キロにも出てました。

Certification for complete run.

This is my fourth certification.                             わたしの 四回目の 完走証明書 です。

If possible,next year, I want to run faster than this year.   来年は 今年よりも もっと 早く走りたいです。


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Rock concert for well aged person, held in Osaka/We can work it out

2013-05-05 12:36:52 | Weblog

I have seen the rock concert for well aged person in April.

The first act was done by 地下室ハンチャックス.( hanchakkus)                                

The stage done by only women have a unique outlook and element.

We can't see the women's band easily in our daily life.

So I hope they will make a progress based on their unique characteristics.





 This is the first time for me to see this band.

 The second stage was acted by Stratos.           .

 The latter part of their stage sometimes gave me a fun.

 Compared to the beginning part of their stage, the last part of it

 was very interesting and progressive.




Third stage was acted by Poor boys. I have seen this band once before.

They played only Beatles through their whole stage.

I was fascinated with their accordion's play for

 the song"We can work it out".

Original version /






The group "サマルカンド"  appeared on the 4th stage. They showed a rock energy to us.

On the surface they appered to be a little rough, but,

contrary to their ontlook they were sensitive and refined.





There is no word to comment to this band "BLACK HAIR INDEPENDENT"

They always give us a rock spirit and strong impact.

Thank you very much.

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