SMILE CANDY PROJECT スマイルキャンディープロジェクト

2011-03-16 | What's happening around the world

  This is a box i made to donate candies with smile from what i experienced in kobe as a child i was very happy to get a candy and i was smiling.



i know there will be a long way to go before everything recovers but i think children in shelters will like the candies with cute picture on it!!



what i did was to cut out a paper to 5cm(1.2inch) by 3cm(2inch) rectagle and draw a smily face or

a charactor with the word "smile!! by azu"

私がつくったのは、3cm×5cmの紙に子供が笑顔になるような好きなキャラクターとか顔文字とsmile の言葉、そして名前です。

I know this isnt much help or the energy source for a body,  comapering to bread, or rice balls, or cash donation that can actually buy food and water, but i thought if this way i can collect from children to send to children too.

here are what I drew これが実際に描いた絵です。(下手でごめんね。。。笑)

Totoro with a silly smile, a cute rabbit with lots of hearts, some emocons "happy" and "funny"

and taped it onto a piece of candy (drop?). それをテープで貼っただけのものです。

If your kids can draw a smily face on a piece of paper 5cm by 3cm and send it over to me, i will appriciate it very very much! if you cant send it, please take a photo and send by email!!!!! i can print it out or i will figure out some other way.


Im going to ask for the kids and parents at the previous preschool i used to work for, and the afterschool i work now, and my friends and families.

actually I will not send the candies yet since many areas are not accepting aids to avoid confusion. Prefectual official homepage also notes that. BUT it doesnt mean we cant start collecting supportive words!!!

If you can join this project, plz leave a comment below!!!  If you could ask ur family and friends to draw a smily face and ur words on a paper, and send them to me. thats all. please, write a comment below!


今現在 各県の公式ホームページなどでは



という風にあるのですぐに送ることはしませんが、たとえば学校が始まるときなど子供たちに応援を送ることができると思って今このプロジェクトを始動しました☆ それから、募金は、子供はなかなかできないけど絵を描くことなら得意だから、子供たちから子供たちへ、という意味でもこれをしました。







タグ 東北地震、救援物資、募金、プロジェクト、スマイル、笑顔、元気、被災地、被災者、こども

あめ 津波