SMILE CANDY PROJECT <UPDTAE> <スマイルキャンディープロジェクト>更新

2011-04-05 | What's happening around the world

Hello :>>

Its been a while. こんにちは。 お久しぶりです。

I have been busy and lazy. Not just busy, not just lazy, but both. 忙しかったのとさぼってたのと両方です。

well, guess how many candies have i collected so far? 今、キャンディー何個集まったと思います?


Each has different smiles, heart, sun, rainbow, and warm messages!




It started from one candy- my little idea became a big project!! 私の「小さな」アイデアが膨らんでこんなに大きなプロジェクトとして動いてくれてめちゃめちゃ感激です。 im so glad that everyone has been

supporting and thinking of the victims of the earthquake. みんな地震津波のことを考えて書いてくれました

most of all, i really want the children to know the situation and have the opportunity to think about what it is like to have nothing, or very little around them since they are so fortunate.こういうことを機会に子供たちには危機管理や今もっているものえの感謝の気持ちなど、学んでいってほしいと願っています。

Drawn by a student's mom  " Rainbow will appear after the rain. I hope you will see it soon, we love you"

I think the children i have been teaching to, had an opportunity to learn about it a little, so Im glad.少なくとも私が話をした生徒たちは、少しでもその機会があったと思うのでうれしく思いますl

Im still waiting for my mail to arrive from oversea, and then my package will be complete for the project. 海外から参加してくれている友達からのパッケージが届いたら全てのキャンディーを一緒にして送る日が決まったらまたここにのせます。

i will post it here when i decide the date to deliver them!!!!!

All kinds of people at different age, men and women, children and seniors, and different nationalities have participated in this!!! thanx!!!




Drawn by one of the parent.  cute smile! 


1 コメント

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impressive! (chuchuchie)
2011-04-09 21:25:15
that is so wonderful! i was wondering how it was coming along! :D

i hope you'll be able to mail it out to those kids soon!!