PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


Winter song for confession ~ 冬懺悔 ~ 

2008年12月09日 23時54分50秒 | Weblog
             For him                   (彼に)
             For her                   (彼女に)
             I'd like to pray               (祈りたい)
             During white and long sadness      (白く長い悲しみの間)
             Winter song for confession       (懺悔の為の冬の歌)
             Winter song for confession       (懺悔の為の冬の歌)
He is frightened              (彼は怯えている)
She loses hope              (彼女は絶望した)
In the mind of two             (2人の心に)
The same word is             (同じ言葉がある)
Inside of wall                (壁の中)
Lonelier up to now            (今までより淋しい)
No one has protected it any longer  (もう誰も庇ってくれない)
River in two kinds of time        (ニ種類の時間の川)
God gave it                 (神様が与えてくださった)
For him                   (彼に)
For her                   (彼女に)
I'd like to present             (贈りたい)
White Christmas roses          (白いクリスマス・ローズ)
To fold time and              (時間を折り畳んで)
To shorten a suffering           (苦悩を短縮する為に)

             To save him, he separated        (彼は生きる為に切り離した)
             Reality and spirit             (現実と精神)
             To live, she adjusted           (彼女は生きる為に合致させた)
             Reality to spirit              (現実と精神)
             Fault once and               (一度の過失、そして)
             Keeps being cheated           (騙され続ける)
             No one has protected it any longer  (もう誰も庇ってくれない)
             Double-pinched-chains          (二重に締めつける鎖)
             They make it                (彼らが作り出す)
             For him                   (彼に)
             For her                   (彼女に)
             I'd like to present             (贈りたい)
             White diary notebook           (白い日記帳)
             To enlarge time and           (時間を引き延ばして)
             To smile with memories         (思い出と一緒に笑う為に)

For him                   (彼に)
For her                   (彼女に)
I'd like to pray               (祈りたい)
During white and long sadness     (白く長い悲しみの間)
Winter song for confession       (懺悔の為の冬の歌)
Winter song for confession       (懺悔の為の冬の歌)
