PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年06月25日 23時55分40秒 | Weblog
if i notice,                 (気づいたら私)
i only merely work every day     (ただ毎日働いてるだけよ)
if holiday is not taken          (もし休日を取れば)
my income is not insufficient     (やっていけないんだもの)
friends were tired and retired     (仲間たちは疲れ果てて退職したわ)
but new work wasn't found       (でも新しい仕事が見つからなくて)
they became poor than before     (彼女たちは前より貧しくなってしまった)
so i may be blessed with work     (私は仕事があるだけ、きっとマシね)
My country too different from your country
It'ill be retired, if it's disliked by the boss, though I've been working seriously
It's difficult for me clumsy to take communications with foreigner's boss
if you come,                (もしあなたが来てくれるなら)
i get a holiday only on the day     (その日は私、休みを取るわ)
i have bought new clothes       (洋服を買ってあるのよ)
as you may come in every season  (どの季節にあなたが来てもいいように)
you see me who dressed up and   (お洒落した私を見て)
please come to my house       (私の家に寄って)
cooking will be carried out for you  (あなたの為に手料理も作るわ)
Such imagination makes me happy  (こんな想像をしてると楽しい)
I'm different from me at time who met you
want you to know both of the part i changed and a part which isn't different
want you to know both of the part i changed and a part which isn't different
