PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


Assalahm Aleikum. Ishulonakk.

2011年02月25日 16時04分58秒 | Weblog

Assalahm Aleikum. Ishulonakk.
May I about your distress of Arab States, reach you, however long my prayer may be!

Historical long wisdom and your God, and it support Arab States.
Colored races' complicated fate is made repeatedly, while major nations are manipulated.
(The States which obtain profits by global confusion will not stop it when you get damaged)
We do not think that the stolen profits bring about happiness.
And people who steal attach a mask and kill people of foreign States by the stolen profits.
I think that your States must be managed by original nationals in order to extinguish this.
Many countries in the world worry about this.

Many people already became victims with such a trap among the world, and it became
impossible for us to meet them.
I have recommended not to cause a demonstration about Japan.
However, politics tends to confine Japanese people in an economical lower layer, and also it's
going to embarrass Japanese people by foreign class system. Furthermore, South Korea intercept
history and culture of Japan. If politics is captured by foreign States, you will also fall into such
a sense of crisis.
It is completely different to rebuild decomposition politics and that politics is put under foreign
rules. And I believe that peaceful Middle Eastern balance is possible.
From Japan.
