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テストの内容(8) Reading and Use of English - Part7

2017-09-17 19:06:41 | Test content(First)
Part7: Multiple matching


You are going to read .....
For questions 43 - 52, chose the sections (A - D/E) The sections may be chosen more than once.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


This part focuses on your ability to find specific information in a set of texts, or in one text that has been divided into sections.
For this task, you will often need to locate words and phrases in the text(s) that reflect the meaning of the wording used in the questions. Sometimes more than one text will cover the same subject, so you need to decide which one matches the questions wording.


Don't tempted to choose a text simply because it has the same wording as in the question. This may lead you to an incorrect answer.

教科書のExam Adviceの進め方:
Skim the texts for their general meaning.
Read through the questions careful, underlining any key words and phrases.
Scan the texts for the specific information you need, rather than reading them in detail.
Don't spend too much time looking for an answer. Leave any challenging questions until the end and go on to the next ones. When you've finished, go back and look again at any questions you left unanswered.
Aim to spend around 15 minutes on this task - even though Par7 questions are only 'single wighted', whereas the questions in Parts 5 and 6 count double.


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