English for apes

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Police could not help

2024-09-07 11:42:07 | Reading - local
It's impossible not to use phone in the street in London. I check the route to meet friends on maps, search time tables of public transport, ask a Uber or Bolt and make a call.
Current hotspot is Westminster, Lambeth and Newham. The victim had been stolen in Holborn. Not so big difference the article which I read one or two years before.

Thieves snatched his phone in London - it was in China a month later

ping [quote]the phone was pinging in different locations around north London
hindsight, with hindsight [Collins] Hindsight is the ability to understand and realize something about an event after it has happened, although you did not understand or realize it at the time.
[quote]In a move says he "wouldn't recommend" with hindsight [unquote]
says he...is it inversion?
screw that - screw [Collins] [rude, feelings] Some people use screw in expressions such as screw you or screw that to show that they are not concerned about someone or something or that they feel contempt for them.
prized possession - prized [Collins]highly valued
disassembled for parts
Shenzhen - big tech hub, sometimes referred to as China's Silicon Valley
plain clothes officers
offload [Collins] [mainly British] If you offload something that you do not want, you get rid of it by giving it or selling it to someone else.
fence [Collins] [informal]A fence is a person who receives stolen property and then sells it.
[quote]Phones will be offloaded to known fences within a couple of hours[unquote]
against the clock [Collins]If you are doing something against the clock, you are doing it in a great hurry, because there is very little time.
[quote]It's always a battle against the clock immediately following any of these crimes [unquote]
tank [Cambridge](informal) to quickly go down in price, value, etc., or to suddenly become less successful
swathe - I remember this but I'm not sure how to use it
prolific - I posted this on blog recently
tinfoil - aluminium!!
magic bullet [Collins] [informal]A magic bullet is an easy solution to a difficult problem.
at this moment in time [Cambridge]now
Total Recall - I think the officer mentioned 1990 film. PC Evans looks late 40's or early 50's. It took time to recall the film. I want to watch it again.
a big ask [Collins] [British informal]a task which is difficult to fulfil

One of the victims had stolen iPhone13. The thieves steal even old phones.

I need to prepare. Phone is indispensable now.
My solution is to carry two phones when I'm abroad. I need to hide one of the phones in public.
The problem is weak signals. I always see E on the phone when I'm in countryside. In busy area, on the contrary, it's also not good access sometimes.
I shouldn't forget my password, to set the lost mode. I will be panicked, if my phone is stolen.

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