English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-04-18 23:00:54 | Reading - local/society
This article reminds me Ken Loach's films. It's sad to know about poor people.

Record 3.7m workers in England will have major illness by 2040, study finds

record (adj)
[Collins]You use record to say that something is higher, lower, better, or worse than has ever been achieved before.
Profits were at record levels. She won the race in record time.
deprived - [quote]Harehills, one of the most deprived areas of Leeds
deprivation -[quote] linked to geographical data to estimate the difference in diagnosed illness by level of deprivation
mortality - [quote]substantial risk of mortality, examined 1.7m GP and hospital records, alongside mortality data
arm - [Collins]An arm of an organization is a section of it that operates in a particular country or that deals with a particular activity.
ill health - [quote]They then projected how levels of ill health are predicted to change
life expectancy - [Collins]the statistically determined average number of years of life remaining after a specified age for a given group of individuals
develop - [Collins]If you develop an illness, or if it develops, you become affected by it.
prevalence < prevalent [quote]prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is four times more common in the most deprived areas than the leas
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
thrive - [quote]A healthy workforce is the backbone of any thriving economy
set to - [quote]the number of working-age people living with major illness is set to increase
potential - [quote]everyone can reach their full potential

UK or England-Wales government words
Health Foundation - The Health Foundation
Office for National Statistics - ONS
Economic inactivity - [ONS]People not in employment who have not been seeking work within the last 4 weeks and/or are unable to start work within the next 2 weeks
whole-government approach - Whole-of-government approach (WGA). - cross-government approach
NHS Providers
TUC - Trades Union Congress
Department of Health and Social Care
Back to Work Plan

Realistically speaking, it's not easy to interact with them. I always keep away from deprived areas in the UK, but I often get lost and stray into such areas. I found fly-tipping as the photo in the article in such areas.
I even stay away from certain areas in Tokyo such as the edge of Yoyogi park. I cannot be friendly to them...