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訂正:テストの内容(9) Reading and Use of English (まとめ)

2017-09-17 19:34:35 | Test content(First)
Reading and Use of Englishについて、ようやく概要がわかりました。

Part1: Multiple-choice cloze 8問 8点 Reading
Part2: Open cloze 8問 8点 Use of English
Part3: Word formation 8問 8点 Use of English
Part4: Key word transformations 6問 12点 Use of English
Part5: Multiple choice - fiction/non-fiction 6問 12点 Reading
Part6: Gapped text 6問 12点 Reading
Part7: Multiple matching 10問 10点 Reading

Use of English: 28点 合格可能ライン18点以上
Reading: 42点 合格可能ライン24点以上



In the live exams, each of the skills and Use of English are equally weighted, and a candidate’s overall score is calculated by adding all of the individual scores together and dividing by five (and then rounding to the nearest whole number)

28点しかない、Use of Englishの1点の重みが・・。やはり私は苦手のUse of Englishが課題です。

Students who achieve only slightly higher than the Cambridge English Scale score for a given level on a practice test may not achieve that level in the live exam, and we recommend that they continue working to improve so that they reach the desired level.

Reading、Listening、Use of Englishは、問題集の自己採点で合格可能ラインをかなり余裕で上回っておかないと、自己採点できないWritingやSpeakingも含めた本番の不確定さを補えないので、そもそも受験すべきではないのかもしれません。

テストの内容(8) Reading and Use of English - Part7

2017-09-17 19:06:41 | Test content(First)
Part7: Multiple matching


You are going to read .....
For questions 43 - 52, chose the sections (A - D/E) The sections may be chosen more than once.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


This part focuses on your ability to find specific information in a set of texts, or in one text that has been divided into sections.
For this task, you will often need to locate words and phrases in the text(s) that reflect the meaning of the wording used in the questions. Sometimes more than one text will cover the same subject, so you need to decide which one matches the questions wording.


Don't tempted to choose a text simply because it has the same wording as in the question. This may lead you to an incorrect answer.

教科書のExam Adviceの進め方:
Skim the texts for their general meaning.
Read through the questions careful, underlining any key words and phrases.
Scan the texts for the specific information you need, rather than reading them in detail.
Don't spend too much time looking for an answer. Leave any challenging questions until the end and go on to the next ones. When you've finished, go back and look again at any questions you left unanswered.
Aim to spend around 15 minutes on this task - even though Par7 questions are only 'single wighted', whereas the questions in Parts 5 and 6 count double.


テストの内容(7) Reading and Use of English - Part6

2017-09-17 18:46:13 | Test content(First)
Part6: Gapped text.


You are going to read .....
Six sentences have been removed from the .... Chose from the sentences A - G the one which fits each gap (37 - 42). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

There are fewer questions in this part than in Part7, but as in Part5, each question is 'double-weighted', that is, it is worth two marks instead of one. Part 6 is difficult task and you must allow enough time for it.

Read the text quickly, in order to get an idea of what it is about. (2 minutes)
Underline key words in the text to predict what each gap might contain. Look for lining and reference words too.(4 minutes)
Scan the missing sentences for matching information and note down likely answers.(4 minutes)
Read through the whole text with your answer in place to check that it all makes sense. (3 minutes)
Make sure that the extra sentence does not fit anywhere.(2 minutes)

Check the words around the gap carefully. The missing word(s) may be forming part of an idiom, fixed phrase or collocation.
Check that the completed paragraph makes sense in the passage as a whole. The missing sentence must fit the overall context.


テストの内容(6) Reading and Use of English - Part5

2017-09-17 18:20:40 | Test content(First)
Part5: Multiple choice - fiction/non-fiction


You are going to read .....
For questions 31 - 36, chose the answer (A,B, C or D) which you think fits best according the text.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

There might also be the following types of questions:
a question which tests global understanding
a question which tests the meaning of a word or phrase from the context
a question which tests reference

Skim the text to get a general idea of what is about.

All the questions, except for the global one, are in order, so you can concentrate on one part of the text at a time. The global question will come at the end, but you need to make sure you take the whole text into account when you answer it.

Some of the options may be true but do not answer the question. Other options many seem very plausible and even contain elements of the same vocabulary, but do not answer the question correctly. Read the questions carefully and check each option against the text before rejecting it.

The reference question may refer ether forwards or backwards, so check carefully on either side of the pronoun to see what it refers to.

As you read, underline the part of the text which you think contains the answer.



テストの内容(5) Reading and Use of English - Part4

2017-09-17 12:04:22 | Test content(First)
Part4: Key word transformations

これもUse of Englishの問題。文章の書き換えの問題が6問出ます。回答は2語以上5語以下。

For questions 25 - 30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).
Write only missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Write between two and five words as your answer. To count the number of words, the full form should be taken into account, e.g. didn’t = did not = two words.

In this part of the Reading and Use of English paper you are tested on both grammar and vocabulary. There are six questions and an example at the beginning. You can get up to two marks for each question.


What happens if I make one small mistake in the key word transformation task (Part 4)? Does it mean I get zero points?

The two parts of the sentence are always treated separately, so you will receive 1 mark for correctly completing one part of the sentence, even if a small mistake means that you get no points for other part.

The last time Enrico saw Gloria was the day they left school.
Enrico has ............. the day they left school.
Answer: not/ n’t seen Gloria ][ since



テストの内容(4) Reading and Use of English - Part3

2017-09-17 11:49:03 | Test content(First)
Part3: Word formation

User of Englishの問題。これもPart1, Part2 と同様に8つのブランクを埋める問題。

For questions 17 - 24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.


You need to read the sentence carefully to decide what kind of word is missing - is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb?
Remember that the words you need to write in Part 3 might have to change into a negative or a plural.
Don’t leave the base word in Part 3 unchanged.
