


2013-05-19 13:39:05 | Weblog
303+72+258 まだ、私を疑っている人たちへ(For Skeptical People about Me)


This is a guidance video for those who are skeptical about what I have been talking. If you are so, please give me 5 minutes, and then you will understand what I am talking.
May 19th 2013

(Japanese Version 日本語版)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6eaIpmHXdAI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


(English Version 英語版)

English Version

This is a guidance video about mysterious Lines of Ancient Times. You will know about the mysterious world of Lines which connect ancient ruins and remains of the world. I take in this video three ancient cities and I have examined the Lines between them. What is important for you is just examined these facts by yourselves then you will know what I have been talking is correct. These are NOT conincidences, I am sure.

Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan

No one is allowed to use my ideas without my permission and my name, for which I thnak you for your cooperation.
May 19th 2013

Teotihuacan,Nazca,Mohenjodaro,Moehenjodaro,Giza,謎の点と線,Mystery of Ancient civiiizations,古代文明の謎,謎の古代文明,入門編, はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi, Guidance, video, mysterios lines of ancient cultures, Mystery of Teotihuacan, Mohenjodaro Moehenjodaro, Mohenjo-daro, Meejodaro, Giza, Hiroshi Hayashi ,Hamamatsu, Japan, Mystery of Teotihuacan, Mexico,謎の点と線, はやし浩司,

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++May.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

