


2015-10-17 02:23:26 | Weblog
Mystery of the Battle of Cascina by Michelangelo
Concocted Death Date of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was Jesus Christ after 1500 yrs.
+Jesus Christ was Helios (Shamash, God of the Sun) , its Proof and Evidence.
Ancient Greek Gods tried to leave their history of Gods in their sculptures. It indicate that when we see their sculptures, we can know the history of the ancient Gods.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about the concocted death date of Leonardo, who is said to have died on May 2nd when he was 67 years old.
I say here, however, he did not die on that day or I say here, his death date was concocted by Leonardo himself.
This is one story about him and also I have got another story in this video to tell you that Leonardo was, or is now, Jesus Christ after 15 hundreds years.
This story could be very much surprising I know for those people outside Christianity as well as for those people inside Christianity.
But whatever I am, I believe in facts rather than in religions.
So it’s 100% up to you how you judge this video and I don’t care if you think I am crazy.
I hope I am not, but no one knows about ourselves well enough to understand the secrets of Gods.
I may be one of them.

それぞれの神々には、それぞれの神々を意味する数字、つまりsacred numberがあります。

The Last message from Leonardo da Vinci in which he says Jesus Christ is still alive or at least Leonardo did not die on the day of May, the fifith month of the year, the 2nd at age 67.
I have proven that Leonardo was Jesus Christ after 1500 years and here I prove that Leonardo did not die on the day, which suggests a fact that Jesus is still alive on this earth.


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep. 08th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

Michelangelo,the battle of Cascina,Cascina,カッシナ,カッシナの戦い,Sacred number,ダビンチ,イエス,1500年後,Shamash,Helios,Mithras,Ishtar,Inanna,Mari,Jesus Christ,ヘリオス,アポロ,ミトラ,イエス・キリスト,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,キリストの正体,Who is Jesus Christ,Christ,Mari,Maria,マリア,マリ,神々の歴史,History of Gods,pieta,Holy Shroud,聖骸布,ピエタ像,ミケランジェロ,ダビンチ,Michelangelo,Da Vinci,History of Gods,神々の歴史,Rhea,Hellios,Mithras,Apollo,Mithraism,ミトラ教,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

1562+USA in Nazca
Mystery of George Washington and the city of Washington, D.C., USA
Today’s story is about George Washington,
George Washington was the first President of the United States (from 1789– to 97), the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
He presided over the convention that drafted the current United States Constitution and during his lifetime was called the "father of his country".
George Washington had a long neck with very steep sloping shoulders.


Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep. 08th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

George Washington,long neck,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,sloping shouder,なで肩,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

All Gods belong to one single Family and all religions is only One.
Mystery of Three Magi(謎の3人のマギ)

In Iranian sources
According to Iranian sources
The term “Magi” only appears twice in Iranian texts from before the 5th century BCE, and only one of these can be dated with precision.
This one instance occurs in the trilingual Behistun inscription of Darius the Great, and which can be dated back to about 520 BCE.
Then Hiroshi Hayashi say here, that, that is to say that the word “Magi” is a proper noun, but not a common noun as has been widely taught in Christianity.

According to the inscription in Persepolis, three Magi, or stargazer are Kambujiya, Suddhodhana Gautama, and Darius.
Suddhodhana Gautama is Father of Siddhartha Gautama, whom may call Buddha here all over the world as well as here in Japan.

All through these facts we come to know that all Gods belong to one single family and all religions are just only one.
Today’s story is about this.



Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about Three Magi, who visited a Child, Mithra, when he was born on Dec. 25th, with his virgine mother Anaheta.
Today’s point is this as follows:

+Ancient Persian Inscriptions Link a Babylonian King to the Man Who Became Buddha
Dramatic evidence has revealed the presence of Siddhartha Gautama, the man who became Buddha, as far west as Persia.
シッダルタ・ゴータマ(Shiddhartha Gautama)、つまり彼はブッダ(釈迦)になったのだが、その存在を示す劇的な証拠が、遠く西のペルシアで明らかになった。
Family seals and records found at Persepolis, the ancient capital of the fourth Persian Emperor, Darius the Great, have been identified and associated with the names of Siddhartha Gautama and his father, Suddhodana Gautama.
ペルセポリスで見つかったファミリー印章および記録(Family seals and records)によれば、第4ペルシア皇帝のダリウス大王(Darius the Great)が、シッダルタ・ゴータマ(=ブッダ)と、ブッダの父親のスドダナ・ゴータマ(Suddhodana Gautama)という名前と認識され、かつ関係していることがわかった。
The Persepolis Seals identified royals and other important personages within the Persian ruling sphere.
Guatama was the name of the royal family of the Saka kingdom.

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep.09th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

Siddharta Gautama,Suddhodahana Gautama,three Magi,3人のマギ,ゴータマ・シッダルタ,シッダルタ・ゴータマ,ペルセポリス,Buddha,Persepolis,Lumbini,ブッダ,はやし浩司,ブッダの正体,Darius the Great,ダリウス,Hiroshi Hayashi,Magi,占星術,ゴータマ・シッダルタ,シッダルタ・ゴータマ,はやし浩司,Three magi,3賢者,東方の3博士,Suddhodana Gautama,Gautama,ブッダ,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Rembrandt Paintings on Photo Technology(写真技術で作られたレンブラントの絵、証拠と証明)
Mystery of Rembrandt van Rijin+Mystery of William A. Bougereau
Doubt your own common sense! (自分の常識を疑ってみよう!)
Just take a wonder if you are in the thick walls of common sense, in which you have got lost yourself in the labylinth of mysteries.I say here that “Open the door and see the world outside of your world, and then you can see much wonderful world just lying in front of you.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about mystery of Rembrandt van Rijin in suspicion.
I have proven in the past that his paintings were created on 2D photographic technology with a help of Aliens and here is another evidence which reinforces my theory.
O-shinj-san’s mail gave me the hint, for which I thank him very much.



These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep.10th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

レンブラント,解剖の図,photograph technology,写真技術,Rembrandt,ゴッホ,レンブラント,Gogh,Rembrandt,Pura Puseh Temple,David,Michelangelo,常識の謎,弥勒菩薩半跏思惟像,みろくぼさつはんかしいぞう,Amidanyorai ,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,bougueraeu,Rembrandt van Rijin,瞳の謎,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Rembrandt Paintings on Photo Technology(写真技術で作られたレンブラントの絵、証拠と証明)
Mystery of Rembrandt van Rijin+Mystery of William A. Bougereau
Doubt your own common sense! (自分の常識を疑ってみよう!)
Just take a wonder if you are in the thick walls of common sense, in which you have got lost yourself in the labylinth of mysteries.I say here that “Open the door and see the world outside of your world, and then you can see much wonderful world just lying in front of you.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about mystery of Rembrandt van Rijin in suspicion.
I have proven in the past that his paintings were created on 2D photographic technology with a help of Aliens and here is another evidence which reinforces my theory.
O-shinj-san’s mail gave me the hint, for which I thank him very much.



These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep.10th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

レンブラント,解剖の図,photograph technology,写真技術,Rembrandt,ゴッホ,レンブラント,Gogh,Rembrandt,Pura Puseh Temple,David,Michelangelo,常識の謎,弥勒菩薩半跏思惟像,みろくぼさつはんかしいぞう,Amidanyorai ,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,bougueraeu,Rembrandt van Rijin,瞳の謎,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

La Joconde and Venus de Mile are “Men” ,Its Proof and Evidence
Venus de Milo is a “Man”.
Today’s story is about Venus de Milo, who has been supposed “Aphrodite” , a woman.

First of all I quote here Wikipedia which writes about Hermaphroditus as follows:

HERMAPHRODITOS was the god of hermaphrodites and of effeminate men.
He was numbered amongst the winged love-gods known as Erotes.
Hermaphroditos was a son of Hermes and Aphrodite, the gods of male and female sexuality.

Some say he was once a handsome youth who attracted the love of a Naiad nymph named Salmakis.
She prayed to to be united with him forever and a god, in answer to her prayer, merged their two forms into one.
At the same time her spring acquired the property of making men who bathed in its waters soft and effeminate.

Venus de Milo is one of the statues.
That is to say that Venus de Milo is a Man, not a Woman



Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.11th, 2015

モナリザ,男,モナリザは男,la jaconde is a man,la joconde,man,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,はやし浩司,maystery of da vinci,Leonardo,Leonardo da vinci,la jocund is a man,joconde is man,Saint Anne,saint anna,St. anne,Saint anne, 聖アン,Venus de Milo,Statue of Liberty,all are men,自由の女神,男,statue of liberty,Marianne,Phyrigian caps,Mithra,Mithraism,ミトラ教,はやし浩司,hiroshi hayashi,French revolution,フランス革命,ミトラ教教会,神殿,フリーメイソン,freemason,freemasonry,Makote,Hermaphrodititus,両性具有,ミロのヴィーナス,キズ,傷,男だった

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Nuwa and Fuxi
Origin of Human-beings, Enki vs. Enlil(人間の起源、エンキとエンリル)+旧約聖書、新約聖書のYahweh(El Shadai)は、Enliliだった(シッチン説)。DNA Language, left by Aliens(エイリアンが残したDNA言語)
人間は第10惑星からのエイリアンによって、遺伝子操作により創られた。その証拠と証明。Humans were created by Space Aliens from the 10th Planet. Here is a story and its Evidence and Proof.
遠い昔、エイリアンは、人間にDNA言語を教えた。それが現在は、八卦になっている。その謎に迫ってみた。Long time ago in China, Aliens tried tto teach Humans the DNA Language, but now it is known as a “Fortune telling”. I try to solve the mystery of the Language.

Today’s story is about us, human-beings.
We were created by Aliens whom we may call call with Gene Manipulation and here is the evidence to prove my theory.

Fu Xi is a culture hero in Chinese legend and mythology, credited along with his sister Nü Wa with creating humanity and the invention of hunting, fishing and cooking as well as the Cangjie system of writing Chinese characters ca. 12,000 BCE.

Fu Xi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period.

Fu Xi and Nü Wa are said to be creatures that have faces of human and bodies of snakes.

Fu Xi was known as the "original human", although technically speaking he was not a human and he was also said to be was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.11th, 2015

Sitchin,Cathars,holocaust,Zacharia Sitchin,ザカリア・シッチン,Mari,Serpent,origin of human-beings,Enki,Enlil,エンキ,エンリル,anu,anunnaki,Yahweh,Eden,EA,E.A.,Anunnaki,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,half human,DNA,伏羲,女媧,Fu His,Nuwa, ,Aliens,Planet X,DNA language,God Language,言語,伏儀,Fu His,暗号,Cifer,Bianry system, Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines,林 浩司.secret,Athens,Gandhara,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,binary system, binary number,DNA language,Aliens ,DNA language,エイリアン,二進数,DNA言語,エイリアンの残したDNA言語,八卦,八卦の謎,謎の八卦,風水,二進数

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

1566+The Three Graces by Raffaello
Mystery of the Three Graces(三美神の謎)
Today’s story is based on a mail with photographs, from Ms. Seri Kimura, Paris, France.
Ms. Seri kimura visited the Louvre Museum and took a dozen of photographs and send them to us.
As you know, and Wikipedia writes:
the Louvre or the Louvre Museum is one of the world's largest museums and a historic monument in Paris, France.
As a central landmark of the city, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine.
Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres .
The Louvre is the world's most visited museum, receiving more than 9.7 million visitors in 2012.

Here in this video I’d like to examine two of them.
One is “The Three Graces” and another one is a strange painting by Antonio Campi, in which we see a strange flying object over the crucified Jesus.

Here is my report on my examinations.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司





These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.12th, 2015

Raffaello,plagiarist,偽作画家,ラファエロ, 謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines,林 浩司,Seri Kimura,セリ・キクラ,kimura seri,Louvre,Les Truis Grace,三美神,Antonio Campi,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Today’s story starts with a mail from K-miya-san, a very good friend of mine, a mail-in which Kmiya-san wrote to me as follows.
In a drawing of Nuwa and Fuxi, he could see an embryo, which suggests that this drawing may be more concerned with the fact that mankind was created by Aliens, whom we may call Gods.
But I am sorry to say that it is not.
The drawing in a circle was just a crane, a bird, not an embryo.
Now let’s start today’s story about the DNA language, created by Aliens, long tome ago when they modified mankind.
According to one of the ancient legends in China, Nüwa, also known as Nügua, is a goddess in ancient Chinese mythology, best known for creating mankind and repairing the pillar of heaven.
+Nuwa and Fuxi
Origin of Human-beings, Enki vs. Enlil(人間の起源、エンキとエンリル)+旧約聖書、新約聖書のYahweh(El Shadai)は、Enliliだった(シッチン説)。DNA Language, left by Aliens(エイリアンが残したDNA言語)
人間は第10惑星からのエイリアンによって、遺伝子操作により創られた。その証拠と証明。Humans were created by Space Aliens from the 10th Planet. Here is a story and its Evidence and Proof.
遠い昔、エイリアンは、人間にDNA言語を教えた。それが現在は、八卦になっている。その謎に迫ってみた。Long time ago in China, Aliens tried tto teach Humans the DNA Language, but now it is known as a “Fortune telling”. I try to solve the mystery of the Language.
Today’s story is about us, human-beings.
We were created by Aliens whom we may call call with Gene Manipulation and here is the evidence to prove my theory.
Fu Xi is a culture hero in Chinese legend and mythology, credited along with his sister Nü Wa with creating humanity and the invention of hunting, fishing and cooking as well as the Cangjie system of writing Chinese characters ca. 12,000 BCE.
Fu Xi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period.
Fu Xi and Nü Wa are said to be creatures that have faces of human and bodies of snakes.
Fu Xi was known as the "original human", although technically speaking he was not a human and he was also said to be was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.13th, 2015

Sitchin,Cathars,holocaust,Zacharia Sitchin,ザカリア・シッチン,Mari,Serpent,origin of human-beings,Enki,Enlil,エンキ,エンリル,anu,anunnaki,Yahweh,Eden,EA,E.A.,Anunnaki,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,half human,DNA,伏羲,女媧,Fu His,Nuwa, ,Aliens,Planet X,DNA language,God Language,言語,伏儀,Fu His,暗号,Cifer,Bianry system, Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines,林 浩司.secret,Athens,Gandhara,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,binary system, binary number,DNA language,Aliens ,DNA language,エイリアン,二進数,DNA言語,エイリアンの残したDNA言語,八卦,八卦の謎,謎の八卦,風水,二進数

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Both Lucifer and Prometheus is the same one “Enki”. Lilith’s Helmet is the Evidence.
Which one of them is Real Satan, Lucifer or Prometheus?
Mystery of Lilith and her Husband.
旧約聖書、新約聖書のYahweh(El Shadai or Jehovah)は、Enlilだった(シッチン説)。

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about “Satan.”
According to English Gematia Calculation, Hiroshi Hayashi is Satan but is it correct or is it just a superstition?
Gematria is a system for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases.
We have a very similar system of calculation in Japan, called “Sei-mei Handan, which is a kind of fortune-telling, based on the number of the strokes, needed to write a name in kanji characters.

It is however very much interesting to know that English Gematria and Japanese Sei-mei Handan are both similar to each other, with which we can know the interrelationship between words and ideas.
I mean that this system is used to gain insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas.

As you know, Gematria is widely used in western world as an evidence to back up established Biblical doctrine, and to gain insight into Bible interpretations by looking for words and phrases with the same values.

英語を使ったゲマトリアを、English Gematriaと言います。

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.14th, 2014

Gematria,English Gematria,ゲマトリア,Enki,Enlil,Jomon Venus, Sitchin,Cathars,holocaust,Zacharia Sitchin,ザカリア・シッチン,Mari,Serpent,origin of human-beings,Enki,Enlil,エンキ,エンリル,anu,anunnaki,Yahweh,Eden,EA,E.A.,Anunnaki,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,half human,Enki,Enlil,Anu,アヌ,法隆寺のレプティリアン, 埴輪,haniwa,Power suit,縄文のヴィーナス,仮面の女王,Jomon Venus,Queen with Mask,Ishtar,Babylonia,Enlil,茅野市,土偶,仮面の女王,Chino,Chino City,Pha Team,Lascaux,Tashili n Ajjer,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Reality in a Movie and a Movie in Reality

Today’s story is about Realism in a Movie, manufactured in Korea in 2015.
Wikipedia writes as follows:
“Realism was an artistic movement that began in France in the 1850s, after the 1848 Revolution.
Realists rejected Romanticism, which had dominated French literature and art since the late 18th century. “
Now movies, or motion pictures are the one, or Hiroshi Hayashi says, the ultimate realism is the Movie.



Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Concocted Death Date of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was Jesus Christ after 1500 yrs.
+Jesus Christ was Helios (Shamash, God of the Sun) , its Proof and Evidence.
Ancient Greek Gods tried to leave their history of Gods in their sculptures. It indicate that when we see their sculptures, we can know the history of the ancient Gods.

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.15th, 2015

Monster,Korean movie,モンスター,韓国映画,Sacred number,ダビンチ,イエス,1500年後,Shamash,Helios,Mithras,Ishtar,Inanna,Mari,Jesus Christ,ヘリオス,アポロ,ミトラ,イエス・キリスト,Hiroshi Hayashi,はやし浩司,キリストの正体,Who is Jesus Christ,Christ,Mari,Maria,マリア,マリ,神々の歴史,History of Gods,pieta,Holy Shroud,聖骸布,ピエタ像,ミケランジェロ,ダビンチ,Michelangelo,Da Vinci,History of Gods,神々の歴史,Rhea,Hellios,Mithras,Apollo,Mithraism,ミトラ教,Michelangelo,Leonardo da Vinci,

