


2015-10-17 02:22:42 | Weblog
Is it possible to hang it in the air?
The Fin of Dotaku seems to thin to hang the bell in the air.
Dotaku, or Bronze Bells, as Portable Astronimical Observation Device.
Dotaku, or ancient Bronze Bells in Japan are not bells.
Here is the proof and evidence. How to use “Do-taku” or “Bronze Bells”, or a portable astronomical observation Device
卑弥呼のカレンダー【解決編(Answer to the Mystery of Dotaku)】

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

An archaeologist writes as follows:
Dotaku (or Bronze Bell) Ceremonial bronze bells were kept buried in hillside sanctuaries away from everyday village life and were brought out only for use in certain agricultural rituals.
Dotaku and their molds have been mainly found in and around the Kinai (or Kyoto-Osaka) district and the coastal region of the Inland Sea.


Japanese archaeologists, however have insisted claiming Dotaku is a ritual bell, without paying any attention to other possibility.

Is Dotaku a bell, which was used, being suspended in the air to create “Sound”, just like a bell in the western world?
Or is it possible to hang it with a rope in the air?

But this is not the point for today.
The more important thing is that we have to use our own brain to think and draw our own conclusion.
Today’s story is about it.

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.


Sep.16th, 2015
(June 28th, 2015 (Nov.18th, 2014))
Hiroshi Hayashi

銅鐸のヒレ,ヒレ,fin of dotaku,銅剣,銅鐸模型,銅矛,銅剣の謎,銅矛,銅鐸,銅鐸の意味,銅鐸の謎,謎の銅鐸,はやし浩司,卑弥呼のカレンダー,卑弥呼の謎,魏,魏の国,Himiko’s Calnedar,Calendar of Ancient Japan,銅鐸,銅鐸の謎,銅鐸とは何か,答,銅鏡,簡易天文観測装置,はやし浩司,銅鐸,Dotaku,Do-Taku,エイリアン,決定的証拠,物的証拠,神獣鏡,はやし浩司卑弥呼,異星人,証拠,邪馬台国の謎,The greatest mystery of Japan,Hiroshi Hayashi,Himiko,Mystery of Himiko,Himiko was Aliens,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Stonehenge as a Calnedar
Today’s story is about Stonehenge, U.K.
As has been told in the history, Stonehenge has been subjected to many theories about its origin, ranging from the academic worlds of archaeology to explanations from mythology and the paranormal.
Here is a new theory, discovered by Hiroshi Hayashi, Japan.
Stonehenge as a Calendar!

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

29.530589 days /Month (Lunar Calendar)
29.530589 x 12 = 354.367068
(yearly error:
365.24219 - 354.367068 =10.875122 )
10.875122 x 3 =32.625366
32.625366 - 29.530589 = 3.094777

29.530589 / 3.094777=9.542073
そこで9.5 x 2 =19年とし、


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep. 17th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

Stonehege,John,Calendar,Stonehenge as Calendar,Stonehenge for a calendar,ストーンヘンジ・カレンダー説,Shogakukan,BBC Propaganda TV, BBCのプロパガンダ番組,Davyszabo,Stonehenge,Reconstructed,Mystery of Stonehenge,ストーヘンジ,再生遺跡,謎のストーンヘンジ,はやし浩司,浜松市,United Kingdom,Stonehenge, UK,re-constructed Stonehenge,fake ruins in UK,Hiroshi Hayashi,true story about Stonehenge,ストーン・ヘンジ,Stonehenge true,偽岩,fake rock,fake rock at Stonehenge,Fake Ruins,fake rock,Stonehenge,ハリボテ遺跡,偽遺跡,偽岩,擬岩,擬岩遺跡

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Report on boomerang-shaped UFOs Witness in USA
(A UFO over Palm Springs, CA. USA)
Today’s story is about a boomerang-shaped UFO over Palm Springs, CA, USA.
Here is a report, made by National UFO Report Center, USA, and when I read it, I was very much surprised to know it as if I read my own experience with my wife on that night over 45 years ago.
We saw it, because we saw it.
On a night, August 20th, 2015, a witness witnessed a boomerang-shaped UFO, flying over Palm Springs, CA, USA.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

The witness writes as follows:

Boomerang or crescent-like object with row of circles on bottom that arced wing to wing

The object is boomerang-like in shape and was perhaps 500’ to 700’ away about two tall tree heights above the ground in the next block east of me.

It moved north to south at about the speed of a soaring hawk.
I would say that the wingspan was at least 30’ wide.
I only saw the object for about 8 seconds or so.
It was dark against a dark but slightly back-lit sky.
It was as though the object was operating in a camouflage manner as no light was seen other than the circles on the bottom either dimly reflecting street light or possible being ultra dimly lit.
The circles were in a row on the bottom in a variable arc from wing to wing.
I marveled as to how the craft blended in with the night sky and stars.

When I am asked by someone what sort of a UFO we saw, I would explain about it exactly in the same way as the witness here writes.

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

September 18th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi

Palm Springs,Boomerang-shaped UFO,月面のUFO基地,Aliens Bas on the Moon,暴露証言,月の裏側,Back Side of the Moon,UFO,飛行ルート,見たものは見た,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayash,iブーメラン型UFO,くの字型UFO,V字型UFO,LetterV-shape,UFO,Boomelang-shapedUFO,Hiroshi Hayashi,Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations,Boomerang-shaped UFO,V-shaped UFO,in Japan,ブーメラン型,UFO,はやし浩司,UFO’s flying routes,Air route of UFO,UFO on the Moon,UFO on Moon,クの字,UFO

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Today’s story is its “Sound”, created by “Dotaku” itself.
Dotaku, or ancient Bronze Bells in Japan are not bells.
There are portable astronomical observation devices in ancient times in Japan.
+Is it possible to hang it in the air?
The Fin of Dotaku seems to thin to hang the bell in the air.
Dotaku, or Bronze Bells, as Portable Astronimical Observation Device.
Dotaku, or ancient Bronze Bells in Japan are not bells.
Here is the proof and evidence. How to use “Do-taku” or “Bronze Bells”, or a portable astronomical observation Device
卑弥呼のカレンダー【解決編(Answer to the Mystery of Dotaku)】

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

An archaeologist writes as follows:
Dotaku (or Bronze Bell) Ceremonial bronze bells were kept buried in hillside sanctuaries away from everyday village life and were brought out only for use in certain agricultural rituals.
Dotaku and their molds have been mainly found in and around the Kinai (or Kyoto-Osaka) district and the coastal region of the Inland Sea.


Japanese archaeologists, however have insisted claiming Dotaku is a ritual bell, without paying any attention to other possibility.

Is Dotaku a bell, which was used, being suspended in the air to create “Sound”, just like a bell in the western world?
Or is it possible to hang it with a rope in the air?

But this is not the point for today.
The more important thing is that we have to use our own brain to think and draw our own conclusion.
Today’s story is about it.

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Sep.18th, 2015

Hiroshi Hayashi

木製のゼツ,舌,銅鐸のヒレ,ヒレ,fin of dotaku,銅剣,銅鐸模型,銅矛,銅剣の謎,銅矛,銅鐸,銅鐸の意味,銅鐸の謎,謎の銅鐸,はやし浩司,卑弥呼のカレンダー,卑弥呼の謎,魏,魏の国,Himiko’s Calnedar,Calendar of Ancient Japan,銅鐸,銅鐸の謎,銅鐸とは何か,答,銅鏡,簡易天文観測装置,はやし浩司,銅鐸,Dotaku,Do-Taku,エイリアン,決定的証拠,物的証拠,神獣鏡,はやし浩司卑弥呼,異星人,証拠,邪馬台国の謎,The greatest mystery of Japan,Hiroshi Hayashi,Himiko,Mystery of Himiko,Himiko was Aliens,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Game Boards in Mystery in Ur.
Sir Loenard Woolley discovered a strange game board in Southern Iraq, a game board which date back to 2600 BC and the game played on the board was obviously a favourite of the royal family at that time.
The game is called and known later as the name of “Twenty Squares”.
But this was not a game.
It was a Calendar, or I say, Gods’ calendar.
Here is its proof with evidence.


+“Playing” Cards for Ancient Calendars (its Evidence and Proof)
By Seastarorion(Seastarorionさんの許可なしに、無断、転載、転用、盗用を固く禁じます。)
+【1220】Jars Rocks in Laos

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

(以上、(C)by Seastarorion、許可なく使用不可)
Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.19th, 2015, Jan.04th, 2014 (Dec.21st, 2014)

Chichen Itza,Calendar,チチェン・イッツァ,91 steps,91段,Seastaorion,トランプ,カード,Cards, Answer to cards,20 squares game,Ur,Game,oldest game,british museum,大英博物館,20マス,Ur,ウル,Game Boards,ゲーム盤,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******September 2015******はやし浩司・林浩司】

The most mysterious artist in Japan, Sharaku
Today’s story is about a very mysterious artist, Sharaku.
Wikipedia writes as follows;
Ukiyo-e, or ukiyo-ye "pictures of the floating world", is a genre of woodblock prints and paintings that flourished in Japan from the 17th through 19th centuries.

It was aimed at the prosperous merchant class in the urbanizing Edo period (1603–1867).
Tōshūsai Sharaku, active 1794–1795, was a Japanese ukiyo-e print artist, known for his portraits of kabuki actors and sumo wrestlers.
Little is known of him besides the prints he designed; neither his true name nor the dates of his birth or death are known.
His active career as a woodblock artist spanned ten months; his prolific work met disapproval, and his output came to an end as suddenly and mysteriously as it had begun.
His work has since been recognized as some of the greatest in the ukiyo-e genre.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Today’s story is about La Jaconde , or Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the Middle ages.
Before we say something about the portrait, we have to listen to ourselves, our own voices in our mind. Possible or not possible.
Here is another fact I show you, a fact in which you know it is impossible for humans to paint such a portrait.
It does not matter whether he is Leonardo or not.
La Joconde and the “Isleworth Mona Lisa” were both created by Leonardo on 2D photograph technology.
Hiroshi Hayashi will present you a video forum about the most mysterious lady, named La Jaconde, or Gioconda in Italian, painted by Leonardo.
+Here in this video I compare La Joconda with another lady, named the “Isleworth Mona Liza”, which is said to be the one, also painted by Leonardo, though it has been insufficiently examined yet.
Through this comaparison, I claim here in this video, both La Jaconde and the Isleworth Mona Lisa were created on 2D Photograph technology, because it is impossible to create such paintings in 16th century without a help of 2 D, hight advance photograph technology.


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.20th, 2015

Sharaku,写楽,Isleworth Mona Lisa,アイルワース,young Mona Lisa,Mona Lisa,La Joconde,2D Photograph technology,Raffaello’s Portrait with a unicorn,ラファエロの模写,モナリザ,Mona Lisa,La jaconde,モナリザ,男,モナリザは男,la jaconde is a man,la joconde,man,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,はやし浩司,maystery of da vinci,Leonardo,Leonardo da vinci,la jocund is a man,joconde is man,Saint Anne,saint anna,St. anne,Saint anne, 聖アン

