Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)のツイート(on '22. 12/16)

2022-12-16 20:47:58 | Translation



>"【COP15】西村環境相 『途上国に1170億円資金支援』表明"



> 増税するぞ増税するぞ増税するぞ

Translation of tweets by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '22. 12/16)


> 2022年12月15日。
> オンラインでご視聴いただいた皆様にも感謝申し上げます。
> 2014年12月15日。
> 前日の衆議院選で落選した私は早朝から駅に立っていました。
> 落選したのは【私が弱い】から。強くならないと。(続く)

Dec. 15, 2020.
Thank you very much to everyone who participated in the "social gathering to raise Mio Sugita."
Thank you to everyone who watched us online.
December 15, 2014. Having lost in the LH general election on the day before, I stood at the station early in the morning.
The reason why I lost was [I'm weak].
I therfore must become stronger (to be continued)

> あれから8年。
> 多くの方に支えていただいてここまで来れました。
> 応援し、支えてくださる多くの皆様の想いに応える為に、そして、混迷を究める世界情勢の中で日本が日本である為に、まだまだ強くなりたいと思いました。
> これからもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

(to continue) I really thought so.
Eight years have passed since then.
I was able to come so far with the support of many people.
In order to meet the wishes of many persons who have cheered and supported me, and in order for Japan to be Japan in the chaotic world situation, I wanted to become stronger more and more.
Thank you in advance for your continuous support.

> 水曜日も午前中は総務省で打ち合わせをした後、税制調査会 小委員会において、防衛力強化に係る財源確保の具体的内容(税制部分)について議論。
> 結局、結論は出ず、持ち越しとなりました。

> 話は変わりますが、昨年トルメンタで旋風を巻き起こした(続く)

On Wednesday too, after having a meeting at the MIC in the morning, we talked about the specifics (tax system) of securing financial resources to upgrade defense capabilities at the Tax System subcommittee of the LDP Research Commission.
In the end, no conclusion was reached, and it was postponed.

Btw, the football club of the local Takagawa Gakuen High School, which caused a strom with Tormenta last year (to be continued)

> (続き)地元の高川学園サッカー部。今年も全国大会に出場します。

(to continue) participated in the national tournament again this year.
And its girls football club also participates in the national tournament for the 1st time.
As I was presented posters, that I posted it in the office of the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC and the office of LH lawmakers building.
Both boys and girls, do your best aiming to victory⚽️🏆

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