Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-16 06:33:24 | Translation


>"ノージャパンは完全に終わり、次の段階は?=韓国ネット「日本に勝てるわけない」「ノージャパン継続を」" -----------------------------------------


↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "Horrible" & "In Germany, arrest immediately" = a post by a S. Korean tourist caused controversy that the Rising Sun Flag was raised at a private lodging in Japan!


> 2022年12月14日、韓国・ニュース1は「エアビーアンドビーで予約した東京の民家が韓国人宿泊客を狙って旭日旗を掲げていたことが分かり、物議を醸している」と伝えた。
> 記事によると、韓国最大の日本旅行オンラインコミュニティに7日、民泊サイト運営大手エアビーアンドビーで予約した十条駅(東京)近くの民家に旭日旗と「天皇陛下萬歳」と書かれた旗が掲げられていたとし、「ホストが嫌韓のようだ」と訴える文章が投稿された。
> 投稿には実際の写真も添えられている。

On Dec. 14, 2022, News1 in S. Korea reported that "It caused a controversial to find out that a private house in Tokyo booked on Airbnb was raising the Rising Sun Flag targeting a S. Korean guest."
According to the article, on Dec. 7, on the largest Japanese travel online community in S. Korea, a private house near Jujo Station (Tokyo), which was booked via Airbnb, a major vacation rental site operator, raised the Rising Sun Flag and a flag with the words "Long live the Emperor" written on it, and s stentence was posted complaining that "The host seems to be a hate-S. Korea."
The actual photo is attached to the posting.

> 投稿主によると、荷物を置くため入室時間より早い午前11時に立ち寄った際には何も掲げられていなかったが、観光を終えて午後10時に再び訪れると問題の旗が掲げられていた。
> 投稿主は恐怖を感じ、すぐに別の宿泊先に移動したという。
> また、翌日にホストの元を訪れ理由を尋ねると「外から侵入されないよう国旗を掲げた」との回答があったという。

According to the poster, when he or she visited it at 11:00 am, earlier than the entry time, to put down his or her luggage(s), nothing was displayed. However, when he or she finished sightseeing and visited again at 10:00 pm, the problematized flags were raised.
The poster was allegedly horrified and immediately moved to another accommodation.
Btw, he or she visited the host the next day to question the reason why, and was allegedly replied that it raised the national flag to prevent intrusion from outside.

> これについてエアビーアンドビー側は「ホストとゲストに適切な措置をとった」とし、「ゲストの立場を十分に理解し、キャンセル・返金処理の他に追加の補償として交通費を支給した」と明らかにした。
> ただ、「差別禁止規定に基づく措置か」との質問には明確な回答を避けたという。
> ある旅行業界関係者は「韓国人の立場では残念だが、グローバルプラットフォームとしては、政治的・外交的に特定の立場を支持しているように見えるため『差別』には分類できない」と分析したという。

Concerning that, Airbnb explained that "appropriate measures were taken to the host and the guest" and revealed that "We sufficiently understand the guest's position, and in addition to the cancellation and refund process, we paid transportation expenses as additional compensation."
However, when questioned whether or not the measures were based on anti-discrimination provisions, it avoided to give a clear answer.
A person concerning travel industry allegedly analyzed that "It's regrettable from the standpoint of S. Koreans. However, as a global platform, as it seems to support a specific stance politically and diplomatically, that it can't be classified as [discrimination]."

> この投稿に韓国のネットユーザーからは「ひどすぎる」「写真を見ただけでぞっとする」「ドイツ・ナチスの旗が掲げられているようなもの」「ドイツでナチス旗を掲げたら即逮捕なのに。過去史に対する日本とドイツの考え方の違いがよく分かる」など怒りの声が殺到している。
In response to the article, S. Korean netizens are posting a flood of comments of anger as follows;
"Too bad"
"Just looking at the picture is horrible."
"It's like a German Nazi flag being raised."
"If you raise a Nazi flag in Germany, you will be arrested immediately, nevertheless... It clearly shows the difference of thinking between Japan and Germany about the past history."

> また「日本行きの飛行機は今日も満席。プライドはないの?」「韓国人との理由だけで侮辱されるのに、日本に行く人の気が知れない」「日本が過去を反省・謝罪し、被害者に適切な補償を行っていれば、今ごろ日韓は本当に仲の良い隣国になれていただろうに」などと嘆く声も。
In addition, lamenting comments are also posted as follows;
"The planes to Japan are full today too. Don't they have any pride?"
"I don't understand persons to go to Japan, even though they are insulted just because they are S. Korean."
"If Japan had reconsidered and apologized for its past, and provided appropriate compensation to the victims, Japan and S. Korea would've become really good neighbors today."

> 一方で「あんなに大々的に日本不買運動をしていたのだから(ホストの)気持ちも分かる」「韓国に親日と反日がいるように、日本にも韓国が好きな人もいれば嫌いな人もいる。いちいち騒ぐことじゃない」との意見も見られた。
On the other hand, following comments are also posted;
"I can understand (the host's) feelings, because we carried out such large-scale [NO NO JAPA]."
"Just as there are pro-Japan and anti-Japan persons in S. Korea, there are persons in Japan who like S. Korea and who dislike. It's not a matter to be problematized.

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