Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 9/10)

2024-09-10 22:27:25 | Translation




>"埼玉県川口市で中国人が爆増… 福建省からの移住者が止まらない「納得の理由」⇒ ネットの反応「川口市長が中国からの帰化人になる日も近いな…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 9/10)


> 平気で福島への風評被害を広めた報い。
This is punishment for spreading rumor-damages about Fukushima without hesitation.



> 人口約 60万の埼玉県川口市で中国人住人の人口が激増。
> 外国人人口約6万 3000人のうち中国人は約2万 4000人。

In Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, which has a population of about 600,000, the number of Chinese residents are increasing dramatically.
Of the foreign population of about 63,000, about 24,000 are Chinese.

>"埼玉県川口市に中国人が爆増している… 同じ地域からの移住者が止まらない「納得の理由」"


> 中学生の娘が父親に言うのはほほえましいが、これに近いことを、国会議員が堂々と言ったことがある。
> 本当に嘆かわしい。
> マジで亡命しろ。

"I don't want to live in a Japan where dad is the Prime Minister."
It's amusing to hear a junior high school student daughter says to to her father. However, a national lawmaker (* king of quiz) once openly said something similar.
It's really deplorable.
Seriously, he should seek asylum.



> 岸田首相が尹錫悦大統領と「日本は歴史問題でこれ以上謝罪することはない」と確認。
> 韓国左派は激怒。
> 岸田さん、外務大臣で残ってくれないかな。

PM Kishida confirmed with President Yoon Suk-yeol that "Japan won't apologize any more for historical issues."
Lestists in S. Korean is raged.
I hope Kishida will remain as Foreign Minister (* in the next administration).

>"韓国訪問で「日本はこれ以上謝らない」再確認した岸田首相… それに同調した尹政権"

>"Kishida's last trip to Seoul as PM makes clear that Koreans can't expect apologies from Japan"


> 総裁選の出馬会見は高市早苗さんがピカイチ。
> 政策についても申し分ない。
> これに異を唱えるのはガラパゴス平和主義者か反安倍・反アベノミクスの人くらいだろう。

When it comes to candidacy-announcing press conferences in the LDP presidential election, LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi was outstanding.
Her policies are also impeccable.
The only persons who disagree with this are probably "Galapagos pacifists" or persons who are "anti-Abe & anti-Abenomics."

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