Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;北朝鮮、核兵器の増産方針を維持 金正恩氏演説、衛星計画に触れず

2024-09-11 01:43:25 | Translation

Ref.>"【韓国籍】 万引き容疑 68歳の女逮捕 伊賀署"


>"NHKさん、またやらかす… 日本人がデザインした猫カップを使ったプリンを『韓国発』と紹介"


> On-point: Kim Jong-un marks founding anniversary, calls for stronger nuclear forces

Translation; N. Korea will maintain its policy to increase nuclear weapons production = Kim Jong-un made a speeh, but not to comment on the satellite program

>"北朝鮮、核兵器の増産方針を維持 金正恩氏演説、衛星計画に触れず"

> 北朝鮮メディアは10日、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が建国 76年となる9日に平壌の党中央委員会本部庁舎で、今後の政策課題に関し演説したと伝えた。
> 金氏は核兵器を「幾何級数的に増やす」との方針を維持したが、偵察衛星の今年の打ち上げ計画には言及しなかった。
> 5月の失敗が影響しているもようだ。

On Sept. 10, mass media in N. Korean reported that General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong-un, gave a speech on future policy issues at the headquarters of the Party's Central Committee in Pyongyang on Sept. 9, the 76th anniversary of the founding of the country.
Kim maintained the policy of "exponentially increasing" nuclear weapons. However, he didn't comment on a plan to launch a reconnaissance satellite this year.
It seems to be impacted by the failure in May.

> 金氏は昨年末、今年3機の衛星を打ち上げると表明したが、5月に打ち上げた衛星運搬ロケットが空中で爆発していた。
> 失敗の原因とする新型エンジンの改良に時間がかかっているとみられる。
> 金氏は党や政府の幹部を集めた9日の演説で、北朝鮮の核戦力は万全な指揮・統制下で運用されていると主張した。

At the end of last year, Kim Jong-un expressed to launch three satellites this year. However, the satellite-carrying rocket launched in May exploded in mid-air.
It seems that time is being taken to improve the new engine, that is considered to be a cause of the failure.
Kim argued in his speech on Sept. 9, to which party and government officials were gathered, that >"The obvious conclusion is that the nuclear force of the DPRK and the posture capable of properly using it for ensuring the state's right to security in any time should be more thoroughly perfected."

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