Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:韓国海軍の大型揚陸艦「独島」で乗船体験する人々 / 京畿道

2024-05-14 05:52:50 | Translation


>"【韓国】チョグク代表、竹島上陸 林官房長官「毅然と対応する」"

> 韓国国民もあきれ果てる揚陸艦「独島」が3回目の大炎上!国民「もう廃艦しろよ」

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Persons having on board experiences on S. Korea naval large scale amphibious assault ship "Dokdo" = Gyeonggi Province

>"韓国海軍の大型揚陸艦「独島」で乗船体験する人々 / 京畿道"

> 同フェスティバルには大韓民国の海洋を守る主な戦力である「独島」のほか、駆逐艦「乙支文徳」、護衛艦「大田」の公開、韓国海軍・海兵隊の機動装備展示、各種体験館、祝賀ライブなど多彩な催しが行われた。

[NEWSIS]. Following photos show that, on May 11 when the 2nd maritime festival was held, persons visiting the command center of the 2nd Fleet of S. Korean navy in Pyeongtaek City, Gyeonggi Province, are having on board experiences on the S. Korean naval large scale amphibious assault ship "Dokdo" (LPH-6111, 14,000 ton).
Various events were held at the festival, in addition to the "Dokdo," the main military force to defend the oceans of S. Korea, the destroyer "Euljimundok (DDH-972)" and the frigate "Daejeon" were exhibited, as well as displays of mobile equipment of S. Korean Navy and Marine Corps, various experience-halls, commemorative live performance(s).

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