Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:浮島丸の乗船者名簿、政府が保有 遺族訴訟では「不存在」

2024-05-24 05:39:10 | Translation


>"「韓国証券市場は先がない」… 米国・日本は株価高騰、韓国だけが蚊帳の外"


> 浮島丸追悼集会 京都

Translation; "Not exist," the government explained so in the lawsuit filed by the bereaved families = the government has possessed a passengers-list on Ukishima Maru

>"浮島丸の乗船者名簿、政府が保有 遺族訴訟では「不存在」"

> 帰郷する朝鮮人労働者を乗せた旧日本海軍輸送船「浮島丸」が1945年8月の終戦直後、京都府の舞鶴港で爆発、沈没し 500人以上が死亡した事件を巡り、政府が乗船者の大半が記された名簿を保有していたことが 23日、分かった。
> ジャーナリスト布施祐仁氏の情報公開請求に厚生労働省が開示した。
> 遺族らによる国家賠償請求訴訟で、政府は乗船者名簿を「乗船時に作成し船に備えたもの」と定義し沈没で喪失したと説明。
> 名簿に類する文書の存在も明らかにしてこなかった。

Over the accident that, immediately after the end of the war in Aug. 1945, the former Japanese Navy's transportation ship with Korean workers returning home country "Ukishima-maru" blew up and sank at Maizuru Port in Kyoto Pref. and more than 500 persons died, on May 23, it turned out that the government has a list of most of the passengers.
In response to a disclosure request by journalist Yujin Fuse, the MHLW disclosed that.
In a lawsuit for claiming national compensation by the bereaved families, the government defined the passenger list as "created when boarding and placed on a ship" and explained that it was lose due to the sinking.
The existence of a document similar to the roster has not been revealed.

> 同志社大の太田修教授(朝鮮近現代史)は、当時の状況が分かる貴重な名簿とし、戦時動員された朝鮮人労働者に関する日韓両政府の取り決めに基づき、韓国政府に渡すべきだと指摘する。
Prof. Osamu Ota of Doshisha University (Korean modern history) pointed out that it's a valuable list that could understand the situation around that time, and it should be handed to Seoul based on the agreement between the Japanese- and S. Korean governments about Korean workers, who were mobilize during the war time.

> 厚労省社会・援護局調査資料室は「開示したのは事故後の調査を経て作成された名簿だ。乗船時に作成し船に備えた乗船者名簿とは作成時期が違い、別物」と説明した。
> 浮島丸事件の死没者名簿は訴訟でも開示されたが、乗船者名簿がないまま死者をどう特定したのか、明確な説明はないままだった。

The investigation materials office (correct name in English is unknown) of the Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau of the MHLW explained that "What disclosed was a list created after an investigation after the accident. The date of creation is different from the passenger list compiled at the time of boarding and kept on board the ship. It's therefore different one."
The list of the dead due to sinking in the Ukishima-maru accident was disclosed in the lawsuit. However, it wasn't explained clearly that how the dead were identified without a list of those on board.

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