Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;中国、北朝鮮労働者の帰国要求か 韓国メディア報道

2024-07-12 06:24:07 | Translation

Ref.>"NATO in the Indo-Pacific, Where 'East is East…'"

>"Speaking Out | Democracies Need More Ammunition to Counter 'New Axis of Evil'"

>"海上自衛隊 200人規模の処分へ、特定秘密や「潜水手当」で不正"

>"中国吉林省で北朝鮮製覚醒剤の密輸阻止を目指して警備態勢強化 すでに一部業者を逮捕、北朝鮮咸鏡北道の化学工場で製造か"


Translation; China possibly demanded N. Korean workers to return home = news report by media in S. Korea

>"中国、北朝鮮労働者の帰国要求か 韓国メディア報道"

> 韓国大手紙、東亜日報は11日までに、中国で働く北朝鮮人労働者を全員帰国させるよう中国側が求めたと報じた。
> 中国側は「臆測」と一蹴したが、北朝鮮とロシアの接近が影響しているとの見方があり、日本政府も動向を注視している。

By July 11, The major newspaper in S. Korean, Dong-A Ilbo, reported that China had requested that all N. Korean workers working in China return home.
The Chinese side bluntly dismissed this as "speculation." However, there is a view that this is due to the closer Russo-N. Korea relations, and Tokyo also pays close attention to the developments.

> 聯合ニュースなど複数の韓国メディアも同様に伝えた。
今年国交樹立 75年となる中朝間の「異変」とし、中国当局が北朝鮮への密輸の取り締まりを強化したとの情報も取り上げている。
> 中国外務省の林剣副報道局長は9日の記者会見で「韓国の一部のメディアが中朝関係について臆測や誇張を伝えている」とし、こうした報道は「小説」だと批判した。

Plural media outlets in S. Korea, including Yonhap News Agency, reported that in the similar way.
They explained that this as an "unusual development" between China and N. Korea, which marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties this year, and also picked up information that Chinese authorities have tightened their crackdown on smuggling to N. Korea.
At a press briefing on July 9, Deputy Director General of the Department of Press, Communication and Public Diplomacy Lin Jian (* spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry) said that "Some media outlets in S. korea conveyed the speculation and exaggeration about Sino-N. Korean relations" anc criticized that such news reports were "novel."

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