Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:杉田氏は差別発言認めて アイヌ民族関係団体が批判

2022-12-25 10:28:30 | Translation

Ref.>"【トカナ】小池百合子が中国利権屋になった理由とは? 中国産太陽光パネルで都民税増税&地価暴落の恐れ"

>"北海道・えりも町の太陽光パネル、強風にあおられ半数近く飛ばされる… → ネット『太陽光より風力発電にしたら?』『税金で修理したりしないよな?』"

>'市役所で "暴言"を浴び生活保護を拒否されたブラジル人に受給決定… 担当課長が謝罪 ブラジル人「クリスマスを祝う気分にはなれない」'




Translation; An (* fake) Ainu organization criticized that LH lawmaker Mio Sugita should acknowledge her discriminately expressions

>"杉田氏は差別発言認めて アイヌ民族関係団体が批判"

> 自民党の杉田水脈総務政務官=衆院比例中国ブロック=がアイヌ民族や性的少数者らを侮辱的に表現した内容のブログを投稿した問題で、全国のアイヌ民族関係者らでつくる「先住民族アイヌの声実現!実行委員会」は 22日、都内で記者会見し、当事者に直接謝罪せずに総務政務官の職を続ける杉田氏を批判した。
Concerning the issue that Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC Mio Sugita (LDP, elected from the Chugoku proportional representative block) posted the contensts expressing the Ainu and sexual minority humiliatingly (* not true), on Dec. 22, "organizing committee to realize voice of indigenous ainu" (correct name in English is unknown) held a press briefing in Tokyo, and criticized Sugita who continuously serves as Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC without direct apology to concerned-persons.

> 杉田氏は、実行委の多原良子代表らが 2016年にスイスで開かれた国連女性差別撤廃委員会に参加した際の写真をブログに投稿。
> 杉田氏は12月上旬の国会でブログの一部を撤回、謝罪したが、差別表現とは認めなかった。

LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) posted photos showing that head of the organizing committee Ryoko Tahara and so on when they participated in a meeting of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination in Switzerland in 2016 on her blog.
She wrote that "aged female(s) in Ainu costume," "Shame on Japan," etc (* neither discriminaiton nor hate speech, but truth).
At a Diet session in the beginning of December, Sugita retracted part of her blog entry and apologized, but didn't acknowledge them as discriminately expressions (* Taking her position into consideration, she couldn't be helped but to do so -- no more, no less).

> 多原代表は会見で「当事者に直接謝罪せず、国もヘイトスピーチだと認めない姿勢は、社会的な少数者への差別を許していると思われてもしかたがない」と述べた。
> ブログ内容が国会で取上げられて以降、ネット上での多原代表への新たな中傷が 650件以上確認されているという。
> 多原代表は「国のアイヌ差別への無策がこうした事態を生み出した。つらい状況だが声を出し続けていきたい」と訴えた。
> 実行委は同日、総務省や法務省などにヘイトスピーチへの対処を求めた。

At the press briefing, Tahara said that "The stance -- neither direct apology to the concerned-person (* indeed, not necessary) nor the central government acknowledged it was hate speech (* indeed, it wasn't hate speech) -- can't be helped but to be accepted to tolerate discrimination against social minorities (* the truth is they are so called monster-minotiries)."
She explained that, since the content of the blog was taken up in the Diet session, more than 650 new cases of slander against Tahara have been confirmed online (* as a matter of course, she should be criticized).
Tahara said that "The government's lack of measures to discriminataion against the Ainu caused such situation. It's a painful situation, but I want to continue to speak out" (* the truth is what causes such situation is wrong New Ainu Law itself. For example, the Ainu ethnic group already mixed and assimilated with the Yamato ethnic groups during the long history. In addition, it's pointed out that the Ainu-movement in Hokkaido is influenced by N. Korean Juche Thought. To begin with, Ainu-ruins in Hokkaido are the ones after the 13th century).
On that day, the organizing committee required the MIC and the Ministry of Justice to address hate speech (* what should be addressed is so called "monster-minorities").

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