Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:自民・小泉進次郎氏、中国による水産物禁輸措置を批判 「5倍濃度の処理水を流している」

2024-07-07 08:09:12 | Translation



> 小泉進次郎氏、衝撃の出馬情報 「ポスト岸田」レース

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "(China) has been releasing five times more concentration treated waste water into the ocean" = LH lawmaker Shinjiro Koizumi (LDP) criticized the seafood embargo by China

>"自民・小泉進次郎氏、中国による水産物禁輸措置を批判 「5倍濃度の処理水を流している」"

> 自民党の小泉進次郎元環境相は6日、東京電力福島第1原発の処理水の海洋放出を受け、日本の水産物輸入を全面的に停止している中国について、「日本の海産物は食べないと言いながら、日本の海に来て、中国の漁師たちに漁業をやらせている。偽善であり欺瞞だ」と批判した。
> 訪問先の福島県南相馬市で記者団の取材に答えた。

Concerning China, which has totally suspended imports of Japanese fishery products following maritime release of treated waste water from TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, on July 6, former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi (LDP) ciriticized it, saying that "While saying they don't eat Japanese seafood, they make Chinese fishermen come and operate fishing in the waters around Japan. It's hypocrisy and deception."
He also pointed out that "(China) releases (* into the ocean) treated waste water with (* tritium) five times more concentration (than Japan)."
He replied so to a question from reporters in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Pref., to where he was visiting.

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