Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:高市早苗氏、広島市で6月2日に講演 肝いりの SC制度を語る 5月は大分、高知へ

2024-05-11 09:08:49 | Translation

Ref.>"( ´_ゝ`) 共同通信「セキュリティークリアランス法、民間企業の社員や専門家から懸念の声」"

>"( ´_ゝ`)社民党「軍拡へとつながる法案には断固反対。#社民党 は退席という形で反対を表明しました」"

> 2024年5月10日 高市早苗経済安全保障担当大臣 記者会見

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Minister in charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi will lecture in Hiroshima on June 2 to talk about SC systen which was coordinated by herself = in May, she will visit Oita- and Kochi Prefs.

>"高市早苗氏、広島市で6月2日に講演 肝いりの SC制度を語る 5月は大分、高知へ"

> 高市早苗経済安全保障担当相が6月2日、広島市の国際会議場で講演することが分かった。
> 今月10日に成立した「重要経済安保情報保護・活用法」が創設を定める経済安全保障上の機密情報へのアクセスを官民の有資格者に限る「セキュリティー・クリアランス(SC、適格性評価)」制度の意義について語る。

It turned out that Minister in charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi will lecture at an international conference venue in Hiroshima City on June 2.
She will talk about the significance of the "Security Clearance (SC)" system -- whose establishment is stipulated in the >"Act on the Protection and Utilization of Information Vital to Economic Security" and was enacted on May 10, which limits access to confidential information on national security to only qualified persons on both public and private sectors.

> 講演は、広島県の保守系有志でつくる「救国の鳳を支援する会」が主催。
> 同じ会合では、作家の門田隆将氏が「日本を救える唯一の政治家は」と題した講演も行う。

The lecture is organized by "association to support Otori (* imaginary spirit bird) for national rescue," a group of conservative volunteers in Hiroshima Pref.
At the same rally, author Ryusho Kadota will also make a lecture titled "the only politician who can save Japan."

> 高市氏は今月11日に大分市、12日に高知市でも同様に弁士として招待されている。
> 高市氏は保守層を中心に人気があり、「高市早苗さんと歩む九州の会」(会長=松尾新吾九州経済連合会名誉会長、副会長=石原進 JR九州元相談役)を中心に、各地の有志が講演会を企画。
> 昨年12月の福岡市は約1千人、4月の大阪市は約2千人を集めた。

Takaichi will be invited as a lecturer in Oita City on May 11 and Kochi City on the 12th too.
Takaichi is popular among mainly conservatives. Mainly by "Kyushu association walking with Sanae Takaichi" (chairperson: Shingo Matsuo, honorary chairman of the Kyushu Economic Federation, vice-chairperson: Susumu Ishihara, former JR Kyushu advisor), volunteers from around the country are planning lectures.
Last December in Fukuoka City attracted about 1,000 persons, and Osaka City in April was about 2,000 ones.

> 九州の会の広報担当役員で、福岡を拠点に活動する井上政典氏は産経新聞の取材に「西日本から日本を変えていく。日本を救える代議士は高市早苗氏しかいないとの思いでやっている。救国の宰相は高市氏だ」と語った。
Masanori Inoue, executive of the Kyushu association who is incharge of PR, and carrying out his activity based in Fukuoka, said in a coverage by The Sankei Shimbun that "We will change Japan from western Japan. We are doing this based on our thought that Sanae Takaichi is the only one representative who can save Japan. The national salvation prime minister will be Takaichi."

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