Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/23)

2024-05-23 22:45:41 | Translation

Ref.>"池上彰を騙り詐欺疑い、中国籍の男を逮捕 LINEで 710万円被害"


>"【話題】『山梨県のソーラーパネル事業者の住民説明会の様子だが恫喝したり、殴るフリをしたり、書類を取り上げたり… なんだコイツら?』(※動画)"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/23)


> 人民解放軍の軍事演習により本日、日本台湾交流協会台北事務所から在台邦人に "関連情報の入手に努め、安全に留意して行動して下さい"との注意発出。
> そんな中、台北攻略で人民解放軍が上陸地点に選ぶとされる八里が浜を取材。
> 静かな緊張感が漂う浜辺をご覧下さい。
> 台湾随一の軍事通で 35年来の友人が案内してくれなければとても行けない地の連続

Due to military exercises by the Chinese PLA, today, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association's Taipei office issued a warning to Japanese residents in Taiwan that "Please try to obtain relevant information and act with safety in mind."
In such situation, I covered the "Bali beach," which is said to be the landing site chosen by the Chinese PLA in its capturing Taipei.
Please take a look at the beach where there is a quiet strain.
It's the series of places to where I can't visit, if I weren't guided by my friend for 35 years, who is Taiwan's best military expert.

> 中国軍が台湾周辺で軍事演習開始。
> 頼清徳新総統就任演説への対抗措置。
> 台湾国防部は直ちに「この種の不合理な挑発、空域の破壊に対し国防部は "国軍常備時期突発状況処置規定"を適用し、特別行動で主権を守り抜く」と宣言。
> 一触即発

The Chinese PLA starts military exercises around Taiwan.
It's a counermeasure to the inauguration speech by new President Lai Ching-te (* aka William Lai).
It explained that, as a 'disciplinary punishment on "Taiwan independence" forces,' it's conducted for two days including the Taiwan Strait, the surroundings of northern, southern and eastern Taiwan, and the surroundings of remote islands of Kinmon- and Majima Islands.
The Taiwan National Defense Ministry immediately declared that "the Defense Ministry will apply the" National forces regular outbreak situation countermeasures stipulation" (correct name in English is unknown) to protect sovereignty with special actions in response to this unreasonable provocation and destruction of the airspace."
It's an explosive situation.

>"【速報】中国軍が台湾周辺で軍事演習を開始 台湾・頼新総統就任演説への対抗措置か"


> 呉江浩駐日大使の「日本の民衆が火の中に連れ込まれる」発言の時、同席していた福島瑞穂・社民党党首。
> 夕刊フジの質問に 23日朝までに回答なし。
> 一体どこの国の政治家か?

SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima -- who was present at the time of the remark by Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao that "the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire.
Why did Fukushima, UH lawmaker of the SDP, which has the philosophy of "peace, freedom, equality and co-existense," did not protest Wu's remark?
She didn't answer to the question by the Evening Newspaper Fuji by the morning of May 23.
On earth, what country's politician is she!?Which country politician?


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