Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/22)

2024-05-22 22:33:23 | Translation


>"石垣市の中山市長「台湾は国家」⇒ 琉球新報記者「日本政府の方針を超えた発言についてどう見ているのでしょう」⇒沖縄サヨク「市長の『国家』発言は中国への挑発だ」⇒ネットの反応「国家だけど? 台湾と国交を結んでる国があるのを知らないのかw」"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/22)


> 昨日の台湾・高雄の紅毛港保安堂は私達を迎える為になんと 400人の人々が待ってくれていた。
> 遺族探しに安倍氏が協力し、以来交流があった事から安倍氏の死去後、銅像を創ってくれた経緯がある。
> 安倍像を前にした日台の平和を祈る人々の大宴会は壮観だった。
> 安倍さんも喜んでくれた事だろう

Yesterday, whopping 400 persons waited to welcome us at the Hongmaogang Baoan Temple -- a temple in Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan.
It became famous for "the life-size statue of former PM Shinzo Abe", but it is originally a mausoleum for the 145 crews who died in the war when their patrol boat sank in 1945.
Former PM Abe cooperated with the search for the bereaved families, and since then they exchanged each other, which is why the statue was erected after former PM Abe's death.
The grand banquet of persons praying for peace from Japan and Taiwan in front of the Abe statue was spectacular.
Probably, Abe-san was delighted too.

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