Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;小池都知事の追悼文不送付に抗議 朝鮮人虐殺、式典実行委

2024-08-27 05:58:12 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国の負債 3000兆ウォン(325兆円)突破"


> 小池都知事定例記者会見(令和6年8月 23日)

Translation; The organizing committee of the ceremony protested against not sending letter of eulogy by Gov. Yuriko Koike related with Koreans slaughters

>"小池都知事の追悼文不送付に抗議 朝鮮人虐殺、式典実行委"

> 1923年の関東大震災の際に虐殺された朝鮮人らを悼む9月1日の式典の実行委員会が 26日、東京都庁で記者会見し、式典に追悼文を送らないとした小池百合子都知事の対応に抗議する声明を発表した。
> 声明は「虐殺の歴史的事実から目をそむける、あるいはなかったことにしたい、との思いがあるのではないか」としている。

On Aug. 26, the organizing committee of the ceremony to mourn Koreans ans so on massacred during the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923) held a press conference at Tokyo Metropolitan Government and released a statement to protest against a measure of Gov. Yuriko Koike not sending not sending a letter of eulogy to the ceremony.
The statement said that "Probably, there is an intention to turn a blind eye to the historical facts of the (* not 6,000 or more but 230 or so) massacre, or to pretend they never happened, isn't it?"

> 小池氏は初当選直後の16年に送付したが、17年以降は送っていない。
> 23日の定例記者会見で、都慰霊協会が主催する大法要に言及し「全ての犠牲者に慰霊の気持ちを表している」と述べ、今年も追悼文を送らない考えを示した。

In 2016, just after her 1st election victory, Gov. Keike sent it. However, she never sent it since 2014.
At a regular press briefing on Aug. 23, she showed her intention not to send a letter of eulogy this year too, saying that "I will express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their lives" while commenting on the grand Buddhist Memorial Ceremony, which will be promoted by the Tokyo Irei Kyokai (Tokyo Metropolitan memorial association).

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