Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;ロシア、北朝鮮の洪水に見舞い電 金正恩氏は「最も親切な友人」

2024-08-05 06:18:20 | Translation

Ref.>"【韓国】上半期のキムチ輸出量が過去最高に 欧米で人気"



Translation; "The truest friends in Moscow" = Kim Jong-un expressed so in response to a sympathy-message from Russie regarding the floods

>"ロシア、北朝鮮の洪水に見舞い電 金正恩氏は「最も親切な友人」"

> 北朝鮮メディアは4日、同国北西部の洪水被害についてロシアのプーチン大統領から3日に見舞い電が届いたと伝えた。
> プーチン氏は被害復旧に向けて人道支援の用意があると表明。
> 金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記は、支援が必要なときは「最も親切な友人、モスクワに助けを求めるだろう」と応じたという。

On Aug. 4, mass media in N. Korea reported that, on Aug. 3, a message of sympathy about the damages caused by floods in northwestern part of the country was delivered from Russian President Vladimir Putin.
President Putin expressed his willingness to provide humanitarian support in order for recovery from the damages.
General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong-un, allegedly responded that >"If aid is necessary in the course, he would ask for it to the truest friends in Moscow."

> 金氏は「最も困難なときに、真の友人への特別な気持ちを十分に感じることができた」とし、プーチン氏に重ねて謝意を示した。
> 北朝鮮メディアは4日、金第峰駐タイ大使が離任することも伝えた。

Kim Jong-un once again showed his will of appreciation to Putin that >'he "could deeply feel the special emotion towards a genuine friend in the most difficult period".'
On Aug. 4, mass media in N. Korea also reported that N. Korean ambassador to Thailand Kim Je-bong will leave the post.

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