Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 23:54:34 | Daily IWJ News


↓、いつも通り、"元気一杯"のご様子で、ならば "映画"産業も安泰でしょう(多分!?);
Ref.>"【韓国】教授が抗議メール パリ五輪がテコンドーを柔道と表記"

↓、"劣等民族"(* "チョッパリ")が、"世界最高民族"(* "朝鮮人")を "永遠のライバル"とは、"身の程"知らずでしょう;

↓、これについても、"泥棒"し易い場所に ""を配置し "歓待"せねばならないと、肝に銘じて、、、(多分!?);
Ref.>"朝鮮通信使船、下関へ航行 韓国「260年ぶり」"

>"【韓国】朝鮮通信使船、260年ぶりに日本へ 釜山を出発"

>"Translation; A ship of the Joseon mission to Japan will make a port call in Japan for the 1st time in 260 years / Busan"


↓、流石に "宗主国"(* "中華帝国")と "万年属国"(* "朝鮮")は、息が "ピッタリ"でしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; "Unacceptable loss of lives" = Kim Jong-un dismissed a cabinet minister over poor initial responses to a flood in N. Korea"

↓、次にこれ、"日本"選手の活躍を、もっと "素直"に喜べないのでしょうか、、、(溜息);


↓、"フランス"人は現在、"誇らしく & 嬉しく"感じているでしょう(多分!?):


↓、"日本人"である事は、本当に "恥ずかしく & 悲しい"でしょう(多分!?):

>"パリ五輪の選手村で日本の7人制ラグビー選手が窃盗被害 結婚指輪などを盗まれる… 部屋に侵入した形跡は無し"


↓、"中国"(* に限らず
)のどこが "平和を愛する諸国民"なのでしょう!?
Ref.>"Translation; "We condemn this in the strong wording" = China concluded involvement of China in a cyber attack against a governmental institution and even lodged a protest to Chinese ambassador"


>"崔碩栄の X(on '24. 7/31)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/31)"

>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/31)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/31)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/31)"


>"イスラム組織 ハマス最高指導者・ハニヤ氏、イスラエルの空爆で殺害される…"


>"Medal Bonanza at Games: Hard Work, Mental Strength Lead to Come-from-behind Wins"

>"Simone Biles and Team USA Reclaim Gold Medal in Artistic Gymnastics"

>"Judoka Takanori Nagase Repeats as an Olympic Champion"

>"Olympic Roundup: Japan Powers Past Argentina to Pick up 1st Win in Men's Volleyball Tourney"

>"[ODDS and EVENS] Japan Plays a Gutsy Basketball Game Against France That Showed Team's Growth"

>"BOJ Raises Interest Rate to 0.25%, Signaling Confidence in Economy"

>"Videos of Deer Abuse in Nara Emerge on Social Media, Sparking Outrage"

>"EDITORIAL | Artemis Lunar Program to Herald Not Just Japan's Astronauts"



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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 23:03:20 | Translation



>"イスラム組織 ハマス最高指導者・ハニヤ氏、イスラエルの空爆で殺害される…"


> 高市早苗氏が「保守団結」会食

Translation of X (* tweet) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/31)


> 中国を "最大の戦略的挑戦"と位置づけた日米 2+2に激怒の中国外交部。
> 在中国日本大使館の横地晃次席を呼んで「日本が中国の内政について四の五の言い、一部の国とつるんでグループを作って対抗する事をやめるよう促す。全くでたらめな理屈だ」と厳重抗議。
> は?
> 覇権主義による好き勝手放題は誰?
> 世界に喧嘩を売って勝てると思っているのか

The Chinese Foreign Ministry, which is furious at the U.S.-Japan 2+2 meeting, which positioned China as the "biggest strategic challenge."
It summoned chief minister of the embassy of Japan in China Yokochi Akira and lodged a stern protest, saying that "We urge Japan to stop whining about China's domestic affairs and forming groups with certain countries to confront with China. This is completely absurd logic."
Who is doing whatever they want with their hegemonic tendencies?
Does it think they can win by picking a fight with the world?

>"中国外務省、日本側に厳重抗議 日米 2+2に不満「でたらめな理屈」"


> 国際ボクシング協会の DNA検査で性別適格性検査 "不合格"だったイマネ・ケリフ選手が五輪女子ボクシングに登場。
> 試合を見れば女性選手の "命の問題"である事が分る。
> きっと犠牲者が出るまで続けるのだろう。
> 女性アスリートの努力を踏み躙り、これほどの人権侵害が罷り通る不条理。
> ポリコレは遂に命の敵になった

Imane Khelif, a boxer who "failed" the gender eligibility test of a DNA test conducted by the International Boxing Association (IBA), appeared in women's boxing at the Paris Olympics.
If you watch the match, you can see that this is a "issue of life" for female boxers.
They will probably continue that until there is a casualty.
It is absurd to trample on the efforts of female athletes and such degree of violation of human rights is done without hesitation.
Political correctness has finally become the enemy of life.



> 夕刊フジが高市早苗経済安保相の動きの活発化を報道。
>"政界屈指の保守派" "女性初の宰相"候補として保守系「保守団結の会」の議員らと会食した事をレポート。
> 彼の国の "力による現状変更"が日本に迫る中、媚中政治家の政権たらい回しでは「日本の存続が不可能」である事に自民議員には早く気づいてほしい

The Evening Newspaper Fuji reported on activation of movements by Sanae Takaichi, Minister of Economic Security.
It reported that, as "one of the leading conservatives in the political circle" & as a candidate to become "the 1st female prime minister," she dined with members of the "conservative unity association" (correct name in English is unknown).
As that country's "change of the status quo by force" is inminent for Japan, I hope that the LDP lawmakers will realize instantly that "Japan can't survive" by administrative rotation among pro-China politicians.


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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 22:05:36 | Translation

Ref.>"【速報】1ドル=149円台まで円高進行 4ヶ月ぶり水準 日銀・植田総裁発言で"

>"日本維新の会・藤巻健史「為替介入でも『超円安』は止まらない」「1ドル= 500円超え、あるいはそれ以上の円安まで考えられる」⇒ 1ドル=152円台に円高進む ⇒ ネットの反応「藤巻、500円とは言わない、俺の持ってるドル 300円で買ってくれ」"

>【解説】日銀・追加利上げを決定 政治の影響は? 次の利上げはいつ・どこまで?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 7/31)


> 今利上げ開始は早すぎる。
> 前回もそうだが、なぜ実質賃金の上昇を確認しないのか。
> 日本経済の完全復活には可処分所得の拡大による個人消費の上昇が必要。
> その前に拙速に利上げすべきではない。

At present, it's too early to start raising interest rates.
As the same in the previous time, why doesn't (* Bank of Japan) confirm real wages increases?
In order for the complete recovery of the the Japanese economy, increase in personal consumption via an expansion of disposable incomes is necessary.
Interest rates should not be raised hastily before that happens.


>"日銀が追加利上げ検討、0.25%に 量的引き締めも決定へ"


> 杉田水脈議員と情報交換しました。
I exchanged information with LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP).

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翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 21:13:24 | Translation

Ref.>"Olympic Roundup: Fencer Misaki Emura Suffers a Shock Loss in the 2nd Round"


>"パリ五輪の選手村で日本の7人制ラグビー選手が窃盗被害 結婚指輪などを盗まれる… 部屋に侵入した形跡は無し"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 7/31)


> 馬術団体で日本が銅メダルを獲得、硫黄島で戦死した西竹一中佐(死後大佐)に少し脚光が浴びたのは嬉しい。
> 男爵の爵位がありロス五輪の馬術障害で金メダル、「バロン西」と米国でも敬意を集めていた。
> クリント・イーストウッドの 2006年作品「硫黄島からの手紙」にも登場する。

Japan won the bronze medal in the "equestrian team." I'm glad that, as the result, Lt. Colonel Takeichi Nishi (posthumously colonel), who died in battle at Iwo Jima, got some attention.
He was a baron, won a gold medal in the "equestrian jumping" event at the Los Angeles Olympics (* 1932), and was respected even in the U.S. as "Baron Nishi."
He also appears in Clint Eastwood's film "Letters from Iwo Jima" (2006).

>"Letters from Iwo Jima : the U.S. Vet wants to return letters"


> 当たり前なのに、世界中から〈常識〉が失われ、不気味な同調圧力と不可視な強権による情報統制と言論弾圧が進行中だと気づく人が少ないなら、本当に恐ろしい。
> TVやメディアで「トランプは分断を進める」とか「仏の国民連合や独のAFDは極右で危険」という前提で発言する者がいたら絶対に信用してはダメ

Even though it's only natural, it's really frightening that if so few persons realize that common sense is being lost all over the world and that information-control and speech-suppression have been progressed by an eerie pressure to conform and an invisible power.
When you see persons in TV programs or in mass media, who remark based on the premise that "Trump is promoting division" and/or "Rassemblement National (French) and AFD (Germany) are radical-right and dangerous," you should never trust them.


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翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 20:12:45 | Translation

Ref.>"あおちゃんぺさん「1番前でドヤ顔してるこいつは何なんだよ www」"


>"またも世紀の大誤審!勝利目前残り10秒の河村ファウルに不満爆発 女性審判に批判殺到:バスケ(動画)"

>"永山選手銅メダルも笑顔なし「待てが聞こえた」/因縁の仏 篠原ードゥイエ戦を彷彿させる世紀の大誤審に怒りの嵐"


> JUDO/Tsunoda Natsumi巴投げ集

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 7/31)


> 判定トラブルがなかった綺麗な一本。
>(2004年2月韓国 国会議事堂アリーナ🧐)

A wonderful winning by ippon with no judging troubles.
(Feb. 2004, at the national assembly Arena, in S. Korea🧐)

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