Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;北朝鮮、洪水の初動不備で閣僚を更迭 金正恩氏「容認できない人命被害出た」

2024-08-01 07:17:50 | Translation





> Gov't approves motion to establish Strategic Command to deter N. Korea threats

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Unacceptable loss of lives" = Kim Jong-un dismissed a cabinet minister over poor initial responses to a flood in N. Korea

>"北朝鮮、洪水の初動不備で閣僚を更迭 金正恩氏「容認できない人命被害出た」"

> 北朝鮮メディアは 31日、同国北部で記録的豪雨による洪水が発生したことを受け、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が 29、30両日に被災地の新義州で党幹部らを集めた政治局緊急拡大会議を開いたと伝えた。
> 金氏は初動の不備で「容認できない人命被害まで出た」と明らかにし、李太燮社会安全相を更迭した。

On July 31, mass media in N. Korea reported that, in response to the flooding caused by record-breaking rains in the northern part of the country, General Secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong-un, held a politburo emergency enlarged meeting in which party executives were gathered in the disaster-stricken area of ​​Sinuiju City (* North Phyongan Province) on July 29 and 30.
Kim Jong-un revealed that, due to the poor initial responses, "unacceptable loss of lives occurred" and dismissed Minister of Public Security Ri Thae-sop.

> 人命被害の規模は不明だが、27日に新義州と周辺地域で一時孤立した約5千人の救助に軍が動員されている。
> この地域では約 4100世帯が被災し、鉄道や広大な農耕地が浸水した。
> 食糧自給にも影響しそうだ。
> 28日には軍のヘリコプターが北部両江道で約150人を救助した。
> 25~29日に例年の1カ月分以上の雨が降って鴨緑江が氾濫したといい、救援物資の搬送や被害復旧を急いでいる。
> 金氏は会議に先立ち、民家の屋根まで浸水した被災地をボートで視察。
> 特別列車内で開かれた会議では、初期対応が十分なら被害は最小化できたと指摘した。

The extent of the loss of lives is unclear, but on July 27, the KPA was mobilized to rescue about 5,000 persons who were temporarily stranded in Sinuiju City and the surrounding areas.
In this region, about 4,100 households were affected, and railways and vast areas of farmland were flooded.
Food self-sufficiency is also likely to be affected.
On July 28, military helicopter(s) rescued about 150 persons in the northern part of Ryanggang Province.
The Yalu River allegedly have flooded as more than a month's worth of rain fell between July 25 and 29. Transportating relief supplies and carrying out damage restoration work is done in a hurry.
In prior to the meeting, Kim Jong-un inspected by a boat the disaster-striken area, where water had risen to the roofs of private houses.
At the meeting, which was held in a special train, he pointed out that the damage could have been minimized, if the initial responses had been adequate.

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