Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/31)

2024-07-31 19:41:32 | Translation

Ref.>"不倫に詐欺容疑の広瀬めぐみ議員… ひろゆき氏「上級国民なので、逮捕はされません」"

> 青山繁晴議員と高市早苗大臣…総裁選で票を食い合う可能性?保守票は集約すべき?/朝日新聞・笹山大志記者がまた高市潰し記事/杉田水脈議員がアンチを一撃論破/石破氏「選択的夫婦別姓やらない理由が分からない」

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/31)


> 月曜日に上京し、日本会議豊島練馬支部7月定例会に出席。
> 昨日の朝から安全保障委員会 → 政調、国防部会・外交部会・安全保障調査会・外交調査会 合同会議 → 事務所に戻って陳情、要望を受けて、→ 海事産業の未来を共創する全国市区町村長の会 →(続く)

I went to Tokyo on Monday and attended the July regular meeting of the Toshima-Nerima branch of the Japan Conference.
From yesterday morning, I attended a security committee meeting → joint meeting of the "Policy Research Council," "National Defense Division," "Foreign Affairs Division," "Research Commission on Security" and "Research Commission on Foreign Affairs" → returned to the office and received petitions and requests, → attended the association of mayors of Japan to co-create the future of the maritime industry (correct name in English is unknown) → (to be continued)

> まるで国会会期中のようなスケジュールでした。
> 委員会や部会の中で、既に報道されている内容であっても、省庁からは「調査中の為、答弁は控えさせていただきます」としか返ってこないことに、非常に疑問を感じています。

(to continue) joint meeting of the "Foreign Affairs Division," "Research Commission on Foreign Affairs" and "Special Mission Committee on Territories."
It was a schedule that almost seemed like it was during a Diet session.
I found it extremely puzzling that even when the contents of committees and subcommittees were already reported, the only response from governmental ministries and agencies was "We will refrain from commenting on that, as the matter is under investigation."

> 残念❗️
> そもそもこの発言は平成 26年10月 31日の本会議のもの。
> 所属していた次世代の党の代表質問。
> 個人の見解ではなく、党を代表した意見です。
> 発言した当時はほとんど話題になりませんでした。
> 何故か政務官時に野党が問題視しましたが、きちんと説明しています。
> 辞任の原因ではありません。
> 因みに "半道徳"ではなく "反道徳"ですし、"更迭"ではなく "辞任"です。

What a shame❗️
First of all, this remark was made at a plenary Diet session on October 31, 2014.
It was a representative question of the Party for Future Generations, to which I belonged.
It was not a personal opinion, but an opinion representing the party.
When I remarked that, it was hardly talked.
For some reason, the opposition parties took issue with it when I was a Parliamentary Vice-Minister, and I explained that properly.
It is not the reason for my resignation.
Btw, it's "anti-moral" not "semi-moral," and it's "resignation" not "replacement."


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翻訳;台湾総統「中国は世界の脅威」 対中議連の国際会議で訴え

2024-07-31 07:13:31 | Translation

Ref.>"Nippon Steel to End Joint Venture with China's Baoshan"

> China pressures IPAC lawmakers to not attend Taipei summit: AP|Taiwan News

Translation; "China is a threat to the world" = Taiwanese President (William) Lai Ching-te appealed so at an international conference of the IPAC

>"台湾総統「中国は世界の脅威」 対中議連の国際会議で訴え"

> 日本を含む民主主義国の議員で構成する「対中政策に関する列国議会連盟(IPAC)」の国際会議が 30日、台北で開かれた。
> 台湾の頼清徳総統は「どの国に対する中国の脅威も、世界に対する脅威そのものだ」と述べ、民主主義陣営の結束で対抗すべきだと主張した。

An international conference of "Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China" (IPAC), constitute of lawmakers of democratic countries including Japan, was held in Taipei on July 30.
Taiwanese President (William) Lai Ching-te said that "A Chinese threat to any country is a threat to the world," and argued to confront with it via unity of the democratic camp.

> 会議には 20ヵ国以上から 50人近い議員や政界関係者が参加。
> 台湾当局は国際的な議員団の訪台としては最大規模としている。
> 中国外務省の林剣副報道局長は 30日の記者会見で「台湾は中国の不可分の領土だ。中国と国交のある国と台湾の当局間往来に断固反対する。外部勢力の内政干渉は認めない」と反発した。

Nearly 50 lawmakers and persons in political circles from more than 20 countries participated in the conference.
Taiwan authorities explained that it was the largest scale as an international delegation to visit Taiwan.
At a press briefing on July 30, Deputy Director General of the Department of Press, Communication and Public Diplomacy Lin Jian (* spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry) showed displeasure, saying that "Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. We firmly oppose any exchanges between the authorities of Taiwan and countries that have diplomatic relations with China. We will not tolerate interference in our internal affairs by external forces."

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翻訳;中国の対露支援「大きな摩擦を生む」 訪中のメローニ伊首相、和平に行動要請

2024-07-31 06:45:34 | Translation


>"In the Quad, India and Japan Consolidate Their Relationship"

>"'2+2' Security Talks: Is Japan Almost Cured of its Nuclear Allergy?"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Economic support to Russia by China "causes great friction" = Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, who is visiting China, requested to take an action in order for peace

>"中国の対露支援「大きな摩擦を生む」 訪中のメローニ伊首相、和平に行動要請"

> イタリアのメローニ首相は 30日、訪問先の北京で記者団の取材に応じ、ウクライナ侵攻を巡り、中国によるロシアへの経済支援が「大きな摩擦を生む」と懸念を表明した。
> 29日の習近平国家主席との会談でもウクライナ侵攻が議題になったとし、和平実現に向けて行動するよう求めた。
> イタリアメディアが報じた。

On July 30, Italian PM Giorgia Meloni was convered by reporters in Beijing, to where she was visiting. Over the Invasion of Ukuraine, she expressed concern that economic support to Russia by China "causes great friction."
She explained that the invasion of Ukraine was talked at the meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on July 29, and she requested him to take an action in order to achieve peace.
Mass media in Italy reported so.

> メローニ氏は 27~ 31日の日程で中国を訪問。
> イタリアは先進7カ国(G7)で唯一参画していた中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」から離脱した。

PM Meloni is visiting China on the schedule from the 27th to the 31st.
After saying that "there is no benefit in supporting Russian industry," she pointed out that "China can play an important role" in order for ending the battle.
Italy withdrew from China's giant economic zone initiative, "One Belt, One Road Initiative" (OBOR), in which Italy was the only one country of the G7 to participate.
Meloni said that she "wants to rebuild the relations," and emphasized that the new action plan agreed with China during her visit to China would be an "alternative measure" to the Belt and Road Initiative.

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