Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-12 05:19:27 | Translation

Ref.>"Joint Statement Delivered by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield on the Human Rights Situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"

> DPR Korea: Joint statement on human rights delivered by USA - Security Council Media Stakeout

Translation;A joint statement of 31 countries to accuse N. Korea -- the U.N. Security Council talked human rights situation in N. Korea


> 国連安全保障理事会は9日、北朝鮮の人権状況について非公開で討議した。
> 会合前、米国のトーマスグリーンフィールド国連大使は 31ヵ国の共同声明を読み上げ、北朝鮮が基本的人権を抑圧して市民の困窮を顧みずに「兵器開発に注力している」と非難し、日本人と韓国人の拉致問題解決を強く求めた。

On Dec. 9, the U.N. Security Council held a closed-door talks on the human rights situation in N. Korea.
Prior to the meeting, U.S. ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield to the U.N. read out a joint statement from 31 countries. She accused N. Korea of stifling basic human rights and "focusing on weapons development" at the expense of the plight of its citizens, and urged settlement of the abduction issue of Japanese and S. Koreans.

> 昨年も日米欧の7カ国が共同声明を発表したが、今年は欧州の参加国が大幅に増え、韓国とウクライナも加わった。
> 日本の石兼公博国連大使は記者団に「拉致問題の解決には国際社会の理解が必要だ」として、参加国増加の意義を強調した。

Last year too, seven countries from Japan, the U.S., and European countries issued a joint statement. This year, the number of participant European countries increased significantly, and S. Korea and Ukraine joined too.
Japanese ambassador Ishikane Kimihiro to the U.N said to reporters that "Understanding of the international community is necessary for settlement of the abduction issue" and emphasized the meaning of the increase of the participant countries.

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2022-12-12 04:44:14 | Translation

Ref.>"尖閣周辺に中国船1隻 38日連続"

>【LIVE】1211 日本眾議員萩生田光一出席「台日關係永續論壇」開幕式|民視快新聞|

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation;"Unacceptable to change the status quo," chairperson of the LDP Policy Research Council, Koichi Hagiuda, lectured in Taiwan


> 台湾を訪問している自民党の萩生田光一政調会長は11日、台北市内で開かれた「持続可能な日台関係構築フォーラム」で講演し、中国が緊張を高める台湾海峡について「力による現状変更の試みは、決して容認できない」と述べた。
On Dec. 11, chairperson of the LDP Policy Research Council, Koichi Hagiuda, who is visiting Taiwan, gave a lecture at "the Japan Taiwan Relationship Sustainability Forum" held in Taipei. He said that "An Attempt to change the status quo by force is absolutely unacceptable" about the Taiwan Strait where China has raising strain.

> 中国軍機による台湾空域への侵入が急増し、8月4日には中国が台湾周辺に8発の弾道ミサイルを発射したことを挙げ「軍事的な緊張を高めるような行動は差し控えるべきだ」と批判した。
> 弾道ミサイルのうち5発が日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)に撃ち込まれたなどとして「台湾有事は、日本有事であり、日米同盟の有事であるという安倍晋三元首相の言葉の正しさを、中国自身が行動によって証明した」と語った。

He commented on that China's military aircraft intrusion into Taiwan's airspace has increased sharply, and on Aug. 4, China launched eight ballistic missiles onto around Taiwan, and criticized that "(China) should refrain from any actions that could raise military tensions."
He explained that five of the ballistic missiles were fired onto Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and stated that "China in itself has proved the truth of former PM Shinzo Abe's words by its behavior that a contingency in Taiwan is a contingency for Japan and the U.S.-Japan alliance."

> 安倍氏が唱えた自由で開かれたインド太平洋に関し「50年、100年先の子孫まで引き継いでいくために、日本、台湾、米国はこれからも堅く手を携えていく。わが国は強いリーダーシップを果たしていく」と強調した。
Concerning the "FOIP" advocated by Abe, he emphasized that "Japan, Taiwan, and the U.S. will continuuously work hand-in-hand so that we can pass this legacy on to our descendants 50 or 100 years from now on. Japan will exercise strong leadership."

> 防衛費の国内総生産(GDP)比2%以上の確保を念頭に入れた防衛力の抜本的強化について「必要な防衛力は5年以内と言わず、直ちに整備しなければならない。可能な限り前倒しで実現を目指す」と強調した。
> 財源については「歳出改革のほか、国債償還 60年ルールを見直して、償還費をまわすことも検討に値する」としたほか、令和9年度以降のこととして「税の在り方についても党で議論が始まった」と述べた。

Concerning the drastic upgrade of defense capabilities, while taking to secure defense spending of 2% or more of gross domestic product (GDP) in mind, he emphasized that "Necessary defense capability must be developed immediately, not within five years. We will attempt to achieve it ASAP."
Concerning financial resources, he said that "In addition to expenditure reform, it's worth to consider reviewing the 60-year rule for redemption of government bonds and passing redemption costs," and "Discussions have also kicked off within the party on how taxes should be."

> 前経済産業相である萩生田氏は、経済的な連携についても言及した。
> 半導体分野でのサプライチェーン(供給網)強化やイノベーション創出に向け「台湾との協力関係を一層強化していきたい」と呼び掛けた。
> 台湾が加入を目指す環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(TPP)に関し「台湾の参加を支持している」と表明した。

Hagiuda, the former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, commented on economic cooperation too.
He called for that "I would like to further strengthen our cooperative relationship with Taiwan" in order to strengthen the supply chain and create innovation in the semiconductor field.
He said that he "supports Taiwan's participation" in the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP), which Taiwan seeks to join.

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翻訳:佐藤氏「順番が違う」 防衛増税方針に苦言

2022-12-12 01:55:33 | Translation


>"【New Face】サンモニ・みたらし加奈さん「防衛費を上げるのは恐ろしい判断だ」"

>"岸田首相、防衛増税 年内決定「強い決意を持って臨んでいく」 開始時期は柔軟対応"


>"共産・山添氏「大軍拡と一体に、他国への攻撃を可能にし、国内では世論操作、おそろしい国をつくろうというのか」→ 新田哲史氏「あなたバ◯ですね…」"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation;"The order is wrong" = LH lawmaker Masahisa Sato (LDP) complained about the tax increase policy to secure defense budget

>"佐藤氏「順番が違う」 防衛増税方針に苦言"

> 自民党の佐藤正久元外務副大臣は11日のフジテレビ番組で、防衛費増額に伴う財源確保策を巡り、岸田文雄首相が打ち出した増税方針に苦言を呈した。
> 自民党内にも反発する声が多いと指摘した。

Former vice Foreign Minister Masahisa Sato (LDP) made a complaint in a TV program of Fuji Television on Dec. 11 about the tax increase policy announced by PM Fumio Kishida regarding measures to secure financial resources accompanying the increase in defense spending.
He said that "The order is wrong to voice to raise taxes before explaining the content of defense capabilities."
He pointed out that even within the LDP, there are many voices objection.

> 増税方針について「円安、物価高の中で企業に賃上げをお願いしている時に法人税増税との話が出てしまったら、賃上げムードも設備投資ムードも消える」と語った。
Regarding the tax hike policy, he said that "When we have requested companies to raise wages amid the cheaper yen and prices hiking, if the idea of raising the corporate tax emerges, the mood for raising wages and the mood for capital investment will disappear."

> 防衛力強化に関し「防衛のやり方が大きく変わる」と説明。
> 日米外務・防衛担当閣僚による安全保障協議委員会(2プラス2)で日米防衛協力指針(ガイドライン)改定を議論すべきだとの考えを示した。

Regarding the upgrade of the defense capabilities, he explained that "The way of defense will change greatly."
He indicated that, at U.S.-Japan foreign and defense ministerial meeting ("2+2"), it should be discussed to revise of the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation.

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2022-12-12 01:09:30 | Translation



> 韓国・梨泰院雑踏事故 遺族らが協議会を発足(2022年12月11日)

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation;The press briefing to announce the founding of the Itaewon disaster bereaved families council


> ソウル市中区の「CONFERENCE HOUSE DALGAEBI」で10日、梨泰院惨事遺族協議会の創立宣言記者会見が開かれ、遺族らが発言をしているところ。
On Dec. 10, a press conference was held at "CONFERENCE HOUSE DALGAEBI" in Jung District, Seoul to announce the founding of the Itaewon disaster bereaved families council (correct name in English is unknown). Following photos show that the families members are speakiong out.

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