Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('22. 12/14)

2022-12-14 23:55:01 | Daily IWJ News

Ref.>"【( ゚д゚)ポカーン】韓国「日本は論理的に語るな。われわれが傷つく」"


Ref.>"Translation; A supporter visiting S. Korea required MHI to apologize in a lawsuit filed by former girls volunteer labor corps"

"韓国/朝鮮人"の、やる事為す事、不快で不快で堪らない、、、しかしながら、"煽り焚き付け"ているのは、"日本人"(* "反日左翼")です。
と言うより、歴史問題の多くは、そもそもが "made in Japan"です。

↓、"軍艦島"についても、"ネタ"を捏造/提供し、かつその "訂正"を拒んでいるのは、"NHK"です;
Ref.>"【韓国】「朝鮮人差別はなかった」 …日本の「軍艦島報告書」に韓国政府が遺憾を表明"

>"Translation; Former Battleship Island islanders requested the JDI deliberation at the Diet over the NHK footage"

>'Translation; "Medis in S. Korea has used it in the propaganda," LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) commented on the NHK report over Battleship Island'

↓、"NHK"、、、どこが "日本の公共放送"なのでしょうか!?

"特亜"、特には "韓国/朝鮮人"は、気持ちとして不愉快ではあっても、"主敵"であるかは、また別の問題です。
日本国内の "反日日本人"(* "左翼")こそが、"本当の敵"であると、その点を失念してはなりません。

Ref.>"「2022-2023日本カー・オブ・ザ・イヤー」で最高得点(輸入車)を獲得したヒョンデ、試乗した人全員に T-POINT1000ポイントプレゼントキャンペーン実施!"

↓、これについては、まずは "実物"の登場を待って、判断はそれからでしょう;
Ref.>"ホンダ「中国製オデッセイ」来年度に販売へ → 月刊Hanada編集部「絶対買いません!!」"

↓、まさかとは思いますが、、、例えば "T-POINT"とか、何かプレゼントされましたか!?
Ref.>'Translation; "Problems should be settled via lawmakers-exchanges," Komei Party Head Natsuo Yamaguchi showed his will to visit S. Korea within this year'

↓、次にこれ、他の "財源"ではダメなのかを、まずは "考察/検討"すべきでしょう;

↓、"言うは易し"の典型です、そして "責任ある立場"にない輩ほど "声が大きい"の典型です;
Ref.>"港区女子、岸田首相は「とにかく なんにもしてないカンジ。でも税だけ上げてるカンジ。『検討使』とか 呼ばれてるらしいのに…」"


↓、自民党内の "意見対立"について;
Ref.>"防衛増税に反対する自民議員が会合 「内閣不信任案に値する」との声も"

>"防衛財源、法人税5%上乗せ検討 復興所得税は10年以上延長、たばこ税も増税"


↓、"ヤラセ/出来レース"の可能性が指摘されています(* ただし "根拠/証拠"は示されていません);
Ref.>'Translation; "It also seems to be a processing of finally giving in," lawyer Hideki Yashiro commented so on the LDP intra-party conflict over defense budget increase'


↓、その代わり、国民の関心が "国家安全保障"に向かえば、自民党にとり、余計に "好都合"です;
Ref.>"Translation; One Chinese PLA naval intelligence-gathering ship sailed southward along the Nansei Islands, and missile destroyers were also confirmed"


Ref.>"【太陽光】都議会自民党「なぜ義務化?」「人権問題は?」「都民の理解は?」→ 小池都知事「・・・」"

↓、これも、"都政"の問題であり、小池都知事には "説明責任"があるはずです;




>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)のツイート(on '22. 12/14)"

>"田村淳さん「温厚なビーガンの人は 強行的に出るビーガンの事を どう感じているんだろうか?」"



>"Create better environment for gig workers"

>"Issue goes beyond delusions of conspiracy theorists"

>"North Korea Awards ICBM Launch Pad for Being a 'Hero'"

>"EDITORIAL | Criticizing Japan's Planned ¥4.3 Trillion Defense Spending is Ignorant"

>"A Look at the Tokyo Museum just for Bizarre Japanese-to-English Mistranslations"

>"Used Cooking Oil: Major Players in Japan Compete with Foreign Companies for Supply"

>"Tactical Nuclear Weapons Play by North Korea and Pakistan Endangers Security Far Beyond the Region "

> 秋葉原駅前 街宣【日の丸街宣倶楽部】(2020/12/06)

>[ツイキャス] ③安倍晋三氏を偲び大和西大寺駅 (2022.12.08)


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2022-12-14 20:45:00 | Translation

Ref.>"徴用被害者への「人権賞」見送りに抗議 日本の市民団体が韓国で会見"

>"【( ゚д゚)ポカーン】韓国「日本は論理的に語るな。われわれが傷つく」"



Translation; A supporter visiting S. Korea required MHI to apologize in a lawsuit filed by former girls volunteer labor Corps


> 韓国最高裁が三菱重工業に元朝鮮女子勤労挺身隊員への賠償を命じた裁判で、原告らを支援する「名古屋三菱・朝鮮女子勤労挺身隊訴訟を支援する会」の共同代表高橋信さん(80)が13日、韓国南西部光州市で記者会見した。
> 解決を模索する日韓両政府の協議に注目が集まる中、「あくまでも当事者は三菱だ」と訴え、早期の謝罪と和解を求めた。
> 同市の原告梁錦徳さん(92)も同席した。

Makoto Takahashi -- joint representative of "association to support lawsuit filed by former Korean girls volunteer labor corps against Mitsubishi in Nagoya" (correct name in English is unknown) supporting the plaintiff and so on in a lawsuit in which the Supreme Court of Korea ordered Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to pay conpensation to members of former Korean girls volunteer labor corps, whi is visiting S. Korea -- held a press briefing on Dec. 13 in Gwangju City in southwestern S. Korea.
While attention is focused on talks between the Japanese- and S. Korean governments seeking a solution, he asserted that "Mitsubishi is ultimately the party-concerned" and required urgent apology and reconciliation.
Yang Geum-deok (92), a plaintiff who lives in the City, attended it too.

> 新型コロナウイルス禍を経て約3年ぶりの訪韓という高橋さんは、三菱重工に対し「日韓のやりとりを傍観者として眺めているように思えてならない。被告企業抜きの解決はあり得ない」と述べた。
Takahashi -- who visited S. Korea for the 1st time for around three years, after the COVID-19 peril -- said that "I can't help but feel like it watches the exchange between Japan and South Korea as a bystander (* Indeed, MHI isn't a concerned party, but a 3rd party. Because, the issue is fully covered by the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty (1965)). Any solution without the defendant company is impossible" to MHI.

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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)のツイート(on '22. 12/14)

2022-12-14 20:08:53 | Translation

Ref.>"防衛増税に反対する自民議員が会合 「内閣不信任案に値する」との声も"

>"防衛財源、法人税5%上乗せ検討 復興所得税は10年以上延長、たばこ税も増税"



> 岸田総理「原子力しっかり活用」自民、公明が脱炭素に向け申し入れ(2022年12月12日)

Translation of tweets by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '22. 12/14)


> 月曜日は朝一番の飛行機で上京。
> 党本部で行われた第 77回全国戦没者遺族大会に参加した後、首相官邸へ。
> 脱炭素社会実現と国力維持・向上のための最新型原子力リプレース推進議員連盟で、岸田総理に決議書を提出いたしました。
> 岸田総理は、冒頭「エネルギー安全保障に原子力は欠かせない」と(続く)

On Monday, I took the first flight in the morning and went to Tokyo.
After attending the 77th National Assembly for Bereaved Families of the War Dead held at the party headquarters, I went to the Kantei (* the PM's official residence).
We submitted a resolution to PM Kishida as "lawmakers league to promote replacement by the state of the art nuclear power plants in order to realize decarbonized society and maintain and upgrade the national power" (correct name in English is unknown).
At the outset, Prime Minister Kishida said strongly that (to be continued)

> 中国の軍備の状況について詳しい解説を聞き、ミサイル、核のみでなく,宇宙、サイバー、電磁波等の分野についても早期に増強の必要があります。人材育成

(to continue) "nuclear power is indispensable for energy security."

In the evening, I attended a study session of the association of tradition and creation (correct name in English is unknown).
The military journalist Mas.Bonji Ohara gave a lecture titled "Has the concept of security changed?"
I heard a detailed explanation about the situation of China's armaments. Urgent upgrade is must in not only missiles & nuclear but also space, cyber, electromagnetic fields, etc. We will work hard, including human resource development.

(Following it the news report about that)


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翻訳:自民・杉田水脈氏 軍艦島めぐるNHK報道に言及「韓国メディアがプロパガンダに使っている」

2022-12-14 18:36:13 | Translation


> 安倍元総理からの応援メッセージ

Translation; "Medis in S. Korea has used it in the propaganda," LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) commented on the NHK report over Battleship Island

>"自民・杉田水脈氏 軍艦島めぐるNHK報道に言及「韓国メディアがプロパガンダに使っている」"

> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員(55)は13日、国会内で開かれた「>"日本の尊厳と国益を護る会"」(代表・青山繁晴氏)に出席した。
> 長崎市の端島炭坑(通称・軍艦島)を扱った昭和 30年11月17日に放送のNHK番組「緑なき島」の坑内映像の真意をめぐり、元島民らは「端島で撮影されたものではない」と訴えていた。

On Dec. 13, LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (55, LDP) attended the meeting of the Conference to Japan's Dignity and National Interest (JDI, headed by UH lawmaker Shigeharu Aoyama) in the Diet.
Over the footage showing in the tunnel in the NHK program (Greenless Island) broadcasted on Nov. 17, 1955, which treated Hashima coal mine (aka Battleship Island) in Nagasaki City, former islanders and so on have asserted that "it's not filmed on Hashima."

> NHKは調査結果をまとめ結果、元島民に「端島炭坑以外のものであるとの結論には至らなかった」と伝えたという。
> 元島民が約 70年前の映像を問題にしたのは、この NHK短編映像が韓国側の〝反日プロパガンダ〟に利用され、正当ではない理由で故郷を苦しい立場に追いつめているからだという。
> 自民党議員らは元島民の尊厳回復に至らなかった NHKの報告について、保守系議員を中心に追求を続けている。

After compiling the results of the investigation, NHK allegedly conveyed to the former islanders that "We didn't conclude that it was something other than tHashima coal mine."
The reason why the former islanders have problematized the footage about 70 years ago is allegedly that this NHK short-footage has been used in "anti-Japan propaganda" by the S. Korean side, has driven their hometown into a difficult position for unjustified reasons.
LDP lawmakers, especially conservative lawmakers, have continuously grilled the NHK's report, which failed to restore the dignity of the former islanders.

> 杉田氏は昨年2月 25日の衆院予算会で、NHKの報道のあり方について「緑なき島」捏造放送に関し、疑惑追及を行った。

At the LH budget committee on Feb. 25, 2021, LH lawmaker Sugita grilled NHK's way of report over the suspicion about the faked broadcasting of "Greenless Island."
Sugita -- who explained that "It's very problematic that media in S. Korea has used it in their propaganda. I questioned (NHK) why it became to be possible to use. However, the answer was [it's under investigation]" -- went on to say that

"If it's being used without permission (by media in S. Korea), I don't think it makes sense that the ones using it should pay the usage fee. When I asked (NHK) whether or not it charged usage fees (from the S. Korean side to NHK), it didn't reply. When I required (NHK) to make it stop to use it from now on, it didn't reply. Even in nowadays, the footage is circulated freely in S. Korea. I think it's outrageous."

> 同会では、この問題を再びクローズアップするために来年早々にも、現地視察を行う準備を進めている。
> LGBTへの差別的発言を糾弾されるなど、代議士としての資質を問われている杉田議員だが、この活動は信頼回復への一歩となるのか――。

The JDI prepares to make an on-site survey early next year at the earliest to bring this issue be highlighted.
LH lawmaker Sugita has been questioned her qualification as a lawmaker, such as being accused of discriminatory remarks (* not true) against LGBT, etc. Will this activity be one step toward regaining trust?


> 安倍元総理からの応援メッセージ

Translation; "Medis in S. Korea has used it in the propaganda," LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) commented on the NHK report over Battleship Island

>"自民・杉田水脈氏 軍艦島めぐるNHK報道に言及「韓国メディアがプロパガンダに使っている」"

> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員(55)は13日、国会内で開かれた「>"日本の尊厳と国益を護る会"」(代表・青山繁晴氏)に出席した。
> 長崎市の端島炭坑(通称・軍艦島)を扱った昭和 30年11月17日に放送のNHK番組「緑なき島」の坑内映像の真意をめぐり、元島民らは「端島で撮影されたものではない」と訴えていた。

On Dec. 13, LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (55, LDP) attended the meeting of the Conference to Japan's Dignity and National Interest (JDI, headed by UH lawmaker Shigeharu Aoyama) in the Diet.
Over the footage showing in the tunnel in the NHK program (Greenless Island) broadcasted on Nov. 17, 1955, which treated Hashima coal mine (aka Battleship Island) in Nagasaki City, former islanders and so on have asserted that "it's not filmed on Hashima."

> NHKは調査結果をまとめ結果、元島民に「端島炭坑以外のものであるとの結論には至らなかった」と伝えたという。
> 元島民が約 70年前の映像を問題にしたのは、この NHK短編映像が韓国側の〝反日プロパガンダ〟に利用され、正当ではない理由で故郷を苦しい立場に追いつめているからだという。
> 自民党議員らは元島民の尊厳回復に至らなかった NHKの報告について、保守系議員を中心に追求を続けている。

After compiling the results of the investigation, NHK allegedly conveyed to the former islanders that "We didn't conclude that it was something other than tHashima coal mine."
The reason why the former islanders have problematized the footage about 70 years ago is allegedly that this NHK short-footage has been used in "anti-Japan propaganda" by the S. Korean side, has driven their hometown into a difficult position for unjustified reasons.
LDP lawmakers, especially conservative lawmakers, have continuously grilled the NHK's report, which failed to restore the dignity of the former islanders.

> 杉田氏は昨年2月 25日の衆院予算会で、NHKの報道のあり方について「緑なき島」捏造放送に関し、疑惑追及を行った。

At the LH budget committee on Feb. 25, 2021, LH lawmaker Sugita grilled NHK's way of report over the suspicion about the faked broadcasting of "Greenless Island."
Sugita -- who explained that "It's very problematic that media in S. Korea has used it in their propaganda. I questioned (NHK) why it became to be possible to use. However, the answer was [it's under investigation]" -- went on to say that

"If it's being used without permission (by media in S. Korea), I don't think it makes sense that the ones using it should pay the usage fee. When I asked (NHK) whether or not it charged usage fees (from the S. Korean side to NHK), it didn't reply. When I required (NHK) to make it stop to use it from now on, it didn't reply. Even in nowadays, the footage is circulated freely in S. Korea. I think it's outrageous."

> 同会では、この問題を再びクローズアップするために来年早々にも、現地視察を行う準備を進めている。
> LGBTへの差別的発言を糾弾されるなど、代議士としての資質を問われている杉田議員だが、この活動は信頼回復への一歩となるのか――。

The JDI prepares to make an on-site survey early next year at the earliest to bring this issue be highlighted.
LH lawmaker Sugita has been questioned her qualification as a lawmaker, such as being accused of discriminatory remarks (* not true) against LGBT, etc. Will this activity be one step toward regaining trust?

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翻訳:ひろゆきに続き高須院長が辺野古座り込み ラサール石井「心の底から軽蔑する」

2022-12-14 05:48:19 | Translation

Ref.>"共産・志位氏、自民党に物申す「目指すは『貧国強兵』か? 力合わせて止めよう!」"

>"【話題】『ハングルと中国語に切り替わるせいで、電車の次の駅がすぐに分からない… ホントに何とかして欲しい』"

>"高須院長「誰もいないので座りこみしてあげたぜなう(パシャリ!!)」→ ラサール石井さんのツイートが酷すぎて炎上"


>"ひろゆきに続き高須院長が辺野古座り込み ラサール石井「心の底から軽蔑する」"
> タレントのラサール石井がツイッターを更新し、「高須クリニック」の高須克弥院長の行動を批判した。
> 高須院長は12日、沖縄の米軍普天間飛行場(宜野湾市)の名護市辺野古移設に対する反対派による、座り込み抗議の立て看板の前に座った写真をツイッターにアップ。

A comedian Lasarl Ishii newly tweeted and criticized the behavior by Director of "the Takasu Clinic," Katsuya Takasu.
On Dec. 12, Director Takasu posted a photo showing he sits down in front of the signboard of the sit-in protest by the opponents to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps. Air Station Futenma (Ginowan City) to Henoko in Nago City. He tweeted that "I'm sitting in because no one was there now."

> これに対してラサールは同日深夜、ツイッターにこの写真を貼り付けたうえで「>"心の底から軽蔑する。土砂と一緒に…"」と怒りをあらわにした。
> 辺野古移設に対する〝座り込み抗議〟に関しては、2ちゃんねる創設者で実業家のひろゆき氏が10月、立て看板と一緒に自身が写っている写真をアップし、「座り込み抗議が誰も居なかったので、0日にした方がよくない?」とツイートしたことで話題となっていた。

In response to that, late at night on that day, after attaching the photo on twitter, Lasarl Ishii expressed his anger, saying that "I despise him from the bottom of my heart. Together with the sand..."
When it comes to "sit-in protest" by the opponents to relocate Henoko, in October, Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki) -- a businessman, who is the founder of 2 channel -- posted a photo showing him with the signboard, and tweeted that "There are no persons (participating in sit-in protest), it therefore had better be corrected to zero?", and it became a hot topic.

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