「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

The Truth behind the experience of Liberation or No-Self, By Nick Roach, ニック・ローチによって - 03

2013-06-30 02:41:05 | 参考-話題 (opinion)
The Truth behind the experience of Liberation or No-Self, By Nick Roach, ニック・ローチによって - 03

 The Truth behind the experience of Liberation or No-Self, By Nick Roach, ニック・ローチによって - 01 英語
  2013-06-21 12:06:00 | 話題 (opinion)

 The Truth behind the experience of Liberation or No-Self, By Nick Roach, ニック・ローチによって - 02
  2013-06-21 12:15:56 | 話題 (opinion)


Self-Avoidance / Self-Denial


I wanted to touch on something here briefly: The teaching of there being 'Nobody Here!'.


I have to say that I cannot see how it is useful to deny the existence of the self in one's attempt to go beyond it (a point Bernadette Roberts also states repeatedly). It may only be my own path, but the realising of God (for want of a better term) was an important step in the journey. Taking the car analogy further, I do not see how can one hope to have the 'self' that is screaming in the backseat disappear until they have first realised that they are not it? (As I see it) Simply repeating 'There is nobody here!' is delusional, and may serve only to prolong the time spent in the hypothetical backseat. In fact, it could be said that it is the creature itself that has adopted the mantra, hoping in vain that if it repeats it enough, one day it will come true - it will disappear. And of course, one day it will be true, but only after it accepts that it does exist and begins to confront the situation with presence and intelligence. So, I suggest self-denial or self-avoidance should not to be confused with the experience of No-Self, and furthermore are probably not the best means by which to realise it.

As I teach it, the path is first to see, and then to realise, that you are not the self (the emotional monster). You are the space within and behind what you thought was you. Here you find the knowledge that everything comes from this space, and in this you are alone, but complete. Whatever 'you' are, this is all that is, this space that you call 'I'.

Eventually, when you have lived enough in this state, 'No-Self' will come looking for you. There is nowhere to hide. :o)

Thank you

2014年12月14日 08:15JST 以下の内容を追加をしました。

Self-Avoidance / Self-Denial


I wanted to touch on something here briefly: The teaching of there being 'Nobody Here!'.


I have to say that I cannot see how it is useful to deny the existence of the self in one's attempt to go beyond it (a point Bernadette Roberts also states repeatedly).


It may only be my own path, but the realising of God (for want of a better term) was an important step in the journey.

( それは私自身の道であるかもしれないだけであるけれども、神(よりよい用語の不足のための)の実現は、旅で重要なステップであった。)

Taking the car analogy further, I do not see how can one hope to have the 'self' that is screaming in the backseat disappear until they have first realised that they are not it?

私は、方法がそうすることができるのを見ません 。

(As I see it) Simply repeating 'There is nobody here!' is delusional, and may serve only to prolong the time spent in the hypothetical backseat.


In fact, it could be said that it is the creature itself that has adopted the mantra, hoping in vain that if it repeats it enough, one day it will come true - it will disappear.


And of course, one day it will be true, but only after it accepts that it does exist and begins to confront the situation with presence and intelligence.


So, I suggest self-denial or self-avoidance should not to be confused with the experience of No-Self, and furthermore are probably not the best means by which to realise it.

そう、私は禁欲または自己-回避を提案しますために無自己 (自己の無い状態) の経験で混同します、そして、さらに、それを理解するによって最高の手段ででなくおそらくあります。

As I teach it, the path is first to see, and then to realise, that you are not the self (the emotional monster).

それからあなたが、自己(感情的なモンスター:感情的な怪物)ではないこと (注記:無自己の状態:自己の無い状態) を、実現する。

You are the space within and behind what you thought was you.


Here you find the knowledge that everything comes from this space, and in this you are alone, but complete.


Whatever 'you' are, this is all that is, this space that you call 'I'.


Eventually, when you have lived enough in this state, 'No-Self' will come looking for you. There is nowhere to hide. :o)


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